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Enjoy Your Capitalism?


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And if you are really dumb enough to believe that there are no poor people in socialist countries, maybe it's time to go see a bit of the world for yourself junior. Oh wait...no one will pay for you to travel the world. Damn capitalists! :thumbsup::thumbdown:


Techincally there are not any poor people in a socialist country. It is too hard to distinguish between the poor people and the really poor people.


The only rich people are the ones that run the government. Just the way that Barney Frank, Nacy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barry Huessein want it.

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Guest three3

umm check out our inner cities. lots of poor folk. check out how many don't have health insurance in our country. lots. there are success stories but their riches are built on the backs of the poor. for every american millionaire out there there are thousands of americans living in poverty. try enjoying capitalism when the wretched of the earth need to rob you to survive. if you own property, i advise buying guns

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umm check out our inner cities. lots of poor folk. check out how many don't have health insurance in our country. lots. there are success stories but their riches are built on the backs of the poor. for every american millionaire out there there are thousands of americans living in poverty. try enjoying capitalism when the wretched of the earth need to rob you to survive. if you own property, i advise buying guns


The poor folks need to stop having kids. Why should the country be held accountable for their mistakes.


If you can't feed them don't breed them.

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Let go of your bitterness and feel free to move to a socialist country so you can take advantage of all the opportunites you'll have there. Or at least you'll be able to feel better about yourself since no one else will be able to better themselves either.


Move? All he has to do is wait and he'll be living in one.

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the fact that this discussion typically leads to a pissing match of "whose fault this all is, Republicans or Democrats" and the fact that everyone is looking for a way to blame "the other guys", just shows exactly how !@#$ed up this country now is.


It wasnt the Democrats, it wasnt the Republicans, it wasnt the American Public...


it was ALL OF THEM. together. as stupid, short-sighted Americans.


The people in power have YOU ALL exactly where they want you. Blame the "other side" even though the leaders of both sides are in this together and, short of some religious views, are exactly the same people. Meanwhile, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting to pay for it. No matter which party is in power.


Get over yourselves and start realizing that we are all in this together because we all !@#$ed up. One way or another.


The more time you spend declaring "those people" as the problem, the more the people in power get to rake you over the coals.

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the fact that this discussion typically leads to a pissing match of "whose fault this all is, Republicans or Democrats" and the fact that everyone is looking for a way to blame "the other guys", just shows exactly how !@#$ed up this country now is.


It wasnt the Democrats, it wasnt the Republicans, it wasnt the American Public...


it was ALL OF THEM. together. as stupid, short-sighted Americans.


The people in power have YOU ALL exactly where they want you. Blame the "other side" even though the leaders of both sides are in this together and, short of some religious views, are exactly the same people. Meanwhile, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting to pay for it. No matter which party is in power.


Get over yourselves and start realizing that we are all in this together because we all !@#$ed up. One way or another.


The more time you spend declaring "those people" as the problem, the more the people in power get to rake you over the coals.


post of the century, dr. dank

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better myself? college is free in socialist nations and i would be guaranteed shelter, food, a living wage. americans can't say this. try selling crapitalism on the generation of americans in their teens and 20s. tough sell


You conveniently refuse to elaborate on any of the negative aspects of socialism. How about the limitations on social mobility? The loss of personal economic freedoms? The undermining of work ethics? The reduction of overall national wealth? The lowering of technological advancements? The higher levels of unemployment? The inefficient distribution of basic goods and services?


Your limited description of socialism makes it sound like utopia, but the reality is that all of the countries in Europe and South America that embrace this economic model have loads of problems...problems about which we culturally isolated Americans rarely hear.


And for the record, I myself am a part of the teen/20's generation of Americans that actually likes capitalism. There are plenty more like me, so stop making my generation out to be a bunch of mooching, lazy, stupid, slacker lemmings. Anyone with a modicum of self-discipline and personal pride would prefer the capitalistic model. You may be content with a watered-down education, a small hut, cans of soup, and a paltry stipend...but most of us aspire for a life greater than that of a glorified house pet (and for those who can't achieve much due to circumstances beyond their control, there's a concept called "private charity").

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It's not whining. Its expressing concern. I admire the man for acting, but I am terrified of his actions.


You say that corporate greed on Wall Steet is to blame? You are partially right. If you are going to blame anyone you have to go to the source of the whole problem. You can thank Alan Greenspan and Bill clinton for the repeal of the Glass-Steagal act.


This legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999. After being heavily sought after from Alan Greenspan.


The banking industry had been seeking the repeal of Glass-Steagall since at least the 1980s, coincidentaly the time that Alan Greenspan took over as Fed Chief.


This basically paved the path for all these OTC non regulated derivatives. Wall street just exasperated the problem further.


You have to understand what the government is doing. I know that they are trying to provide liquidity to the system, but at the same time we are falling further and further into debt. Did you know that the plan that Geithner has, allows Wall street risktakers, to partake in another game of profits? Did you know that the American tax payer is financing over %85 of these hedgefunds that want to participate, and not only do we finance their risktaking, but the FDIC is going to assume %90 of the risk. How is that a good deal to the U.S taxpayer?


Let me say that again, we are going to finance over %85 of these toxic assets, distressed debt, mortgage backed securities that are tremendously devalued, and then we are going to assume %90 of the risk.


Of course Wall street and the banks love this. They basically have little risk and tremendous upside.


Sure it provides more liquidity to the markets, but it still doesn't address the underlying problem, and that is lending. Banks will not lend freely in this environment. Jobs are declining, home values are deteriorating, the consumer is scaling back, all while the banks are hemorrhaging money. We are adopting the "zombie bank" policies of Japan of the 90's. Ya, that worked really well for them didn't it?


I will admit that it improves the odds of success, but the risk that we are taking in my view are much much greater than what we should ever take on.


Basically in essence the U.S has now become a super Hedge fund manager. The only difference is, that clients usually have a choice and do their research whether or not they want to do business with a hedge fund. Except, us the taxpayer are now involuntary investors. We have no choice.


On top of it all the federal reserve committed and is going to print over $1.1 trillion dollars to provide liquidity to the markets, by buying our own U.S Debt. :nana:


are you kidding me? No wonder the Chinese are pissed as hell. Two weeks ago their their prime minister said that they were "worried" about their $1 Trillion dollar investment that they have with us. No sh*t !

If they were worried two weeks ago, they must have loved the decision we made to print over $1 trillion dollars, which is the single biggest act the U.S Federal reserve has made since the 1985 plaza accord, allowing the dollar to make it's second biggest fall on record.


Did you know that the chinese leaders are looking to press at the Group of 20 summit for specific steps to protect its more than $1 trillion of dollar assets as our U.S. fiscal policies risk sparking a possibly and likely “currency war” ?


did you know that their central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan urged the International Monetary Fund to work on creating a “super-sovereign reserve currency” that would be stable and independent of individual nations? This is according to the central bank’s Web site yesterday.


They want to form a new global currency. This is a reflection of what they believe will happen to the dollar.


You ask, do you have any solutions. Yes their are solutions.


Here is what we should do:


1) Perform the stress tests that they are all ready implementing on all U.S banks.

2) Banks that do not pass the stress test, take them into "temporary receivership"

3) Break off all the healthy assets these banks and institutions have and sell them off to healthier, stronger regional banks that exercised good risk management. (reward the good banks)

4) Pool all the toxic debt, form a free market for participants to enter.

5) Give tax breaks and incentives for market participants.

6) Give assurances that their won't be negative taxation policies for participants.

7) Allow low financing for these "legacy" assets, but not at the extent that they are now currently offering. (which means less risk for the US taxpayer)

8) Limit the risk to the market participants, but no where near to the extent that they are offering now. (again, less risk for the the US taxpayer)


These are some of the solutions that I have compiled from some people that I consider to have a better gauge of what is going on like Nouriel Roubini or Paul Krugman.


I have serious doubts of the actions that are taking place right now. Everyone better exchange their dollars for something tangible, because soon enough, paper will be worth very little.

I like your thinking and, as I have said, I'm a friggin liberal!

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If everyone is tired of the government taxing and spending their way out of this debacle, it starts with you.


Tea Parties are gaining steam, and there will be a national protest on Tax Day. Go here to see if it's happening locally for you. I don't know if this is an effective thing to do, but it beats doing nothing.


The Thomas Paine 2009 link in my sig is pretty outstanding. At least to me. I don't agree with 100% of it, but he really makes some great suggestions about how we should hold our elected officials accountable for all the perks they give themselves.


Bottom line: our government is out of control. They think they can recklessly spend their way out of the problem they created, while simultaneously using the economic crisis as a way to expand tax powers and piss on the consitution. They are on our payroll. It's our responsibility to do something about it.


Stand up and be counted for sit down and STFU.

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And naturally, the innocent child should be made to suffer for their parents' mistake. :thumbsup:



the innocent child generally suffers anyway. No health care, poor nutrition, single parent home, little parent involvement.

I cant even understand an "oops". Birth control is ready available, and don't throw religion at me, what kind of person doesnt use birth control on religious grounds and then has kids out of wedlock?

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Very very bad news!!


The Fed last week announced that they were going to print $300 Billion dollars and buy our own debt with it.


The whole purpose of the exercise is to bring down rates. I never liked this idea. If we print money and buy our own debt, investors will sell their treasuries to our own government. In essence, rates will remain unchanged, and we will waste $300 Billion without getting anything done.


So what happened today?


Today is the first day that we bought the first round of the $300 Billion.


Rates went up!! Not down!


Not good


The English are doing the same, and their GILT auction failed today. First time in 7 years.





oh and btw today Tim Geithner said that he supports a strong dollar

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Very very bad news!!

The Fed last week announced that they were going to print $300 Billion dollars and buy our own debt with it.

You obviously missed last night's press conference. Be patient. Stay the course. See the big picture. And teach your children well.

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