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Really bad jokes


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So this penguin is vacationing out in Arizona, and his car breaks down - he gets a tow to the local garage, and the mechanic tells him, "No problem, I'll have you on your way in about an hour."


So, the penguin goes to the local DQ to get himself an ice cream cone. Now, this being a hot Arizona day, by the time Mr. Penguin gets back to the garage, the ice cream has dripped all over his bill and over his face.


So anyway, as he approaches the garage, the mechanic calls out, "Looks like you blew a seal," to which Mr. Penguin replies, "What????!!!! No!!!! It's just ice cream!!!!"

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So this penguin is vacationing out in Arizona, and his car breaks down - he gets a tow to the local garage, and the mechanic tells him, "No problem, I'll have you on your way in about an hour."


So, the penguin goes to the local DQ to get himself an ice cream cone. Now, this being a hot Arizona day, by the time Mr. Penguin gets back to the garage, the ice cream has dripped all over his bill and over his face.


So anyway, as he approaches the garage, the mechanic calls out, "Looks like you blew a seal," to which Mr. Penguin replies, "What????!!!! No!!!! It's just ice cream!!!!"

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So this penguin is vacationing out in Arizona, and his car breaks down - he gets a tow to the local garage, and the mechanic tells him, "No problem, I'll have you on your way in about an hour."


So, the penguin goes to the local DQ to get himself an ice cream cone. Now, this being a hot Arizona day, by the time Mr. Penguin gets back to the garage, the ice cream has dripped all over his bill and over his face.


So anyway, as he approaches the garage, the mechanic calls out, "Looks like you blew a seal," to which Mr. Penguin replies, "What????!!!! No!!!! It's just ice cream!!!!"



I have an MPEG of this with a bunch of chimps in a bar telling the joke...frigging hilarious! ;) Wish I knew how to post it here.

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I have an MPEG of this with a bunch of chimps in a bar telling the joke...frigging hilarious!


I think I've got the same video. And YES, it is MUCH funnier when told by chimps!

I don't know how to upload it, but if one were ambitious, one could find a link to it.

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Have you heard about the dyslexic lawyer?

He spent all year studying for the bra exam.


What do you call a cow with no legs?

-Ground Beef.


What do you call a sleepwalking nun?

Roamin' Catholic.


What do you get when you cross a dyslexic, an agnostic and an insomniac??

A guy who stays up all night wondering if there really IS a dog.


A mushroom walks into a bar. Bartender says, "we don't serve your kind here."

Mushroom says, "why not, I'm a FUN GUY!!!"

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