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Patriot Fan Sues The Bills and two security firms

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Patriot Fan Sues Bills and two Security Guard Firms



Following the Patriots’ 28-6 drubbing of the Bills, the Donagheys were waiting in the stadium parking lot for traffic to subside. Wearing a Patriots jacket and Red Sox [team stats] cap, Barry Donaghey walked to use a nearby port-a-potty, and Bills fans began yelling anti-Patriots slurs and throwing rocks at it while he was inside.


When he emerged, several males attacked Donaghey, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Boston. He was punched, kicked and struck by a chair in a 15- to 20-minute beating, while the “mob” grew to as many as 20. One assailant restrained Diane Donaghey, then four months pregnant with her first child, when she tried to help her husband.


Good Samaritans eventually pulled Barry Donaghey from his attackers, who continued to pummel the couple’s car as they left the lot.

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Sue the Bills for what? Security can't be everywhere.



It will be an interesting case because drunken out of control behavior goes on all over the parking lots. If this guy is successful and wins big money you can bet that the Bills will have to crack down on this. They have made a major effort to do so inside the stadium but not so much elsewhere.


If the guys who bet the patsies fan up can't be identified I think the suit has to be tossed. Arguably the peopl in the parking lot did not even buy tickets to the game so they are not connected to the team in any way.

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It will be an interesting case because drunken out of control behavior goes on all over the parking lots. If this guy is successful and wins big money you can bet that the Bills will have to crack down on this. They have made a major effort to do so inside the stadium but not so much elsewhere.


If the guys who bet the patsies fan up can't be identified I think the suit has to be tossed. Arguably the peopl in the parking lot did not even buy tickets to the game so they are not connected to the team in any way.


I am not quite sure why they are suing Contemporary Services. I know a lot of people who work for this company and they have zero responsibility outside of the gates of the stadium. I believe Apex is the same way. I can't imagine them getting nay money out iof companies that are not contracted to protect the area that they were assaulted in.

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He was so distressed and upset that it took him 2.5 years to file the suit....? :lol:


And even if this really did happen, I'm sure he was just minding his own business the whole time, and the fans attacked him for absolutely no reason. I'm sure he wasn't mocking anyone. Not that smack talk should result in a beatdown, but have some common sense when visiting an opponent's stadium.

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It will be an interesting case because drunken out of control behavior goes on all over the parking lots. If this guy is successful and wins big money you can bet that the Bills will have to crack down on this. They have made a major effort to do so inside the stadium but not so much elsewhere.


Sure will. Don't think the league doesn't notice this crap and that it doesn't have an impact on the prospects for football in Buffalo long term.



The NFL is a $30+ billion business and it's going to be run like one. Fans being assaulted based on what hat they wear isn't going to be tolerated much longer. Look at how that behavior has been rooted out in other sports. How often do you see a fight in the stands at a hockey game compared to 25 years ago?

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He was so distressed and upset that it took him 2.5 years to file the suit....? :lol:


And even if this really did happen, I'm sure he was just minding his own business the whole time, and the fans attacked him for absolutely no reason. I'm sure he wasn't mocking anyone. Not that smack talk should result in a beatdown, but have some common sense when visiting an opponent's stadium.

oh, something definitely happened - exactly what, who knows? was a big deal in the boston herald a couple of years ago.


notice the foto - the poor, aggrieved, innocent victims standing in front of a church!!! :thumbsup:


how'd he get those bandages on his hands anyway? don't suppose he maybe threw a punch or two?

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That's sh--. They should be suing any of the participants in the brawl... but seeing as they probably can't be ID'ed the ambulance-chaser is going after the team. The same way they couldn't find security, security couldn't find them. And unless teams are supposed to spend huge dollars employing 6,000 guards per game just for outside of the stadium.... Very slippery slope to make the team accountable for all the collective actions of its fans.


If some dude pissed on my suit in the bathroom at the stadium during the blackout, do I get to sue the concessions? The electric company? The makers of the mylan balloons?


If my house gets robbed, do I get to sue the police or the store that's across the street? I mean, they obviously didn't do enough for me. They need to spend $400M to hire everyone in town as officers 24/7 to make sure I don't get robbed ever again! Yeah, that sounds good. And they should pay for my ADT... and a personal bodyguard... pepper spray and one of those big Maglites.


I'm sorry that this dude and his wife were subjected to this and if I were there, I would've tried to help them. (And this incident is just another example of how personal security is self-help. If this guy was carrying (if NYS had concealed-carry laws, this likely would've been over in about 10 seconds with the great equalizer). But I just fail to see how the Bills should have to pay for the actions of a few sh--head people who were in the lots after the game. Find those people. Sue those people. They are responsible for your beat-down.


Billy the Buffalo didn't punch you, and Ralph didn't drive over you with his Taurus.


Instead, the lawyer goes after the faceless easily-identifiable organization that has money. B/c in this country, they have nothing to lose for filing this crap.

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He was so distressed and upset that it took him 2.5 years to file the suit....? :lol:


And even if this really did happen, I'm sure he was just minding his own business the whole time, and the fans attacked him for absolutely no reason. I'm sure he wasn't mocking anyone. Not that smack talk should result in a beatdown, but have some common sense when visiting an opponent's stadium.

I don't know how many games you've attended, but I've seen Bills fans start crap for no reason. I witnessed a man dump beer on some kid (who looked 12 max) who was wearing chargers gear this year. That's one of several examples I could give you. The drunkeness is a problem. I drink. I just don't act like a tool. Not everyone can say that.

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He was so distressed and upset that it took him 2.5 years to file the suit....? :lol:


And even if this really did happen, I'm sure he was just minding his own business the whole time, and the fans attacked him for absolutely no reason. I'm sure he wasn't mocking anyone. Not that smack talk should result in a beatdown, but have some common sense when visiting an opponent's stadium.


I've seen guys in Jets and Fins jerseys get popped by the human garbage in the Bills parking lots---just for wearing the colors (i.e., "for absolutely no reason"). I've seen them throw snowballs and beer at the opposing team bus on its way to the stadium. The worst are the rare night games--when the "fans" have been drinking since noon.


You should go to a game, fezmid.

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I don't know how many games you've attended, but I've seen Bills fans start crap for no reason. I witnessed a man dump beer on some kid (who looked 12 max) who was wearing chargers gear this year. That's one of several examples I could give you. The drunkeness is a problem. I drink. I just don't act like a tool. Not everyone can say that.

and i've been pelted by beer cans (& bottles) walking to the port-a-johns at foxboro - just for wearing bills colors. wasn't doing anything, saying anything, just minding my business. happens everywhere.


but those two look like instigators...provocateurs...especially her. she probably egged him on.


i'm surprised their lawyer didn't outfit them both with neck braces.

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and i've been pelted by beer cans (& bottles) walking to the port-a-johns at foxboro - just for wearing bills colors. wasn't doing anything, saying anything, just minding my business. happens everywhere.


but those two look like instigators...provocateurs...especially her. she probably egged him on.


i'm surprised their lawyer didn't outfit them both with neck braces.


While I certainly don't advocate violence in any form and think that the folks who beat on this guy should probably go to jail, even if, as I suspect it's at least a 50% chance here that he may very well have been rubbing in a Pats* victory on the locals on his way to the can, anyone else find the whole thing odd in terms of the picture? I mean, what is it, like two years later, and he's still got bandaged hands and a righteous look in his eyes, in front of a church no less? Me smells a plaintiff's lawyer here (and boy do they smell).....

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