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CNN's Sanchez Apologizes for Running Fake Limbaugh Quote

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Obviously u cant read or put together common words.... let me say it again. the label republican has changed very much. a republican 150 years ago is different from the rush limbaugh republican of today.... sry but ur wrong.... liberal progress is what changed this country for the better, otherwise we would still be burning witches and hanging black people....


What in my post would cause you to claim that I can't read or put together common words? Understand that repeating bullschit over and over does not legitimize it. What screen name will you use to answer me this time?

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Sanchez should be punished for running a fake story?


LOL mr kettle meet mr pot



Over HALF of Limburger's stories are fake. Even Rush admitted it last week. see the headlines


Rush Limbaugh: I love to "yank media's chain"

Rush Limbaugh: Critics can’t tell when I'm kidding


“My objective is to satisfy [my] audience so they come back the next day,” Limbaugh told TODAY national correspondent Jamie Gangel in a wide-ranging, three-hour interview, excerpts of which air on TODAY Monday and Tuesday.




And when people cling to a single political idology they will bite on anything Rush says be it fact or fiction.

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Sanchez should be punished for running a fake story?


LOL mr kettle meet mr pot



Over HALF of Limburger's stories are fake. Even Rush admitted it last week. see the headlines


Rush Limbaugh: I love to "yank media's chain"

Rush Limbaugh: Critics can’t tell when I'm kidding


“My objective is to satisfy [my] audience so they come back the next day,” Limbaugh told TODAY national correspondent Jamie Gangel in a wide-ranging, three-hour interview, excerpts of which air on TODAY Monday and Tuesday.




And when people cling to a single political idology they will bite on anything Rush says be it fact or fiction.


Unlike Sanchez, I don't think Limbaugh claims to be a reporter, merely a loud noise.

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Why isn't Rick Sanchez in jail?

He should be in there for Felony DUI or Manslaughter.

At a Dolphins game. he was drunk and hit someone in the lot with his car. The guy was paralyzed and died 8 months later from his injuries.


The reason why he's not in jail is because he was for years a favorite son down here in Miami. He hit the guy, left, went home then came to the scene an hour or so later and admitted to hitting the guy. Years before that he was asked to go downtown because of his affiliation with a Cuban drug dealer who built a Massion in Hialeah that was so astentatious that it would make Scarface blush. Again everything got brushed under the rug. I could go on and on, but I guess the end for him down here fianlly culminated with the Elian Gonzalez fiasco. You would turn on the nightly news and there would be Sanchez, not being a newscaster but sounding more like a spokesman for the Cuban National Association. He lost what credibility he still had with the Latin community because of that.


So am I surprised that he made up stuff about Rush? Not surprised that he made up stuff to sensationalize his reporting, (he's been doing that for years), but yeah I'm a little surprised that he made up stuff about Rush, unless Rush has been supporting lifting the sanctions against Cuba lately, Has he?

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How does "dude i'm getting a dellapelle" not get booted? How many rules do you need to break?


What rules is he breaking? The only one I see is crusading...and the only crusade he's apparently on is demonstrating his own stupidity.


I mean, you really have to appreciate a guy who can't express a single insipid thought without splitting it up and spreading it over three consecutive posts. :doh:

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What rules is he breaking? The only one I see is crusading...and the only crusade he's apparently on is demonstrating his own stupidity.


I mean, you really have to appreciate a guy who can't express a single insipid thought without splitting it up and spreading it over three consecutive posts. :doh:


That's what I mean. He's like a little child still awake while the adults are trying to discuss something that isn't about mickey mouse. Can't we send him up to his room? I get that it's just a big joke, and he's not doing much but filling up space, but he ruined what could've been a decent little debate. No one wanted to talk about anything because he plagued the crap out of the thread. It's hard to talk about the topic when the previous 5 posts were irrelevant youtube links.

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That's what I mean. He's like a little child still awake while the adults are trying to discuss something that isn't about mickey mouse. Can't we send him up to his room? I get that it's just a big joke, and he's not doing much but filling up space, but he ruined what could've been a decent little debate. No one wanted to talk about anything because he plagued the crap out of the thread. It's hard to talk about the topic when the previous 5 posts were irrelevant youtube links.


IMO the problem is Tom is right. All he is guilty of is crusade and in PPP...


It could have been a decent thread. On the other hand Tom could be guilty of covering for him as he (whoever he is) is his latest punching bag.

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You are going to disagree... BUT one still has to consider where the power lies and what is considered the main paradigm controlling matters. There can't be racism as we know it without having the controlling power.


Yes... You can call it a double standard. I consider it a one-way street and I find nothing wrong with it at this time. Of course things are changing with the election of a minority president.


Racism is linked to power in any way. That was a spin put on by Jesse Jackson to defer reality. White men have the least amount of protected rights by the gov't and so now does that mean only minorities and females are racist and sexist?


Racism is an overt prejudice against a race without basis for discrimination. I'm not a racist for refusing to vacation in Harlem because there is a basis for my act, and I would be the one without power in that situation. Of course they would be happy to see me and any acts they would do, even when they are the majority with power, wouldn't be racist. You are a moron.


I'm sorry, but the day is coming and now here where to be called a racist is almost a good thing. Notice I said ALMOST because it means you are willing to say things without political correctness according to reality, which is now a racist act, unless you are not white and then everything is on the table.



-Whites do better than blacks and hispanics on tests... typical answer for this "racism" is that whites make the tests (racist tests) So why do Asians do better than whites?

-Blacks have a higher percentage of professional basketball players, which is not racist based on fact, but say whites have a higher percentage of people paying their bills and it becomes racist all of a sudden.


Facts are racism is a label used to demonize people. If someone calls me a racist I don't even care anymore. Keep calling people racists idiots, you are doing exactly what I hoped would happen, namely, that the label is going to be worthless and long-term will hurt you when a real racist should be stopped.

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