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Jimmy Rollins Commercial


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Anyone see that Jimmy Rollins commercial for Dick's. I found it hysterical! here it is


I like it when he says "yeeaaah"

I swear I was going to post this exact same thing a week or so ago when this came out. I fuggin the crazy looks he gives while getting pelted by those balls. Especially the last one. LMAO.


Absolutely hysterical.



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Not too funny. But what is funny is when my 12 year old nephew typed in Dicks.com when he wanted to get some sporting equipment.





Agreed on both points.

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Funny commercial, but he still didn't deserve that MVP...just sayin.

Being in the Cleveland market and not springing for the MLB Extra Innings package I don't get to see a lot of the Phillies (or anyone in the NL, for that matter) so I haven't seen a lot of Rollins, but the more I see the more I like him. I know I'm probably one of about 100 people in the US watching the WBC but I'd rather see him at SS than Jeter.


I'm also finding a new level of respect for Pedroia, now that I get to see him play away from the Red Sox.

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