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Teddy B could be on way out in NE

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Look, fellas (and lady), what am I "defending" Bruschi against? Again, I don't care if you denigrate the guy (unsubstantiated claims he was "juicing" is not the same as simply complaining about media deification), I just don't understand why it makes you a better Bills fan.


What part was I wrong to point out? Didn't say he was a "great LB" (read the f888king post), I said he has had a great career. Let me spell it out to you: 3 rings, never any trouble with the law or his teammates, an adoring press, comeback after scary illness----what player wouldn't call that a great career???


If he was a career Bill, everyone would be worshipping at the alter of T. Bruschi (and rightly so), instead of a guy like TO. Would none of you want a Bruschi on our team? Ramius---you wouldn't want a player like this?


You all know this, why act like it's not the case----so you can be a cooler Bills fan than me?


Bruschi, Favre.......all that media drama--who cares? What does it have to do with the Bills if the media doesn't focus on them? What adult would let something like that bother them?


Your only comeback is "you're a pats troll". You have nothing else.

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You're right we embarrass ourselves :blink: You're the one who continues to come to a place that CAN NOT STAND you. I guess I'm different but when I'm not feeling welcome I move on, then again some of us instigate due to a lack of anything better in our lives. :ph34r:


I'm sure you'll come up with a witty reply about me being either a)pothead b)a Bills fan or some variation of the sort. That's cool though, it'll give us all more material to snicker at you with. :P


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Look if you want to bust on Bruschi, what do I care? I didn't realize he also was busted for HGH use (link?).


Guy had a great career, was a team leader, stayed on his team for less money than he could have gotten elsewhere, and decided to continue playing after a significant health issue.


And you guys feel the need to ridicule THAT type of player?


You don't need to be a "pats fan" to appreciate the guy as a team player.


Name one guy on the Bills who is like him?


You guys should take a daylong break from embarrassing yourselves.

Since there is NO TEST for HGH it would be impossible for him to be busted unless they got to his supplier. We all know the almighty Teddy B & the rest of the Pats* are all team players. They freely share their HGH & roids with each other.

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I didn't think a fanbase could get any more childish than Jets and Steelers fans. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for some of the nonsense you post here. I hope you don't act this way in real life.




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Pick him up, pay his salary, get inside the Pats defensive playbook through his knowledge and give our offense a fighting chance against those cheating bastards?

Step A: HGH

Step B: Lots of illegal painkillers from an offensive lineman

Step C: Video tape opposing coaches in violation of league rules

Step D: Procure an unneccesarily high number of radio frequencies for helmet radios causing the need for more precise rules governing the matter.

Step E: sign your broadcaster as a major sponsor

Step F: Gain league complicity

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I love it when people claim they're not a fan of so-and-so, and then proceed to give a dissertation on how they're not while still telling you how great so-and-so is. Isn't there a term or saying for that?



jockrider, or if you are in the act, jockriding

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I didn't think a fanbase could get any more childish than Jets and Steelers fans. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for some of the nonsense you post here. I hope you don't act this way in real life.

:thumbsup: I don't remember anyone asking you to come on our board & Judge us. Why should Bills fans feel ashamed? Now if I was a bandwagon fan of the ONE Team in the entire NFL that is known to be DIRTY CHEATERS, then I would feel ashamed.

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