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Here's Donte's Explanation


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The quotes from Ralph are the ones that leap off the screen and punch you in the face. He basically says there is no problem at all with the coaching and the team is talentless. OK, even if we take that hook, line, and sinker, who is the one that put this team together? If the coaching is flawless, then these players must all be maxing out their competitive value on the field. If the coaching is making the right decisions, why are guys that they cut playing well on other teams and this roster is full of poo? Why don't the faultless coaches have some more input into the process of which players are drafted and signed? If the roster is nothing but doodoo, clearly the coaches are at least negligent, not telling whoever it may be that is providing these sewer scoopings for them to waste their efforts upon, that these dung heaps can't play football worth a damn, no? Why is the front office signing steaming pile free agents to top dollar contracts? Why do other teams find players and the Bills scratch their heads for a decade and wonder what could be wrong?

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"We, we, we, we"


Whitner want to take any PERSONAL responsibility for getting roasted by Fasano on the game's only TD?




Donte? Take personal responsibility? He talks the walk but cannot walk the walk. That's hi MO :lol:


Thanks Marv for your awful tenure as GM.

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Ralphy is right on that one, the talent is lacking, but it is a mixture of coaching as well. Schemes could be different and then the talent doesn't need to be as good. I am not really a fan of 4-3 especially when you dont have any defensive ends that can rush the passer.

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If Wilson is going to make those statements about the team's talent then maybe he should sack up and spend some of that excess cap money they've had laying around for a couple of years now. I think we have the young core group of guys to build around (Trent, Lynch, Lee, McGee, Greer) but for Christs sake bring in a couple veteran O-linemen and pass rushers that will help get us to the playoffs.

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Ralph is right, this team does not have near as much talent as some seem to believe here. Ralph is also an ass, because it all starts with him. I won't be mad if Ralph makes it the HOF, but I won't cry if he doesn't, and I wouldn't sign any petition to get him there...his greatest contribution to football was saving the AFL...his track record as owner of the Bills is far more dubious. Now, he is greasing us up to let us know that this miserable coaching staff will be back for 2009. Gotta wonder how many fans will be back...Ralph has been playing us as suckers for years...he has gotten an extraordinary amount of good will from the great sports fans of Buffalo, off of those 4 Super Bowl losses...


Run a second class franchise, and everything about it, (except the fans in this case) will be second class. IMO, this team is pretty thin in talent (maybe 4 of our 22 starters have a chance at starting with the top 10 teams in the leauge), but this coaching staff has shown no penchant for developing any talent. Although the defense was the least of the Bills problems the last few weeks, I absolutely hate the defensive scheme this team runs, and I forsee what I think are potential studs, like Posluszny and Whitner, languishing in this scheme...at first we could write it off as coaches trying to implement a radical scheme that might take some time to staff with the right guys. Well, three seasons later, they are still struggling with the same issues. Defensive ends dropping 15 yards downfield, to defend the pass, on key downs...it is embarrassing. They aren't getting any better.


The last few weeks, we have not been using the run to set up the pass, or vice versa...our coaches have decided it is more prudent to use the passing game to set up the kicking game...pathetic!


While the talent isn't top nothch, a good coaching staff would get more out of what we have. If Ralph keeps plopping down huge salary for guys who don't probably deserve it, and then sprinkling in free agents that nobody else wants, we will only have more of the same...read between the lines folks, Jauron won't be going anywhere next season. Fiscal responsibility, once again, is going to win the battle with a desire to win, for Ralph. Sad, this franchise is going out on such a down note...it doesn't have to be this way. Just as many have been saying, the players may not care as much about winning as the fans do, but the owner doesn't care as much about winning as he does about money...at this point, the only way Ralph could earn HOF credentials, for me, is to sell this team, while he is alive, to someone committed to keeping them in Buffalo.


Sorry...promise, my last Ralph Wilson rant...I think...

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What's most disturbing is what Ralph says - "It's not the coaches?" :lol:


Aw - crap - it's gonna be a long off season.



Well, Ralph sure put all the "speculation" to rest, didn't he? ;) Not like any of us really thought Jauron was in trouble. What a !@#$ing joke.


Hey, but I hear taterhill's wife cooks a mean bratwurst at their tailgates. And that's all that really matters, right?



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Well, Ralph sure put all the "speculation" to rest, didn't he? :lol: Not like any of us really thought Jauron was in trouble. What a !@#$ing joke.


Hey, but I hear taterhill's wife cooks a mean bratwurst at their tailgates. And that's all that really matters, right?




Bingo. Ralph only thinks with his wallet. It's not like the coaches and front office aren't the ones picking the players.


I think it's BS that everyone knows how much the players and coaches are making, but Ralph's profits are kept under lock and key despite getting state and local incentives to play here. He's gotta be pocketing $40m+ with the extra Toronto revenue. Until the majority of the Bills fanbase overcome their fears of the team moving, Ralph will continue his fleecing. With this economy and Rogers kicking the can, the odds of Buffalo moving have never been lower in the last 15 years.

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Choke is too kind a word. Choking involves players being tight, trying to do too much. I haven't seen any Bills players with the exception of Reed and Scott who appear to be bringing it every play. Evans? WTF knows? Accounts from yesterday's game paint the same picture we've seen throughout the year. He's open, but QBs arent' getting him the ball. I don't know whether he deserves a pass (no pun intended) or not, but I'm leaning to giving him one.

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Everyone likes to beat up Mort for his backhanded jabs against the Bills...and I think some of us believe its a jab at Ralph (when he talks about Smith/Butler running away as soon as they could)....maybe he has gotten some good nuggets from Butler/Smith/TD in the past about Ralphie and they way he runs the orginazation.


What is a player suppossed to think when he hears his owner say 'we dont have the talent'? That is just ridiculous, how does he face that locker room after the game?

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"We, we, we, we"


Whitner want to take any PERSONAL responsibility for getting roasted by Fasano on the game's only TD?



Get real the defense only allowed 16 points and had to hold the field most of the game..It is the offense that is and has been pathetic. The defense can't win games on their own. 3 points is not going to win many, if any, games in the NFL. We need a reall QB and a real offensive coordinator.

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What is a player suppossed to think when he hears his owner say 'we dont have the talent'? That is just ridiculous, how does he face that locker room after the game?

How does the locker room face him after that performance? And by "we haven't got the talent," he most likely meant on offense but didn't want to single them out, since it was obvious.

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How does the locker room face him after that performance? And by "we haven't got the talent," he most likely meant on offense but didn't want to single them out, since it was obvious.


Point taken. But it is disturbing that Ralph puts ZERO onus on the coaching staff. Whether it is in game preparation, schemes, in game adjustments, 'on the fly' changes or even going into the off season in player evaluations (who is responsbile for putting the players on the field).


We all know DJ is conservative, but he sure is pretty GD stubborn too. Simplest example - in his PC he was asked why he keeps deferring after we keep giving up opening game drives for pts or major field position holes, and he answsers "well, we still get the same amt of possesions as the other team, barring a TO, right? So, we just believe in deffering here, and thats what we'll do". Or the throwing on 1st or 2nd and goal possessions week after week. I think it was also suggested somewhere else within the org to try a no-huddle to bring some life into our 'lifeless' O, and that goes against his t.o.p. beliefs. I think that was from CBrown.


Lastly - if we DONT have the talent Ralph - then maybe your cash to cap philosophy isnt working.

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I'm hoping that Ralph Wilson stating that it isn't the coaching and its lack of talent is the proverbial "vote of confidence" for this coaching staff.

But then I was hoping JP would get knocked out of yesterdays game so Hamden could play. Perhaps then this OC might scale back the passing and actually try and get a running game going.


If its lack of talent that caused the bills to score 6 points in 2 games I'd like to know where that lack is exactly located..

Because it appeared to me that the Bills still only focus on trying to make the passing game work and when any team is as one dimensional as this Bills team is they are easy to stop.


I"m thinking that any one of a number of coaches would be able to produce more offense that this staff did these last 2 games.The Detroit Lions are looking at the Bills right now and laughing...2 games,6 points :lol:

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