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My absentee ballot from Florida was not sent- I called for it last Tuesday morning, and was told it would arrive by the weekend- on Monday, I was told it was never sent, and many ballots had been destroyed.





It's impossible for me to imagine anyone thinking it is reasonable to call for an absentee ballot ONE WEEK prior to an election and then becoming aggravated when it doesn't arrive? Is this your first experience dealing with the union employees of a State in our Union? Have you ever, under any cricumstances either state or nationally had something done by State or Federal workers with the efficiency we are used to from 7-11 employees? Not me, not in Florida or New York or Texas or Georgia or Illinois or California. Good god man, there's union mandated coffee breaks and rules to keep complete slackers from being fired, not to mention special sick days given whether you're sick or not and of course family leave! This is NOT a free enterprise system, it's the wonders of government!


I am flabergasted that an adult in our society could honestly believe that with 7 days before an election billed as the Mother of All Elections you could "place a call" to a state agency and have an absentee ballot appear in time for you to complete it and THEN get it back in time for it to be counted. Perhaps I'm missing a key component of your experience, if so please fill me in.

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If it was one week before...I'd say too bad...you missed the registeration deadline . I know here in NY you had to registerd by Oct. 8th. If I'm wrong I'm sorry...but waiting until a week before...no sympathy here.

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I posted this before, but I’ll make it brief for the KzooMike. I bought a new house at the end of May of this year. I made sure that my election registration was changed, imagine that. I took the !@#$ing time out of my busy schedule to make sure that my voter registration in Florida was changed, well before the election. I have no sympathy for ignorance.



The 6 P’s come into effect here.

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I posted this before, but I’ll make it brief for the KzooMike. I bought a new house at the end of May of this year. I made sure that my election registration was changed, imagine that. I took the !@#$ing time out of my busy schedule to make sure that my voter registration in Florida was changed, well before the election. I have no sympathy for  ignorance.

The 6 P’s come into effect here.



Why did you bother to do all that? You should have just shown up at any old polling place and if they gave you any hassle, just starting screaming about how you were being "disenfranchaised" :P

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I wonder why we don't just hold our elections over a two-day period, like a Friday-Saturday or Sunday-Monday, to keep the lines down and allow more time to count the provisional / absentee ballots as well.  As near I can recall in 2000 people freaked out until 12/13 because of fear of the unknown.  Well it's not unknown any more, we survived then and we could do it again.  It seems like if it took a couple of days to get it right it would be worth it.


You want two days of exit polls? They're talking about the effect that had on west coast voters as it is after one day. Two days of exit polling all over the country at the same time?


No thanks. My TV would melt.

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You want two days of exit polls? They're talking about the effect that had on west coast voters as it is after one day. Two days of exit polling all over the country at the same time?


No thanks. My TV would melt.

Don't worry Paco...I think she moved to Canada.. :P
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I posted this before, but I’ll make it brief for the KzooMike. I bought a new house at the end of May of this year. I made sure that my election registration was changed, imagine that. I took the !@#$ing time out of my busy schedule to make sure that my voter registration in Florida was changed, well before the election. I have no sympathy for  ignorance.

The 6 P’s come into effect here.



In my best Sheriff Woody: "Personal accountability. Don't have any? GET SOME!

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Why did you bother to do all that?  You should have just shown up at any old polling place and if they gave you any hassle, just starting screaming about how you were being "disenfranchaised"  :P




The 6 P's:


Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.




BTW, This is applicable for dates ;);)

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I was angry about not getting the ballot, and furious about it not being sent.


But let's be clear on which system you're complaining about: Florida's. Just because Florida still can't manage their electoral process, doesn't mean it has to be a federal issue.


Astronauts are voting from space this year- are I being told that they're voice is more important than mine? That bothers me more than anything.



It's a PR stunt. "Astronauts voting from space" makes for a "cool" human interest story. They're special in that they're marketable...the day you become as marketable, they'll cut you some slack on your voting process as well.

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Not really.  I have no doubt the libs have been stuffing the ballot boxes for decades.  It's not even a dispute that they stole the election in 1960.


Anyway, what I was refering to was your statement that this news would "further anger" liberals.  Further?  What do they have to be angry about in the first place?  They lost fair and square.


Talk about splitting hairs. Ever pissed after the Bills lost a game? It is that kind of anger. "Darn, we lost". Not exactly a major surprise or evidence of moral weakness. It is pretty much a natural response to a frustrating situation.

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It would be interesting if the machines on which these errors took place were Diebold machines...considering the comments that their chief executive made about, "helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." What a fiasco that would be.

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Is that code for Northern Lights or Maui Wowi? :P


Actually, the most potent hippy lettuce on the planet originates here. It's called "Matanuska Thunder Fukk". I've never done drugs. Don't plan on starting now. Doesn't change my stance that marijuana should be legal, however.


In my earlier post, I was referring to king crab.

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Actually, the most potent hippy lettuce on the planet originates here.  It's called "Matanuska Thunder Fukk".  I've never done drugs.  Don't plan on starting now.  Doesn't change my stance that marijuana should be legal, however.


In my earlier post, I was referring to king crab.



mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. King Crab. Bring on the lemmon and butter.

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