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"Transformers 2" Getting Dubbed Racist?


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I am not totally disagreeing with you but there has to be a line somewhere. In the old days there were no lines at all so you ended up with racist jerks like Al Jarreau. Today we can debate whether there are too many lines or if the pendulum swung too far, but at least we have respect to some degree. We should always question people and keep the pressure on. If we don't it will go back to the Jarreau era. Maybe sometimes we question too much but that is the price we pay.


There was a talk radio host named Don Geronimo of the Don and Mike Show. He always made the comment that if you don't like our show then CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!!


We always take things way too far. That is why we got ourselves in the cluster#@%$ to begin with. It has to stop somewhere though. But, alas, it won't because someone will do their best to offend, and someone will get offended, some will laugh, some won't.


What gets me is that when a director references someone in a movie that is "acting" like a minority like in the Transformer movies it pisses someone off. On the flip side if all of the robots acted like "white" people someone would get pissed because minorities were not represented in the movie!

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There was a talk radio host named Don Geronimo of the Don and Mike Show. He always made the comment that if you don't like our show then CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!!


We always take things way too far. That is why we got ourselves in the cluster#@%$ to begin with. It has to stop somewhere though. But, alas, it won't because someone will do their best to offend, and someone will get offended, some will laugh, some won't.

Changing the channel is a great idea if you're WATCHING TELEVISION. If you get up at the movies and go to another screen you will either be kicked out or arrested.


I agreed that sometimes things go too far but you don't seem to care if we go all the way back to the Jarreau days. I think that is wrong.

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Can you assume the tow truck from "Cars" was a country bumpkin or should we assume he was a well dressed corporate attorney?



He was an attorney there smart guy, for Lightning McQueen. :D

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I am not totally disagreeing with you but there has to be a line somewhere. In the old days there were no lines at all so you ended up with racist jerks like Al Jarreau. Today we can debate whether there are too many lines or if the pendulum swung too far, but at least we have respect to some degree. We should always question people and keep the pressure on. If we don't it will go back to the Jarreau era. Maybe sometimes we question too much but that is the price we pay.

Kinda like how they've dubbed over the voice of the maids in the Tom & Jerry cartoons :D It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. My son was watching T & J about 6 months ago when I noticed they had changed the voice. That's the dumbness I'm talking about, as well as people claiming that these robots are promoting "racism", "stereotypes", and causing "offense".

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Changing the channel is a great idea if you're WATCHING TELEVISION. If you get up at the movies and go to another screen you will either be kicked out or arrested.


I agreed that sometimes things go too far but you don't seem to care if we go all the way back to the Jarreau days. I think that is wrong.


But haven't we gone back to the Jarreau days? I love the show Southpark. They are more offensive than Jarreau ever was. Ever see Tre and Matts Team America World Police?


What about Robert Downey Jr.s character in Tropic Thunder? If they are pissed about a freaking robot then why didn't they get pissed about this?


What about the use of the "N" word. How can a black man call another black man that and no one get offended? A white man does it and he earns the "label" of racist.

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Kinda like how they've dubbed over the voice of the maids in the Tom & Jerry cartoons :D It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. My son was watching T & J about 6 months ago when I noticed they had changed the voice. That's the dumbness I'm talking about, as well as people claiming that these robots are promoting "racism", "stereotypes", and causing "offense".

Are you mad that they don't show the Al Jarreau stuff anymore too?


Stop living in the past.

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But haven't we gone back to the Jarreau days? I love the show Southpark. They are more offensive than Jarreau ever was. Ever see Tre and Matts Team America World Police?


What about Robert Downey Jr.s character in Tropic Thunder? If they are pissed about a freaking robot then why didn't they get pissed about this?


What about the use of the "N" word. How can a black man call another black man that and no one get offended? A white man does it and he earns the "label" of racist.

Jarreau was a white guy faking being black. That is not cool.


South Park, Team America and Tropic Thunder were done as spoofs which is cool. Transformers is not a serious movie but it is also not a slapstick comedy or spoof. People should not be stereotyped. Although black people have better senses of humor than people in other races, they also know when something is not funny.


The "N" word difference should be obvious. If it is so important for some white guy to use it, then he is probably racist. Jews say "oy vay" a lot but you don't see a lot of rednecks clamoring to say that do you? But it is just sooooooo important for them to use the n word. That is so see through.

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Are you mad that they don't show the Al Jarreau stuff anymore too?


Stop living in the past.

Honestly Crayonz, I have absolutely no idea who that guy is. Never heard of him until you mentioned his name. "Stop living in the past?" :D I don't even know what you are trying to reference with that. I do agree that some things are blatantly racist and wrong, but both situations I noted aren't even close. Personally, I think that it has alot to do with what's wrong with this world right now. It's like everyone is looking for a reason to be offended. Everyone is trying to "read between the lines" of something that's not even there. Everyone is looking for a reason to cry out, especially when it comes to racially charged "issues". The fact of the matter is that most of these "issues" aren't "issues" at all, they're just another thing that people use to try to furthur divide and separate one group of people from another. Like I said, it's ridiculous.

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Honestly Crayonz, I have absolutely no idea who that guy is. Never heard of him until you mentioned his name. "Stop living in the past?" :thumbsup: I don't even know what you are trying to reference with that. I do agree that some things are blatantly racist and wrong, but both situations I noted aren't even close. Personally, I think that it has alot to do with what's wrong with this world right now. It's like everyone is looking for a reason to be offended. Everyone is trying to "read between the lines" of something that's not even there. Everyone is looking for a reason to cry out, especially when it comes to racially charged "issues". The fact of the matter is that most of these "issues" aren't "issues" at all, they're just another thing that people use to try to furthur divide and separate one group of people from another. Like I said, it's ridiculous.

Overall I agree but I don't take it as far as you.


When a white guy dresses up like a black guy and sings jazz it is clearly mocking. Jarreau did this and he was famous and popular. Years later, robots are being depicted as black and people are getting up in arms. Taken by itself the black robots are no big deal. But if you remember Jarreau and consider that one of the voices of the robots was a white guy, you have to wonder if there is a subtle message there.


You have to remember history or you are doomed to repeat it. Black robots are really not a big deal but if they get away with that we'll be having white guys playing black jazz singers again before you know it.

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Overall I agree but I don't take it as far as you.


When a white guy dresses up like a black guy and sings jazz it is clearly mocking. Jarreau did this and he was famous and popular. Years later, robots are being depicted as black and people are getting up in arms. Taken by itself the black robots are no big deal. But if you remember Jarreau and consider that one of the voices of the robots was a white guy, you have to wonder if there is a subtle message there.


You have to remember history or you are doomed to repeat it. Black robots are really not a big deal but if they get away with that we'll be having white guys playing black jazz singers again before you know it.

I too understand your stance here, but America has come a long way since the days of the 50's and 60's. We, as a nation, elected the first African American President into office. I'm happy that we have gotten to this point. Does it mean that we live in a perfect society? No and we never will. There will always be racists on all side of the spectrum. I don't think you have to worry about us ever going back to a situation like you said with that guy Jarreau though. Most people, including myself, wouldn't deem that acceptable in any way.

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I too understand your stance here, but America has come a long way since the days of the 50's and 60's. We, as a nation, elected the first African American President into office. I'm happy that we have gotten to this point. Does it mean that we live in a perfect society? No and we never will. There will always be racists on all side of the spectrum. I don't think you have to worry about us ever going back to a situation like you said with that guy Jarreau though. Most people, including myself, wouldn't deem that acceptable in any way.


January of 06 huh? :thumbsup:

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Honestly Crayonz, I have absolutely no idea who that guy is. Never heard of him until you mentioned his name. "Stop living in the past?" :w00t: I don't even know what you are trying to reference with that. I do agree that some things are blatantly racist and wrong, but both situations I noted aren't even close. Personally, I think that it has alot to do with what's wrong with this world right now. It's like everyone is looking for a reason to be offended. Everyone is trying to "read between the lines" of something that's not even there. Everyone is looking for a reason to cry out, especially when it comes to racially charged "issues". The fact of the matter is that most of these "issues" aren't "issues" at all, they're just another thing that people use to try to furthur divide and separate one group of people from another. Like I said, it's ridiculous.


Oh for the love of god, its Jolson, not Jarreau!!!! :cry:

Jarreau was a singer in the 80's (theme from moonlighting). I cant believe so many posts kept referring to the wrong man.

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Granted I haven't seen it yet, but plan on it very soon. Like this weekend soon. This mess never ceases to amaze me though. People are always trying to bring racism into something that really isn't being put out there that way. Frankly, I get tired of it. Usually it's the racist people who claim that something is "racist" and "offensive" to them. :cry:



I was labeled "a racist" last week (on the mainTSW board)after offering my opinion of Travis Henry's salute to fatherhood. I don't think anyone can argue that he's an irresponsible douche, and somehow, my opinion got turned into me being a racist. Not a word in my post about color, race, ethnenticity, etc. - yet someone drew that conclusion. I guess anyone of a minoritiy persuasion is off-limits for criticism. Needless to say, the thread was deleted.


The word racism is thrown around so casually, it hardly has any real meaning anymore. The same goes for "harrassment". Say an off color word in the presence of a female at the office and be at risk of her crying, it's "sexual harrassment". This kind of crap only hurts the case of the poor woman who actually is being harrassed by the office playboy, who thinks he's god's gift to women and can't take "no" for an answer.


Anyway, agree whole heartedly that the ones first to defend the others by crying racist are in fact the most likely to actually be racists. They feel they need to cavalierly rush to the aid of whom they really percieve to be less capable. They'd be the first ones to shitt a brick if their little princess brought home a new boyfriend from the other side of the tracks.


I lived in Buffalo for many years, and will tell you that it has to be one of the most racist (towards blacks) city in the country.

There's little integration compared to other cities. The prevelent attitude seems to be that they can just stay in their part of the city in East Buffalo and in the fruit belt.


Ask any African-American who's lived there. They'll tell you. Ask Bruce Smith.


I'll even tie in Michael Jackson, who was still among the living when this thread started. The Jackson 5 were a tremendously talented singing group, who in the early 1970's were scheduled to play Buffalo's Memorial Auditorium - shortly after they made it big. I was amazed by them and particularly Michael, who was a grown man in a child's body. (funny how that got completely reversed in later years) I was kid at the time, actually born the same week as Michael, and wanted to get tickets to see them. Unfortunately, the concert never happened thanks to threats of some type by anonymous callers. Was it racially motivated? Don't know for sure, but if I had to lay odds..... On the other hand, it could be they weren't selling enough tickets, and that was the excuse that was made. Could be parents around Buffalo just weren't as open minded about buying tickets to shows headlined by blacks, and at a place where there would probably be a fair amount of them in the audience.


Anyway, I find it funny when a forum dominated by Buffalonians, past and present, have the nerve to call me or most others racist.

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