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Blago tossed out of office

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Gee, I would have thought his appearance on The View would have really saved his ass.

I think he should have aimed higher when he was comparing himself to other do-gooders. Like, for instance, perhaps not say that he thought of himself as "Ghandi, Mandela, or Martin Luther King" -- but rather that he thought of himself as "all of the special qualities of Ghandi, Mandela and Martin Luther King combined". Now that would have been impressive. Otherwise, it's just tootin' your own horn.

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His manager fvcked up. Should have got him on Oprah.

Couldn't. The messiah doesn't support him since he a - got caught and b - didn't offer to kick back any of the money to the Messiah. Without Messiahorial approval oprah is not permitted to have him on her show. Messiah TV is only for the annointed ones and his chosen sheeple.

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I think he should have aimed higher when he was comparing himself to other do-gooders. Like, for instance, perhaps not say that he thought of himself as "Ghandi, Mandela, or Martin Luther King" -- but rather that he thought of himself as "all of the special qualities of Ghandi, Mandela and Martin Luther King combined". Now that would have been impressive. Otherwise, it's just tootin' your own horn.


I can't decide what my favorite part of his long, rambling statement to the IL senate today was: "I'm being persecuted for my stance on health care", or "Please don't do this, think of my daughters."


I mean, the health care thing was a serious "What the fochinell?" moment...but for sheer lunacy it's hard to beat hearing "think of my children" coming from a guy who claims to be completely innocent.

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I can't decide what my favorite part of his long, rambling statement to the IL senate today was: "I'm being persecuted for my stance on health care", or "Please don't do this, think of my daughters."


I mean, the health care thing was a serious "What the fochinell?" moment...but for sheer lunacy it's hard to beat hearing "think of my children" coming from a guy who claims to be completely innocent.

Yeah, deciding which sheer lunacy comment is the best is pretty much like deciding which skittle to eat first.


He may, however, be the very first complete and utter fukk-stick politician that I'm going to actually miss.

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If you've spent any time following the Blago trial, you can't help but feel that while it's buried below the fold outside Chicago due to all the other problems this country is facing, somehow this will soon find its way to DC. They were already giving Emmanuel grief, and now testimony today from Blago's chief of staff suggests Obama was aware of the plan to give Blago a cabinet post in exchange for putting Jarrett in his vacant Senate seat.


Starting to get juicy.

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If you've spent any time following the Blago trial, you can't help but feel that while it's buried below the fold outside Chicago due to all the other problems this country is facing, somehow this will soon find its way to DC. They were already giving Emmanuel grief, and now testimony today from Blago's chief of staff suggests Obama was aware of the plan to give Blago a cabinet post in exchange for putting Jarrett in his vacant Senate seat.


Starting to get juicy.


Except that you've got an aide to Blago saying he thinks Obama might have known based on something Blago said. That's a couple of degrees of lunatic separation there - not exactly a strong indictment.

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Except that you've got an aide to Blago saying he thinks Obama might have known based on something Blago said. That's a couple of degrees of lunatic separation there - not exactly a strong indictment.



I'm just suggesting I wouldn't be surprised to see this get out of hand. One minute you're looking into the death of Vince Foster, and the next thing you know you're having a half-caff low-fat double mocha macchiato latte with Linda Tripp and her cassette player.

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If you've spent any time following the Blago trial, you can't help but feel that while it's buried below the fold outside Chicago due to all the other problems this country is facing, somehow this will soon find its way to DC. They were already giving Emmanuel grief, and now testimony today from Blago's chief of staff suggests Obama was aware of the plan to give Blago a cabinet post in exchange for putting Jarrett in his vacant Senate seat.


Starting to get juicy.



The investigators made the arrest too early in my opinion. Had they let it play out for a bit longer, they could have likely filed more charges against others. They succeeded in stopping an improper appointment from happening, but let a few off the hook in doing so.

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