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ESPN reporting: Big Ben vs Corey McIntyre

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I'm asking you because you linked the reporting of crimes or allegations to race and you included (as opposed to excluded) TO for some reason (thus agreeing with the OP).


Why are you linking TO to your theory of racist ESPN's coverage of crimes that may or may not have been committed by pro athletes?


The original poster did.

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Gotta agree, ESPN has really been pretty irrelevant to me, for a long time, do I watch, yes,

but it is not like, "I can't wait to watch ESPN highlights", at one time it was like that fo me.

The internet, and sites like TBD, are much more informative.

I do think that BB is getting some special treatment here.

I wonder how much of this is the NFL "encouraging" ESPN not to talk about it much. Roethlisberger is a big name for positive reasons and I don't doubt the league would do what they could to keep his name from being smeared.

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Yup, can't find any ESPN stories about that one.

After the NFL hurriedly destroyed the tapes and proclaimed "nothing more to see here," no, there wasn't much. That is, outside of lame attempts to claim that the "cheating didn't mean much and everyone did it," despite the harsh penalty for it, despite it going on for 8 years, despite it continuing after being warned about it, despite no else being implicated...


But hey, here we have a SMOKING GUN regarding what the media will or won't try to sell you depending on their agenda. And this most likely came from the NFL themselves (whether you choose to believe or not it is immaterial). Is it a "conspiracy?" Ooooooh!

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The original poster did.

Yeah I read that. Why can't you tell me why YOU think TO belongs in this group. Is he alleged to have committed a crime, or actually commited one as the other guys in the group YOU included him in? You said we were supposed to notice something?


Maybe you will answer your question, to paraphrase you.

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Yeah I read that. Why can't you tell me why YOU think TO belongs in this group. Is he alleged to have committed a crime, or actually commited one as the other guys in the group YOU included him in? You said we were supposed to notice something?


Maybe you will answer your question, to paraphrase you.


Jesus Christ. The original poster brought up a bunch of black guys and one white guy. I asked what he noticed about them. Owens was included in there. What is so hard about that?

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The original poster did.


When I used TO as an example, I wasn't purposely pairing him with "thugs." McIntyre was innocent too. I was just making the point that there are certain types of people that ESPN will go after (i.e.-TO), and others they will not (in this case, Big Ben).


I think any reasonable person can assume that if TO were in Big Ben's position, it would be on every inch of ESPN. That was the point I was making. Didn't mean to give the perception that TO is like Pac Man or Vick.


IRT to Big Ben's case being a civil suit and not criminal, its been documented elsewhere and on this thread that ESPN has reported on civil cases numerous times. So that excuse can be thrown out.


I won't go as far as to call it racism, but ESPN and BB have a cozy relationship and I'm sure that is playing into this.

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When I used TO as an example, I wasn't purposely pairing him with "thugs." McIntyre was innocent too. I was just making the point that there are certain types of people that ESPN will go after (i.e.-TO), and others they will not (in this case, Big Ben).


I think any reasonable person can assume that if TO were in Big Ben's position, it would be on every inch of ESPN. That was the point I was making. Didn't mean to give the perception that TO is like Pac Man or Vick.


IRT to Big Ben's case being a civil suit and not criminal, its been documented elsewhere and on this thread that ESPN has reported on civil cases numerous times. So that excuse can be thrown out.


I won't go as far as to call it racism, but ESPN and BB have a cozy relationship and I'm sure that is playing into this.



No. It's a criminal complaint (ESPN can't ignore that, as the info is public), vs civil suit and innuendo. Pretty simple, no conspiracy necessary to explain the differences in coverage.

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When I used TO as an example, I wasn't purposely pairing him with "thugs." McIntyre was innocent too. I was just making the point that there are certain types of people that ESPN will go after (i.e.-TO), and others they will not (in this case, Big Ben).


I think any reasonable person can assume that if TO were in Big Ben's position, it would be on every inch of ESPN. That was the point I was making. Didn't mean to give the perception that TO is like Pac Man or Vick.


IRT to Big Ben's case being a civil suit and not criminal, its been documented elsewhere and on this thread that ESPN has reported on civil cases numerous times. So that excuse can be thrown out.


I won't go as far as to call it racism, but ESPN and BB have a cozy relationship and I'm sure that is playing into this.


Oh, I wasn't saying you were. I was saying the same thing you were, and pointing to race as a factor in who they "go after."


It is WEO that for some reason is trying to get me to say that I think T.O. is equal to the rest of the names on that list, and I have no idea why.

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Funny, they reported on this civil suit: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/print?id=34...&type=story


You don't need to dwell on the salacious details, but this is newsworthy. Run the AP story without added comment and be done with it, if you don't want to get into Deadspin territory.


Also, FWIW, nfl.com is covering:



And the Post-Gazette led the section with it today:


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No. It's a criminal complaint (ESPN can't ignore that, as the info is public), vs civil suit and innuendo. Pretty simple, no conspiracy necessary to explain the differences in coverage.


Dean, that seems like a pretty naive take on the situation. I could understand your point if ESPN had a history of not reporting on civil cases. But they have several times.


So if the reason why they aren't covering it is because it's a civil suit, that's the same thing as Brett Favre saying "I'm retired." It doesn't hold water. So there must be another explanation other than the fact that they don't cover civil cases.

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I wonder how much Tim Graham could comment on this without getting himself in hot water? I wouldn't be surprised if ESPN (or any other of the other "news" outlets) set these kinds of restrictions to keep people / organizations / teams / leagues friendly, but still, this stinks.

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Dean, that seems like a pretty naive take on the situation. I could understand your point if ESPN had a history of not reporting on civil cases. But they have several times.


So if the reason why they aren't covering it is because it's a civil suit, that's the same thing as Brett Favre saying "I'm retired." It doesn't hold water. So there must be another explanation other than the fact that they don't cover civil cases.



Wrong. ESPN has commented on some civil suits, but usually (always?) well after the info has been made public by some other source, or where they have some corroborating evidence or witnesses. Still, you can see why they HAD to cover the McIntyre story, no? At best the Big Ben story is a judgement call, and despite what some think, it is EXACTLY their job to decide what is and isn't newsworthy. If all they had was her claim, and no other corroboration, why would they choose to break and report it? They could probably spend all day "reporting" unsubstantiated claims against sports-related figures. 20 minutes in an into journalism course would have saved you from starting this thread, IMO.

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After the NFL hurriedly destroyed the tapes and proclaimed "nothing more to see here," no, there wasn't much. That is, outside of lame attempts to claim that the "cheating didn't mean much and everyone did it," despite the harsh penalty for it, despite it going on for 8 years, despite it continuing after being warned about it, despite no else being implicated...


But hey, here we have a SMOKING GUN regarding what the media will or won't try to sell you depending on their agenda. And this most likely came from the NFL themselves (whether you choose to believe or not it is immaterial). Is it a "conspiracy?" Ooooooh!

A smoking gun!!!!!??? ESPN is the only media outlet NOT covering this story. The NFL posted yesterday. Guess the NFL did not get the memo from the NFL to NOT cover this story!


Sorry, I "choose not to believe" it. "Smoking gun" (!!)? More like a house of cards. As Fingon said elsewhere: conspiracies are for crazy people.


The hits keep on coming!

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Funny, they reported on this civil suit: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/print?id=34...&type=story


You don't need to dwell on the salacious details, but this is newsworthy. Run the AP story without added comment and be done with it, if you don't want to get into Deadspin territory.


Also, FWIW, nfl.com is covering:



And the Post-Gazette led the section with it today:



One would figure that NFL investigating the starting QB of a Super Bowl winner would merit a story ...

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