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some information about schoebel


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I feel I should clarify...I'm not denying that you were told that, but the third-party-twice-removed information rarely holds any subtext. I can't count on two hands the number of times I've heard that a friend has a friend who's wife said [whatever about the team] that turned out to be total BS.


So I guess, in summary, I'm sure you heard that, but I put no stock in it.


Hope that makes sense.



No problem, just thought I would pass it along.

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funny, i can't find anyone named schoebel on the bills roster.





Sorry about the that. Should of probably looked to spell his name correct before I posted. What is your feeling about Schobel right now? You think he is shot? With the money he is set to make, I could honestly see the Bills cutting him.

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So I get into work today & of course the guys are talking about the sad state the Bills are in. My one friend says he has a friend that lives in the same neighborhood as Schoebel & their wives are good friends. He said that Schoebel's wife was telling his friend's wife that Schoebel is really not injured, is milking it & really does not want to play football anymore & wants to just retire to his tree farm in Texas but he is making too much money to walk away. Not saying this is true, but I could definately see it. I never thought I would say this but I really hope they cut Schoebel's ass this year when cut downs come. Guy is just not worth the money they are paying him.

It sounds entirely plausible to me. I suspect that over half of the linemen on middling teams who are in their 30s want out but won't leave because of the big money. Why take that sort of punishment? It literally takes years off of your life. Get what you can and get out as healthy as possible. Not everyone is like that, but a lot of them are. A lot of the guys playing NFL football don't actually like football after they've been through the meatgrinder for a couple/few years, or at least so I've been told by my wife's co-worker who played two-three years at safety for the Saints in the early 90s. He dislikes the game and wished he would have stuck to baseball. He was good, though, which is why he played. Football is different from other sports in that sense (well, I guess boxing would compare).

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If this is in fact true can anyone blame him? 9 years and never even sniffing the playoffs. Is it worth getting your ass kicked week in and week out to play for a losing team with no signs of getting better?

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Sorry about the that. Should of probably looked to spell his name correct before I posted. What is your feeling about Schobel right now? You think he is shot? With the money he is set to make, I could honestly see the Bills cutting him.

in my conversations with Aaron, and the story I wrote earlier in camp, he seemed eager to show what he could do, and confident he can play up to his pre-injury level. despite his ornery personality, he is a very driven person.

only time he'd hang it up, and he's said this several times, is when he thinks he can't perform. i've never questioned his desire, and he's given me no reason to question it.



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in my conversations with Aaron, and the story I wrote earlier in camp, he seemed eager to show what he could do, and confident he can play up to his pre-injury level. despite his ornery personality, he is a very driven person.

only time he'd hang it up, and he's said this several times, is when he thinks he can't perform. i've never questioned his desire, and he's given me no reason to question it.




Hmm, I guess we will see. I think he is shot & I also think he is the most overpaid player on the Bills, which is saying something given the stiffs we have on this roster.

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in my conversations with Aaron, and the story I wrote earlier in camp, he seemed eager to show what he could do, and confident he can play up to his pre-injury level. despite his ornery personality, he is a very driven person.

only time he'd hang it up, and he's said this several times, is when he thinks he can't perform. i've never questioned his desire, and he's given me no reason to question it.



"Ornery." I like that description. His wife's cool, though; she and several other family members have wandered by the Pinto on occasion.


And I'd still like to see Schobel and Maybin together on the field at least once or twice before I decide 94 is all done. Been a long time since he's had a running mate at end who could actually get close to the QB more than once or twice per season...

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