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Teams interested in TO?

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Ich habe gefordert, Ralph Wilson für den Handel, dass Stück Scheiße Terell Owens für alles! Er ist ein Krebs in der Umkleide. Für alle Fans Buffalo Sie sind zum Scheitern verurteilt!




Adolf Hitler

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I heard that even TO maybe on the block? Very interesting!!




Did you hear it on television, the radio, the internet, or in a newspaper? Or did you just overhear somebody chatting in a bar?




This is how I heard it


Yeah! How do you know the frequency was tuned in right? :thumbsup:



What kind of car do you drive?


Probably a Yugo. :lol:



They should stop making those. ;)


I wonder if Ralph's Taurus has a radio. :thumbsup:

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