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Billy Bob Thornton


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Not that bad, really, and actually a tad amusing. Sure Thornton is a bizarre dude, and he is being a bit of a dick, here but this is nothing on the level of Russell Crowe or Colin Farrell douchebaggery. And Thornton is a better actor than either of them.

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This is the only part I agree with you on.



I do feel for his bandmates, though. I think Thornton wanted the interview to be about the band, and not to focus on him, and his acting. But, this was a bad tactic, as it put even more emphasis on him, and turned into a side-show, instead of a discussion about the band and their (probably crappy) music. I'm also going to guess the interviewer knew they requested he not talk about Billy-Bob's acting career, and did it anyway.


If I were BBT, I would have ignored the interviewer's screw up, and given a music-centered interview...and then blasted him at the end for being unprofessional and a douche.

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I do feel for his bandmates, though. I think Thornton wanted the interview to be about the band, and not to focus on him, and his acting. But, this was a bad tactic, as it put even more emphasis on him, and turned into a side-show, instead of a discussion about the band and their (probably crappy) music. I'm also going to guess the interviewer knew they requested he not talk about Billy-Bob's acting career, and did it anyway.


If I were BBT, I would have ignored the interviewer's screw up, and given a music-centered interview...and then blasted him at the end for being unprofessional and a douche.

If you hear the audio, the interviewer was very professional. He wasn't one of those fart-noise morning DJs. He didn't try to goad him. BB clearly wanted to pick a fight at the mere mention of what he's best known for and because the DJ referred to music as BB's "passion."



Bottom line though, is that the dude's band would have never been given media coverage if BB wasn't a famous actor and for BB to pretend like that isn't the case is douche-baggery. He can pound sand if he doesn't like it.

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Not that bad, really, and actually a tad amusing. Sure Thornton is a bizarre dude, and he is being a bit of a dick, here but this is nothing on the level of Russell Crowe or Colin Farrell douchebaggery. And Thornton is a better actor than either of them.


I don't have a problem with this and I agree- it's amusing. He also had A. Jolie lusting after him. Not a bad mark on any mans' record.

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I thought BBT was being a total douche until I got about half way through the interview. Could have been handled better, but if they laid ground rules beforehand and then the interviewer decided to provide "context" anyway, then it was a douche reversal.

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I wonder if the band did not have Billy Bob whether anyone would have wanted to interview them? I guess he takes advantage of the actor director thing to get to the microphone then acts as if the media is interested mostly in this hillbilly band? I suppose the band might be legit, but would it command so much attention without BBT and his notoriety?

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I suppose the band might be legit, but would it command so much attention without BBT and his notoriety?


Um, you wouldn't ask that of Tom Petty, would you?

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I thought BBT was being a total douche until I got about half way through the interview. Could have been handled better, but if they laid ground rules beforehand and then the interviewer decided to provide "context" anyway, then it was a douche reversal.


The only reason BBT's band was on the radio to begin with is because of his name. Mentioning his acting career for five seconds before the interview is not being a douche.


When the interviewer asks if music was his first love and BBT says would you ask Tom Petty that? He seems to be comparing himself to Tom Petty!!!??? What a heinous prick!! Then the interviewer asks him what his influences were and BBT says again would you ask Tom Petty that? Actually he probably would. In fact I've seen interviews with Tom Petty late in his career where he's been asked that exact question. I also would have asked how his band mates put up with such an A-hole in the band.


If I were the interviewer I would have asked him if he for one second thought he was comparable to Tom Petty. That's just amazingly egotistical. The guy obviously has a high opinion of himself. He had eight albums out and I would have asked what his sales numbers were for them and then pointed out his acting was a lot more successful than his music and that's why a very little of the interview was about that.


If BBT had gone along with the musical questions that I thought weren't out of line at all he could have promoted his band. All he did is come off like a jackass.


I think he was on something.

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I wonder if the band did not have Billy Bob whether anyone would have wanted to interview them? I guess he takes advantage of the actor director thing to get to the microphone then acts as if the media is interested mostly in this hillbilly band? I suppose the band might be legit, but would it command so much attention without BBT and his notoriety?


What he said. :wub:

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The only reason BBT's band was on the radio to begin with is because of his name. Mentioning his acting career for five seconds before the interview is not being a douche.


When the interviewer asks if music was his first love and BBT says would you ask Tom Petty that? He seems to be comparing himself to Tom Petty!!!??? What a heinous prick!! Then the interviewer asks him what his influences were and BBT says again would you ask Tom Petty that? Actually he probably would. In fact I've seen interviews with Tom Petty late in his career where he's been asked that exact question. I also would have asked how his band mates put up with such an A-hole in the band.


If I were the interviewer I would have asked him if he for one second thought he was comparable to Tom Petty. That's just amazingly egotistical. The guy obviously has a high opinion of himself. He had eight albums out and I would have asked what his sales numbers were for them and then pointed out his acting was a lot more successful than his music and that's why a very little of the interview was about that.


If BBT had gone along with the musical questions that I thought weren't out of line at all he could have promoted his band. All he did is come off like a jackass.


I think he was on something.



Yeah, he could have also pointed out that Tom Petty wasn't known for something other than his music first and foremost like BBT was. I actually agree with you. It's mostly just that I like BBT, and I also wanted to find a way to use the term "douche-reversal".

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