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Why The 49ers Wont Draft Stafford

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you may be right Deadstroke, it may not have much to do with football, but I don't see an issue with a professional team, that is looking to make an enormous investment, not just monetarily but in the direction of the organization's success, in evaluating a player's psychological makeup. I believe that you have to be mentally tough to be the leader of a football team, which many time's a team's QB is asked to do.


Was Singletary out of line by making such a brash comment? probably.


Was his analysis wrong? Maybe not.


In my view, it is telling, and it would raise a red flag. That's just my opinion.


This only tells us why the 49ers are doomed.


This is the dumbest thing I've heard all week.

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Yeah we will. Because you are advocating the same psychological over-analysis B.S. the Niners are, I think we will all see that you and that clueless organization are both full of it.

such hostility


relax, take a zanex and come back to me in two years

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This has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's absolutely NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. It has nothing to do with his performance on the field. I thought Singletary had it together until this. Wow.


Before they pass on another player and give Millions to the kid, they want to be sure he won't turn into Vince Young.


The underlying issues that caused Vince Young to wig-out were originally 'none of the titans' business' and had 'nothing to do with his performance on the field'.

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such hostility


relax, take a zanex and come back to me in two years


you mean Xanax? sure moron will do. What happens in two years? If Stafford is a relative failure you are going to contend that you and that joke of an organization were right all along, based on the kid wanting to protect just a little bit of his privacy? Wow I thought SKOOBY was irrational. Good luck in the fifth grade kid.

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you mean Xanax? sure moron will do. What happens in two years? If Stafford is a relative failure you are going to contend that you and that joke of an organization were right all along, based on the kid wanting to protect just a little bit of his privacy? Wow I thought SKOOBY was irrational. Good luck in the fifth grade kid.

seems like it's a touchy subject with you, I can understand how your frustration leads you to adolescent name calling, let me make a suggestion



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Gotta disagree with you on this one. Stuff him because he won't talk about his parents divorce? I fail to see what that's got to do with playing football!


It's got everything to do with his frame of mind, his ability to deal with difficult situations, etc. And that has a lot to do with playoff football -- especially for a QB.


I can't believe so many people here would dismiss an attempt to evaluate a guy's emotional and mental make up. Might have been worthwhile for the Falcons to make such an attempt before drafting Vick, no?


And if you are about to commit to paying someone tens of millions of dollars, EVERYTHING is your business.

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Before they pass on another player and give Millions to the kid, they want to be sure he won't turn into Vince Young.


The underlying issues that caused Vince Young to wig-out were originally 'none of the titans' business' and had 'nothing to do with his performance on the field'.



Let's put aside the fact that no psychological profile could predict Vick's issue.


Even if the methods are legit, and the 49ers had every reason to test Stafford, the had NO right, or reason, do disclose anything from the test, to the public. A simple, "We have some issues with his make up" would have sufficed.

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Let's put aside the fact that no psychological profile could predict Vick's issue.


Even if the methods are legit, and the 49ers had every reason to test Stafford, the had NO right, or reason, do disclose anything from the test, to the public. A simple, "We have some issues with his make up" would have sufficed.

I'm with you Dean. When you release information like this it only causes a wave of assumptions from hardcore fans. Who knows the context of this interview? Some will read this report and picture Stafford breaking down into tears and falling to pieces. Others might picture Stafford calmly saying I'll answer anything that is not related to my family. Who knows maybe 3-5 years down the road the Bills possible trade for Stafford will be a hot topic on this board. Some weirdo here is going to dig this up and use it as their main point in a no trade for Stafford argument. Thanks for being professional niners.

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Let's put aside the fact that no psychological profile could predict Vick's issue.


Even if the methods are legit, and the 49ers had every reason to test Stafford, the had NO right, or reason, do disclose anything from the test, to the public. A simple, "We have some issues with his make up" would have sufficed.

Dean, I don't believe anyone, at least not me anyway, is saying that the 49ers handled it correctly.


The question is should a team psychologicaly profile their prospects, even if that means asking about their childhood and etc.?


The makeup of a successful QB is not just his physical attributes, or his football IQ but also his mental toughness. So a psychiatric evaluation to me seems logical.


I also am somewhat surprised, but not too surprised in how defensive many people on this board are towards this matter. If people don't want to consider a person's psychological makeup, that is their prerogative. But I can tell you that I'd be damn sure that I'd check out every single aspect of that player, specially the magnitude of a top 10 draft prospect, in considering if this is the player that I want to commit millions of dollars and the future direction of the franchise.


Not only is there the dollars of the high contract value that are at risk, but the success of the organization, which in turn has lots of monetary implications as well with ticket sales, jersey's etc.


I believe that by doing so, in evaluating your prospect, you are just doing your due diligence.


However I am not condoning Singletary's outburst, as I said before he is definitely rough around the edges, but maybe his evaluation was correct.

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Dean, I don't believe anyone, at least not me anyway, is saying that the 49ers handled it correctly.


The question is should a team psychological profile their prospects, even if that means asking about their childhood and etc.?



Companies psychologically profile their prospective employees all the time, and the NFL is no different. A personal interview, with a trained psychologist, is usually a far better evaluation than any score on a standardized test, IMO.


I have no problem with the 49ers asking a potential draft pick to take the test. I also have no problem with the potential draft pick telling them where to go, if he doesn't want to answer certain questions, or take the test, at all. They don't have to draft him, if they don't want to.


I think the ONLY real issue here, is Singletary's release of information that has no business being made public. Why would ANYONE take a test like this, if they thought their prospective employer was going to share the results with the sport's media? Given Mike's serious lack of propriety (with possible legal implications) Stafford probably did the right thing by not answering the question.

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Companies psychologically profile their prospective employees all the time, and the NFL is no different. A personal interview, with a trained psychologist, is usually a far better evaluation than any score on a standardized test, IMO.


I have no problem with the 49ers asking a potential draft pick to take the test. I also have no problem with the potential draft pick telling them where to go, if he doesn't want to answer certain questions, or take the test, at all. They don't have to draft him, if they don't want to.

I think the ONLY real issue here, is Singletary's release of information that has no business being made public. Why would ANYONE take a test like this, if they thought their prospective employer was going to share the results with the sport's media? Given Mike's serious lack of propriety (with possible legal implications) Stafford probably did the right thing by not answering the question.

I agree with you. Very unprofessional.

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Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:04 pm EDT


49ers don't want Stafford because he won't open up to shrink

By Chris Chase

There are a number of reasons an NFL team wouldn't draft a certain quarterback. Maybe they'd be concerned about his arm strength, or footwork, or accuracy, or football IQ. There are literally dozens of flaws a signal caller might have. The San Francisco 49ers have found a new one.


Reports say that Mike Singletary and the Niners won't draft Georgia quarterback Matthew Stafford because he was reluctant to talk to a team psychologist about his parent's divorce. Said Singletary:


"If you're going to look at drafting a guy in the first round, and you're going to pay him millions of dollars, and asking him about a divorce about his parents, if that's going to be an issue, uhhh, then you know what, maybe he doesn't belong here."


Let me get this straight: A 21-year old doesn't want to talk to some stranger about his parent's divorce? Inconceivable! Such a reaction surely portends NFL mediocrity!


Honestly, that's an utterly bizarre quote from Singletary. The 49ers have to do their due diligence in researching the backgrounds of draft picks, but what does not wanting to talk about a traumatic childhood event have to do with leading a football team?


The concern about psychology is especially strange coming from Singletary, who attempted to motivate his team last year by dropping his pants before giving a half-time speech. I'm pretty sure he got that idea from Freud.


"Stafford takes the snap and rolls back. Look John he's got Bruce wide open in the endzone! He cocks his arm and... what's that"


"Al he just fell to the ground shouting Mommy, Daddy why?"


"OMG John the balls been picked up by Rogers-Cromartie! He's down to to the 30, 20, 10, TOUCHDOWD ARIZONA!!!"


"After that psychological test I don't know why anyone would've drafted him at all. Brett Favre never would have done that"

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