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Don't shake your head I'm not finished yet. Wait until you hear the whole thing you can understand what it is that I'm askin'.


Then, two different men drive up in a similar looking car, go into the store, shoot the clerk, rob him, then leave?

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Then, two different men drive up in a similar looking car, go into the store, shoot the clerk, rob him, then leave?


Are these magic grits? Did he buy his grits, from the same guy, who sold jack, his beanstalk beans?!

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Then, two different men drive up in a similar looking car, go into the store, shoot the clerk, rob him, then leave?

Look, it's either me or them. You're gettin' f---ked one way or the other.

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Vinny: Hey, how ya doin'?

[to witness]

Vinny: Mr. Crane, what are these pictures of?

Witness: My house and stuff.

Vinny: House and stuff. And what is this brown stuff on your window.

Witness: Dirt.

Vinny: Dirt. And what is this rusty, dusty, dirty looking thing that's covering your window?

Witness: That's a screen.

Vinny: A screen! It's a screen. And what are these really big things that are right in the middle of your view of the Sac-o-Suds and your kitchen window, what do we call these big things?

Witness: Trees?

Vinny: Trees, that's right, don't be afraid just shout 'em right out when you know 'em. And what are these thousands of little things that are on trees?

Witness: Leaves.

Vinny: And these big bushy things between the trees.

Witness: Bushes.

Vinny: Bushes. So, Mr. Crane, you can positively identify the defendants, for a moment of 2 seconds, looking through this dirty window, this crud covered screen, all of these trees, with all of these leaves on them, and I don't know how many bushes.

Witness: Looks like five.

Vinny: Uh, uh, uh, don't forget, this one and this one.

Witness: Seven bushes!

Vinny: Seven bushes. So, what do you think? Isn't possible you just saw two guys in a green convertable and not necessarily these two particular guys?

Witness: I suppose.

Vinnyi: I'm finished with this guy.

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