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Rep Shirley Jackson-Lee...doing the 2-step

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did you read the link? it was caught on youtube...the interviewer in the news story asked her about it...she kept ignoring the question...finally she said it might be a doctored video....at the end she actually said she had no information about the video.....


Allegedly :huh:


There's this new fangled intarwebby thing called Youtube® that people like to post these things too.

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hahahaha....i hadn't heard that....she is an idiot.....but again...so many of them(on both sides) are


She's an idiot.


I heard a story this morning that she once asked if they had pictures of the astronauts placing an American flag on Mars.

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oh my!


From Wiki:

Sheila Jackson Lee - Publicity-Seeking


Critics complain that Jackson Lee has a tendency to volunteer unsolicited on-camera commentary and press statements on a wide range of political issues, such as a 2003 request to use more African American-sounding names when naming hurricanes and tropical storms, feeling the current selections were too "lily white." [1] This has caused conservative critics to nickname her "Hurricane Sheila." Citing the hurricane incident, conservative pundit and former CBS correspondent Bernard Goldberg included Jackson-Lee in his book 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, ranking her #98.


Jackson Lee volunteered herself as an unsolicited advocate for the father of Elián González in the international custody controversy and reportedly spends hours seeking out prime seating locations in the House of Representatives chamber to increase her camera visibility for special events such as the State of the Union address. She was also one of the few members of Congress to come to the defense of Michael Jackson during an ongoing criminal investigation of the pop star [2]. She also attracted controversy in 2003 by meeting with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad and offering to sponsor a visit for the controversial leader to the United States.


According to the gossip columnist of a local free paper, The Houston Press, the congresswoman's reputation as a "floor hog" has also given rise to a humorous betting game among Capitol Hill staffers in other member's offices in which quarters are deposited into a jar each time she speaks. The office staff in possession of the jar when a whole day goes by without Jackson Lee speaking wins and gets to keep the contents [3].


Sheila Jackson Lee - Other criticism


According to the Houston Press and The Hill, Jackson Lee has also reportedly been involved in several altercations with airline flight personnel over her requests for a complimentary upgrade to first class based on her celebrity. [4] The Press reports one altercation, which Jackson Lee later denied, she loudly derided a staffer over her travel arrangements:

"You don't understand. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen."


Another altercation onboard an airplane was reported by The Hill. During a full flight on Continental Airlines Jackson Lee was denied a complimentary upgrade to first class. According to a witness interviewed by the Capitol Hill newpaper, "When she saw that she had to sit with other people, she started shouting that she was in Congress and worked hard. She was really loud. Everybody in the plane could hear." Later in the flight she is reported to have had a "friendly visit" with the displaced passengers. [5]


The Press further reports that Jackson Lee has a reputation on capitol hill as a "high-maintenance" employer and has exhibited one of the largest staff turnover rates for years [6]. Several former employees have cited her demeanor and incidents such as the travel arrangement altercations as a major reason why so many staffers leave her office. The Houston Chronicle reported that one staffer even quit after she threw a cell phone at him.[7]


Sheila Jackson Lee - Alleged use of the race card and gender card


Other critics have charged Jackson Lee with frequent political race baiting to obtain political goals. In a 2002 incident Jackson Lee became engaged in a shouting match with Republican Dana Rohrabacher, the Chairman of the NASA subcomittee, after Rohrabacher ruled her out of order for exceeding her allotted time for questions. Jackson Lee snapped back at Rohrabacher, "I'm the only member that you comment on. It may be that I'm the only African-American woman sitting here."[8][9] Rohrabacher responded, "Ms. Jackson Lee, that type of charge is beneath you. It is beneath your dignity." Jackson Lee also accused the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party of racism after an email it sent to members criticizing the local Democratic congressional delegation included a photograph of her but not the Democratic "white male" members from other Houston districts, despite the fact that the email was one of a series that did, in fact, include her white male Democrat colleagues.



Continential told her to never fly with them again.


And yes, she asked if the Mars Pathfinder could photograph the flag the astronauts planted om Mars. She was at Mission Control at the time (which is in her district)

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