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Need help with dog problem...


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I've got a 2 year old pug that is driving me nuts by waking me up as early as 4 in the morning...I feel like I've tried it all:


Ignore it....it continues to bark at me for up to 30 minutes before I give up.

Keep it dark....there is no light seeping in

No alarms of any kind to wake her up....

Long walk before bed....we go on a 1/2 mile walk right before bed

Limited water intake....only one little bowl for the entire day


Any thoughts???

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Kramer: What do you think they'll do to us?

Newman: Ah, don't worry about a thing.When we get there the whole place will be crawling with mailmen ...we'll be out on the street by lunch.

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Sounds like the dog is really attached to you. Why don't you let him sleep in your room? I have a 3 month old puppy and he doesn't bark anymore I just put his crate in the bedroom. When dogs get really attached to one person they get upset when u leave .

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Also just wondering, did u just get the dog? If you did he might be used to sleeping with people so he wouldn't feel safe sleeping alone. Also what does the dog want? To go outside or to not be alone? If you are set in not letting the dog sleep with in your room you need to just ignore the barking. I know its hard but if you give in and let him out or whatever then he will keep doing it because he knows eventually you will let him out. If its for attention even punishment (yelling or hitting the dog) will only reinforce the behavior. You need to be consistent and set up a schedule. Example; last meal at 9, walk and bathroom at ten then right to bed until you wake up. Hes two years old so he should be able to hold going to the bathroom overnight. It may take a week or two but as long as you are consistent and dont cave in he will get it that barking wont help him getting up early.

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Also just wondering, did u just get the dog? If you did he might be used to sleeping with people so he wouldn't feel safe sleeping alone. Also what does the dog want? To go outside or to not be alone? If you are set in not letting the dog sleep with in your room you need to just ignore the barking. I know its hard but if you give in and let him out or whatever then he will keep doing it because he knows eventually you will let him out. If its for attention even punishment (yelling or hitting the dog) will only reinforce the behavior. You need to be consistent and set up a schedule. Example; last meal at 9, walk and bathroom at ten then right to bed until you wake up. Hes two years old so he should be able to hold going to the bathroom overnight. It may take a week or two but as long as you are consistent and dont cave in he will get it that barking wont help him getting up early.


We've had the dog for over a year and half and it's just beginning to do this. It has slept with us since we've gotten it. You bring up a good point, because the dog just wants to go out and use the bathroom...but, we've ignored it for up to 30 mins and it hasn't accounted for anything. I guess I'll just have to be a harda$$ and put my foot down.

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Also just wondering, did u just get the dog? If you did he might be used to sleeping with people so he wouldn't feel safe sleeping alone. Also what does the dog want? To go outside or to not be alone? If you are set in not letting the dog sleep with in your room you need to just ignore the barking. I know its hard but if you give in and let him out or whatever then he will keep doing it because he knows eventually you will let him out. If its for attention even punishment (yelling or hitting the dog) will only reinforce the behavior. You need to be consistent and set up a schedule. Example; last meal at 9, walk and bathroom at ten then right to bed until you wake up. Hes two years old so he should be able to hold going to the bathroom overnight. It may take a week or two but as long as you are consistent and dont cave in he will get it that barking wont help him getting up early.



I had a dog that started to do this and it turned out she had bladder stones. Might be worth getting that checked. Ended up having surgery to remove them. I've a Siberian now that does that once a week or so, usually because I forgot to take her out before bed.

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I know some people will be outraged, but this is what the trainer told us to do for our dog, and it worked like a charm:


(assuming of course the dog isn't sick, and it sounds like he's got a problem to me if he only does it early in the morning and not when you go to bed).


Do you keep him crated at night? Otherwise he will run away if you try this.


The first bark he makes, go to his crate and spray a TINY amount of the bitter apple stuff directly in his mouth. Don't say a word until you do, and be careful not to get it in his eyes. Immediately after spraying, say "QUIET", and leave. Repeat as needed. It won't hurt him I've tried the stuff myself (I never do anything to my dogs unless I try it myself) and it tastes like IPA with a little bit of bitter spice.


You will get no sleep the first two nights, but after that, you won't have the barking problem anymore...

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I know some people will be outraged, but this is what the trainer told us to do for our dog, and it worked like a charm:


(assuming of course the dog isn't sick, and it sounds like he's got a problem to me if he only does it early in the morning and not when you go to bed).


Do you keep him crated at night? Otherwise he will run away if you try this.


The first bark he makes, go to his crate and spray a TINY amount of the bitter apple stuff directly in his mouth. Don't say a word until you do, and be careful not to get it in his eyes. Immediately after spraying, say "QUIET", and leave. Repeat as needed. It won't hurt him I've tried the stuff myself (I never do anything to my dogs unless I try it myself) and it tastes like IPA with a little bit of bitter spice.


You will get no sleep the first two nights, but after that, you won't have the barking problem anymore...

Of course it only works if the dog doesn't like it. We tried it for something else with our lab, and whenever he saw the bottle he would act like he wanted some, so spray him and he just sat there licking it and wanting more. Dumb dog.

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I will allow Dean to put in his recommendation...don't want to steal his thunder :w00t:


Awwwww, not to a doggy.


A friend of mine had the same problem with her dog. Her husband and her each have a dog and her dog sleeps through the night. His dog makes him get up to let him out. Her dog knows she's not gonna do it. Think about crating.

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Pugs are such needy dogs. An old girfriend had one, and not only did she let it sleep in bed, but it always would want to be between us. They snore big time too. Perfect birth control dogs. We always had to shut the door for privacy. She had another dog, and that helped keep the pug from barking. Try getting another dog, if that's an option.

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Dogs need a consistent schedule. Have you tried gradually shifting his going out time to a more reasonable hour?


MY girlfriends mom spent a week with us and totally threw off our puppies schedule. (She gets up at 5:00am.) That was two weeks ago and I'm still trying to work them back to 6:30.

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I know some people will be outraged, but this is what the trainer told us to do for our dog, and it worked like a charm:


(assuming of course the dog isn't sick, and it sounds like he's got a problem to me if he only does it early in the morning and not when you go to bed).


Do you keep him crated at night? Otherwise he will run away if you try this.


The first bark he makes, go to his crate and spray a TINY amount of the bitter apple stuff directly in his mouth. Don't say a word until you do, and be careful not to get it in his eyes. Immediately after spraying, say "QUIET", and leave. Repeat as needed. It won't hurt him I've tried the stuff myself (I never do anything to my dogs unless I try it myself) and it tastes like IPA with a little bit of bitter spice.


You will get no sleep the first two nights, but after that, you won't have the barking problem anymore...

Or you could just whup his little dog ass a few times. Take him to the SPCA and show him how they put bad dogs to sleep. A little "scared straight" beats all this effiminate catering to his whims.

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Given these 4 bits of info:


the dog is an adult

the water intake is limited

it gets walked before bed

it just started doing this


you should seriously have it checked for any health issues which might be causing this before you try to just discipline it out of her. any sudden changes to it's schedule like this, initiated by the dog itself, is a sign that something may be wrong. we have a pug that is about to turn 1, and i agree that they are very "attached" (read:needy) little dogs. but if nothing has changed with her schedule that you are doing, this change initiated by her should raise a flag that something is wrong.


before you start spraying nasty stuff in her mouth, take her to the vet. if everything checks out, discipline away. but dont put her through more pain just because you dont want to get up/take her to the vet.

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Guest dog14787
Pugs are such needy dogs. An old girfriend had one, and not only did she let it sleep in bed, but it always would want to be between us. They snore big time too. Perfect birth control dogs. We always had to shut the door for privacy. She had another dog, and that helped keep the pug from barking. Try getting another dog, if that's an option.



and probably the only one that will work, of course if it doesn't work you will have two dogs barking instead of one. :pirate:

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