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"The Bills will be this way until Wilson passes away"

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Can we, please, make it a new Board Policy that any thread started that wishes for the death of someone or quotes someone else wishing for the death of someone to be deleted immediately? Please.


Where has anyone posted in this thread that they "wished" anyone was dead?? :unsure:


The statement made was an opinion that a certain course of action would contine until a point in the future that is defined by someone's death. How is that offensive?



"I'll be going to my grandmother's house for dinner every Sunday until she passes away".

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This thread is about WISHING someone dead????? :unsure:


Because to me, it's about the reality of the Bills situation becoming clear to everybody that Ralph has decided to do little to nothing to actually produce a winner in decades, now, and has consistently held the bottom line up as the most important thing, proving that he has forever been a businessman first and a Bills Fan, well, not first. I wouldn't even put it as a close second, because his kids' future is placed higher than the Bills success, as well.


And that's fine, if your business is baked beans or car parts. Not if you are part of a professional sports world. And the other owners who have placed the success of their teams as far down the totem pole as Ralph has have teams that are equally atrocious to watch.


If this thread gets deleted it will only be because some people here are so afraid of going to Hell that they can't bring themselves to even mention someone's eventual passing as a possible positive in terms of their team's success, in that it would open the door for the change necessary to bring in people who want to WIN more than they want to leave a huge mansion for their kiddies.


It's called being a sports fanatic, and that should always be the main reason why someone buys a sports franchise. Allowing someone who has the success of the team as a lower priority than profit to buy into a professional league like the NFL is only spelling the end of sports as we know it.

I didn't read into Thurman's statement that he wished Ralph Wilson die? He simply stated that until he passes, this team is going to remain the disaster that it is. There may be some, I didn't read them all, but I wouldn't think someone would say they wished he'd die? At least Thurman didn't.

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If it takes the death of someone for this franchise to turn around... well then may I watch an 0-16 team every year.


I've posted more in this type thread than I ever intended, so I'll say no more about it. Other than, it's truly a disgrace what this fanbase is becoming. And that is perhaps the most troubling outcome of the last few years.


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It's one thing for a coulmnist to say it. OR even a fan. But Thurman's bank account is filled with dollars--and most of those came from Ralph Wilson Jr.

Soooo none of those he earned? I am not advocating what he said but TT put a lot of butts in the seat and in turn we spent a lot of money as fans which went right to the top.

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I think the reason the posts in this topic bother me so much is just the flat out complacency of some fans.


I understand that football is not life and death. In fact, I no longer get that worked up when my sports teams lose. And being a Red Sox fan and a Bills fan, I came to understand losing when I was younger.


That being said, Bills fans are some of the greatest fans out there. They are passionate..but also compassionate. They will always be loyal to those who performed well for them and even those who did not. I respect that a lot.


HOWEVER, the Bills are a business. Wilson does not own some charity or non-profit group that is benevolent to the people of Buffalo by supplying them with a local football team. Instead, he owns a business that generates its income from all of us fans who pay for tickets, watch sunday ticket, pay for merchandise, etc. etc. Not to mention the tax dollars of the fans helped pay for the stadium!


Now, I am not sure what the profit margins are for the Bills, but I imagine Ralph pockets a few million a year. Thats totally his prerogative, it is his team. See Link for more info.


But, like any other business, we pay for a product that we hope to receive. We have been receiving a ****ty product for over 15 years and nothing has been done about it. A CEO of any major corporation would have been ousted for this long ago.


Whats even worse, is that the Bills are great marketers. Because they have marketed the fans a ****ty product for a long time and we bought into it. The TO thing looks like even more of a marketing ploy every single day. I would have gladly taken the firing of Jauron and the hiring of a coach for 6.5 million dollars ANY day. And that is no knock on TO or what he brings it is just the better decision. If you use a bull ****/reality ratio instead of a debt/equity ratio with the Bills, Wilson would have this team leveraged at like 38:1.


In short, I get so frustrated with fans who seem to be content accepting this BS product even though they are paying for it! There needs to be some sort of outrage right?


Well, then what, pray tell, short of handing over our fandom to another team, are we to do?


Not all Bills fans live in Buffalo. Asking the fanbase to boycott games means asking a very very small percentage of Bills fans to make a weekly sacrifice that, thanks to blackout rules will affect us all.


If you get truly pissed watching a football game on TV, then you need to reevaluate your hobbies and find one that's not so detrimental to your cardiac health. In the meantime, there are those of out there who can assert just as strong of a passion for The Bills without carrying on like a complete !@#$. I sat with THREE said !@#$s at the bar on Sunday and I venture to guess the only thing more miserable than my experience trying to watch the game in their presence are the lives they have to lead on a daily basis. Nevertheless, I look forward to watching my Bills for 16 (God willing a few more) weeks every year. I cherish those hours, and I'm not willing to give them up for some convoluted walk-out scheme. If you can't emotionally handle the Bills, grow up, or find something better to do.


So what else?


Stop buying Bills merchandise? Sure, that's a solution, but in doing so, you're also hiding your fandom. Again, for those of us outside of Buffalo, it's important to put that fandom on display for the otherwise hostile audience we're surrounded by every day.


So you might call me complacent, but personally that accusation only makes me smile since the only things I can be truly complacent about are the things I can actually control.


I'm not ready to cash in my chips just yet, and I'd implore the growing mass of Bills fans to check their own attitudes or at least make efforts to spoil it for themselves rather than spoil it for everyone else.

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Thus, Thurman deserving our applause for pinning blame where it belongs, and not being a sellout lackey beholden to Ralph's money. Truth be told, suggesting no criticism of Ralph should be tolerated from ex-Bills seems to be suggesting we should all hail the dictator regardless of how cheap and stupid his decisions may be.


I'll take candor and honesty at the expense of Ralph's ego for 1,000, Alex.


If you don't understand that it's classless to wish for the death of someone who paid you a lot of money (regardless of the value he received in return), it's on you.


What he said is perfectly correct--but still dickish. There are a lot better ways to express what he said.

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If it takes the death of someone for this franchise to turn around... well then may I watch an 0-16 team every year.


I've posted more in this type thread than I ever intended, so I'll say no more about it. Other than, it's truly a disgrace what this fanbase is becoming. And that is perhaps the most troubling outcome of the last few years.

For someone who is ignoring a thread, you sure post alot on said thread.

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If you don't understand that it's classless to wish for the death of someone who paid you a lot of money (regardless of the value he received in return), it's on you.


What he said is perfectly correct--but still dickish. There are a lot better ways to express what he said.

Are you serious? Either you have unbelievably poor reading comprehension or are intentionally slandering Thurman Thomas.

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I'm not sure if you are taking unsolicited shots at me, the type of fan you perceive me to be, or the type of fan you are taking a picture of. But, I believe I mentioned in my message that I was not some irate fan who threatens to quit being a Bills fan every time they lose.


I also said nothing of some idea of boycott. Where you are getting this from is beyond me. I agree that the angry Jets fans sitting in their parent's basement and screamy bloody murder is embarrassing. I don't want to sit next to that kind of guy at a bar. That being said, the nature of sports is to be emotional about your team. Thus, I also don't want to sit next to some Ho-Hum "Isn't this swell, watching the Bills go 0-16 again, but boy do these young men try hard every game, and you know what I have a great family and job, so who cares" fan. Because one chooses to have a pulse, does not mean that he lives and dies by the Bills or whatever other team he chooses to root for. So don't give me that holier than thou BS, whereupon all those who get upset over watching the Bills lose are some kind of derelicts or philistines. We all know its a game. And I assume that we all live perfectly happy lives. So get off your soap box.


My point was in response to those fans making a huge issue out of Thurman Thomas's perfectly rational statement. And I maintain my point that the Bills as a franchise owe their fans much more than they have given. I'm not calling for some rebellion or some universal statement. I'm just saying, the fans deserve more.


Right, but you did mention that it's Wilson's money which makes the whole thing turn, and you did mention that in fact it's OUR money, suggesting the Bills are a product we all PAY for.


So again, I ask, short of NOT rooting for The Bills OR boycotting the financing of a losing product, what are we fans supposed to do? And if there's nothing we CAN do, then how and why does the word "complacent" describe ANYONE who cheers for The Bills?


I get upset too, but I don't yell and scream (in public), I don't get on a message board and BLAME THE FANS, and I surely don't denigrate another's fandom by calling them "complacent."


I'll ask for my soapbox back, now that you're done with it.

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It's one thing for a coulmnist to say it. OR even a fan. But Thurman's bank account is filled with dollars--and most of those came from NFL Advertisers.


Original "FIX" was like "give it to them" by reps when opponent only got 9 yards - a cheat.

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You may have your soapbox back. And I concede to you that there is not all that much a fan can do. In fact, I understand there is real no solution to the situation. But, I don't concede my use of the word complacent. That not meant to describe ANYONE who roots for the Bills. It was meant to describe the people who are getting more riled up over the fact that Thomas talked about Wilson's passing than they do over the fact that Wilson has sold Bills fans a ****ty product for the past decade. I was demonstrating that the Bills as an organization owe their fans more, not only because of the intangible aspects of fan loyalty to the franchise, but also the tangible aspects such as the money fans put into the team.


Then we're in agreement.


If a Bills fan finds Thurman's comments more troubling than the Bills themselves, one's fandom officially goes on trial! :blink:

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Thomas is right of course, but there isn't much point in piling on an old man. He's 91 and likely beyond the capacity to do anything but let this rudderless ship continue to drift.


As scary as it is to think that the Bills might leave once he dies, it's even scarier to think what happens if he lives another ten years.

At 91, he's likely beyond the capacity to take a good dump.

The smith corona story is hilarious-hope you saved one of those pens.

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I agree. Ralph was very good to TT over the years. No need for this.



I think TT meant that unless Ralph is not owning the team, they will stink. He could have said it in a classer way, but his point is correct, Ralph is a bad owner. (And, just for the record, Ralph has not always been very good to TT. Remember, TT found out he was cut from Sports Center!) Ralph is an interesting character. One the one hand the Bills wouold not be in Buffalo without him, on the other, he is a terrible owner and the reason they stink.

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I believe you altered my quote you dumbass. I said:



The "I agree with that part" was about how I find it distasteful.

Well, learn to write what you mean, because the way you wrote it, you seem to agree with the people that want him dead and you don't care if it's rude or not.


And learn some manners while you're at it. "Dumbass."

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Actually to be fair, most of Ralph's money came from NBC, CBS, Fox, ESPN, and ABC



Ralph doesn't threaten you with jail time if you don't buy tickets, hot dogs, or bills jerseys

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TT and his teammates made more for Ralph than Ralph ever paid out.


This is still true today.


To the contrary, I would say that todays cast of characters are doing everything they can to KEEP Ralph from making $$. However, the loyalty of Bills fans is admirable, though unrequited and misguided. Hence, Ralph gets his dollars. And we get chickensh*t football rammed down our throats.

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