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16 illegals sue Arizona rancher

Tux of Borg

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I am with the Dean on this......the fact that that they are not legal citizens isn't so much an issue to me is the fact that they are trespassing on his property and his livelyhood


This is wrong even if it was the legal neighbors down the street doing it.


I agree with this -- it's about the trespassing. And in this case the trespassing and vandalism is happening over and over again. At what point does the guy have the right to up the ante on how he deals with the trespassers? What is disgusting is that for political reasons his government not only refuses to help him but is persecuting him for his completely reasonable reaction.

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I don't like corned beef and cabbage. Why do you deep thinkers always mix LEGAL immigration with ILLEGAL immigration? Do it right, and I have no problem.

Yup. Every single irishman living in the US right now is here legally.


Call on Obama to regularise undocumented Irish

Seán Ó Neachtain MEP has written to US President-elect Barack Obama urging him to introduce measures to enable an estimated 50,000 undocumented and illegal Irish immigrants to remain in the country legally.


In the letter, Mr Ó Neachtain said the situation of the illegal Irish in America was "unacceptable"


"The American Government is completely and fully within its rights to tighten up security at American airports and ports due to international terrorism threats," he said.


"But I am urging you as the new President of America taking office next Tuesday to show a sense of compassion and understanding of the very difficult situation that many illegal and undocumented Irish people find themselves in at present in America."


McCain Bemoans Fate of Undocumented Irish in America

An issue that has been largely missing from the English-language presidential debate recently -- immigration reform -- made a brief return here this morning when Republican John McCain addressed a largely Irish-American crowd.


McCain said there were "50,000 Irish men and women in this country illegally who want to become citizens'' and that "we have to give them a path to citizenship."


Hundreds rally at Philly ILIR meet

The crisis facing undocumented Irish immigrants in Philadelphia was placed front and center on an unseasonably balmy evening last week when the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform road show stopped over at a leading city hotel.


Between three and four hundred people gathered at the Hyatt Regency on Philadelphia's waterfront on Friday, Feb. 3 -- this despite rumors of an impending immigration raid, which organizers believe may have kept some away.




Samantha, an undocumented immigrant from New York, put a human face on the debate.


She began her remarks with, "I have a degree in psychology and I work as a bartender. I have the same hopes and dreams as Irish immigrants before me."


Her emotional delivery rocked the house. She was followed by an unidentified male undocumented immigrant who threw down the gauntlet with "Philadelphia, it's time to stand up and be counted."


Undocumented Irish React With Caution

James, 25, is an undocumented carpenter from Tipperary. In Ireland he sold used cars but came to America to make money.


“I am earning maybe $1,200 a week. I live in a great apartment and I love New York. My only problem is that I can’t go home. But they are saying now that I can, so I think that’s great” he said.


But more and more as details of the plan came out, the undocumented Irish and some immigration specialists were more cautious.


John, 29, is an electrician with different ideas. “If I sign up for this program, it makes me legal right? Yeah but only for three years. After that I have to go home and there’s no promise that I’ll get a green card,” he lamented.


Paul, 28, is a college graduate who wants to live in America. “I really want to work here, I really want to pay taxes, but the sound of this proposal does not give me hope,” he told the Irish Voice.




I could go on and on.

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Yup. Every single irishman living in the US right now is here legally.


Call on Obama to regularise undocumented Irish



McCain Bemoans Fate of Undocumented Irish in America



Hundreds rally at Philly ILIR meet



Undocumented Irish React With Caution





I could go on and on.



Glad to see someone else notices this. Every time I point this out, I am scoffed at.


Now, I'm not bashing the Irish, but I notice that O'Reilly and others who have declared a Holy War on illegal immigration have focused, almost exclusively on the Mexicans. What about the Irish and Russians? Since they are White, I guess it's OK.


Of course, since there are more illegal Mexicans, than those from other countries, I can understand a disproportionate amount of the talk to be about Mexican immigration, but I would also expect a certain amount to be about illegal immigration from other countries.


It should also be noted that, a large number of those of us who have Irish, Italian, Greek, German and other European heritage, have some illegal immigration in our family history.

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If I was to hazard a guess, though, he's probably not being sued for the act of defending his land, but probably for detaining them under threat of violence.


It's called a citizens arrest.


Now I don't know all the legal requirements, but I do know that they where trespassing, as as such they should be arrested.

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Thats why every single fast food place in California is filled with people speaking with Irish accents.



I believe the entire populaton of Ireland is around 4 million.


I also believe that there are some estimates that the illegals in this country are near 20 million.

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Thats why every single fast food place in California is filled with people speaking with Irish accents.



Nearly every Irish Pub in Boston and New York has a bartender and wait staff that speaks with thick Irish accents and most Italian restaurants have a staff that speaks in heavy Italian accents. Do you suspect they are all legal?

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It's called a citizens arrest.


Now I don't know all the legal requirements, but I do know that they where trespassing, as as such they should be arrested.

The only Con Law explanation I could find was through wiki, and it states:

It would obviously be a violation of a suspect's civil rights to use excessive force, to torture, to hold in unsafe or cruel conditions or to invent a reason to arrest for the ulterior motive of settling a private score.


Citizen's Arrest laws only apply in the case of a felony. In Arizona, trespassing is a misdemeanor, not a felony. Also, I believe the majority of illegal entry cases are prosecuted as misdemeanors, as well. So, it is doubtfull any citizen's arrest law could be used in this guy's defense. By detaining and threatening them with harm, he violated what appears to be several civil rights laws. That's probably why the Judge decided the merits of the case made it acceptable to move forward to a jury trial.

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We are getting way off base here as usual. This boils down to thousands of people parading through this guys property year after year and absolutely trashing what this guy has worked hard for and earned. I don't care it they are blond haired and blue eyed American citizens. Its un acceptable for any person to live this way. Stealing his car, breaking into his home, damaging his valuables and eating his animals. They just happen to be illegal immigrants. Look My family came on the boat through Ellis Island like alot of yours did I am sure. And they were persecuted and sh-t on as well for many, many years.


How would you like it if the situation were reversed and you were this guy? Having to patrol your property and live in fear that someone is constantly invading your privacy. I give this guy a lot of credit for not shooting someone yet, because he has every right too. I am not advocating violence against anyone legal or illegal but if you step into my house and try to take what's mine you better have a gun, at least give yourself a chance.

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We are getting way off base here as usual. This boils down to thousands of people parading through this guys property year after year and absolutely trashing what this guy has worked hard for and earned. I don't care it they are blond haired and blue eyed American citizens. Its un acceptable for any person to live this way. Stealing his car, breaking into his home, damaging his valuables and eating his animals. They just happen to be illegal immigrants. Look My family came on the boat through Ellis Island like alot of yours did I am sure. And they were persecuted and sh-t on as well for many, many years.


How would you like it if the situation were reversed and you were this guy? Having to patrol your property and live in fear that someone is constantly invading your privacy. I give this guy a lot of credit for not shooting someone yet, because he has every right too. I am not advocating violence against anyone legal or illegal but if you step into my house and try to take what's mine you better have a gun, at least give yourself a chance.


It would take a lot more than stealing/destroying my property for me to actually make the conscious decision to end a man's life. It seems like a lot of people here disagree with me, but I couldn't make myself do it unless I felt my family was in danger, and even then I suspect I would have to deal with a boatload of guilt.

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It would take a lot more than stealing/destroying my property for me to actually make the conscious decision to end a man's life. It seems like a lot of people here disagree with me, but I couldn't make myself do it unless I felt my family was in danger, and even then I suspect I would have to deal with a boatload of guilt.

My point with that part of the story is if they broke into my house while my family was there. I wouldn't shoot someone for walking through my back yard but if I felt threatened its either me or him.

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My point with that part of the story is if they broke into my house while my family was there. I wouldn't shoot someone for walking through my back yard but if I felt threatened its either me or him.

There are scant news reports of what actually happened, but the court records that I actually could find state that he approached them. Were they on his property? Absolutely, that isn't in dispute. However, it is hard to make a case for self-defense if he was the one who approached them, and he was the only one armed. Secondly, neither illegal entry to the US nor trespassing are felonies in AZ, so any citizen's arrest defense isn't applicable. Third, you can't detain someone at gunpoint and threaten to kill them, nor can you threaten them with harm using an animal. That's wrong under any civil rights laws. Fourth, what actions any previous trespassers partook of on his property can't be used to justify detaining and threatening a seperate set of people. They can't be held responsible for the actions of others. Really, I can understand why this guy is pissed, but that's why we have law enforcement in this country. You can't just take the law into your own hands. That is how innocent people get hurt. He's already lost a case where he detained and threatened his neighbors.

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It would take a lot more than stealing/destroying my property for me to actually make the conscious decision to end a man's life. It seems like a lot of people here disagree with me, but I couldn't make myself do it unless I felt my family was in danger, and even then I suspect I would have to deal with a boatload of guilt.


How could you possibly incinuate that this man doesn't have reason to believe that his family is in danger due to these people constantly parading through his property? Many, not all or maybe not even the majority, but many, of these people use that route to smuggle drugs into America. Those who are doing that are oftentimes armed according to many reports, which obviously poses a pretty significant security threat to his family and himself. Buffalatone is right on, this whole argument has gotten way off base. The bottom line here is that this guy has had hundreds upon thousands of people from a different country, AT LEAST SOME with intentions of smuggling illegal drugs and carrying weapons, trespassing through HIS property in order to get into the U.S. illegally. Not to mention, trashing the property as they make their way through if he doesn't catch them first. This guy is acting in a way that is very similar to how the vast majority of us would react in this situation IMO, and he may even be showing some more restrain than some of us. Yet he finds himself on the wrong end of a potential lawsuit from this whack job organization. This story is a truly incredible story and paints a portrait of what is going wrong with present-day America in a nutshell. Hope justice serves this guy well, not that it should've ever made it into a courtroom in the first place.

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