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My Meaningless Opinion

R. Rich

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The Bills won!!


Thank goodness Trent Edwards was able to put together a solid performance today. He needed it, and so did this team. I still think he needs to work on looking down the field more often and also looking over ALL of his options more (instead of locking in on one particular target). But, he did a great job of finding open receivers and taking what the defense gives him. Instead of just whining 'bout the 8 under coverage, he, get this, ran for first down yardage when the opportunity presented itself. Imagine that. I just hope this game ins't some kind of anomoly and that he's progressing towards being a top notch QB.


As for that bust Marshawn Lynch? He had a solid outing as well. He ran very strong, hitting holes hard and deliberately. I actually saw him get to the second level in this game! Excellent. Fred Jackson also ran very well. I like this one-two punch, especially when they have the kind of blocking that they got today. Speaking of...


Very good work from the big guys up front! There were some stupid penalties (Peters and Dockery), but they really showed what they are capable of in this game. Now, they just need to put together a consistent effort on a play by play, game by game basis and continue to limit the kind of mistakes that kill drives.


Nice to see Josh Reed back in action, and I'm sure that only helped Trent's confidence out there. I still think some of the guys need to work harder to get open, especially in the middle of the field (Parrish). And, once they do get open, they need to do a better job of not only breaking on the ball, but making every effort to come up w/ it (Parrish). Evans became a factor again! It was nice that Trent could see him this week. I think the one slant they threw to Evans on the left side pointed out what I've been thinking: Evans can get open pretty often, but Edwards has to trust that he'll get to the spot and throw it to where Evans can catch it and do damage afterward. If he just waits for Lee to be wide open all the time, Evans' performances will be more like last Monday than today. Timing and patience, Trent. Keep working on developing this w/ all of your receivers, and you'll be a very good pro.


Solid work by the D line also. Stroud worked hard all game to either push the pocket back, clog up the run lanes, or eliminate throwing lanes. Kelsay actually got some pressure today, and Denney made a few plays in the opponents' backfield....and didn't get abused on misdirection plays (not that KC ran a bunch of 'em)! There is hope.


As for the LBs....it didn't seem like a banner game. Mitchell looked lost and confused out there @ times. I also think he was pressing too hard to make big plays, which forced him to make a few mistakes, like overrunning plays or not getting the proper depth on his dropbacks (like the TD play). Ellison wasn't great, but wasn't as much of a liability like Monday (on that horrible 72 yard run that went right @ him). Posluszny was okay, but again, nothing special in this one. Not an awful performance for the 'backers, but not one to put on the resume, either.


I thought the secondary was hit and miss. McKelvin did well in keeping w/ the wideouts, but the thing I loved 'bout his game was the way he broke on the ball on his pick 6. It's almost like he said, "to hell w/ the lack of pass rush, I'm going to make a play on this ball and see if I can come up w/ the turnover". Instead of being content w/ playing 7 yards off the ball and just making a tackle for minimal gain after the catch, McKelvin took matters into his own hands and, lo and behold, made a big play! Then there's George Wilson. He seemed a bit overwhelmed today, making poor choices in zone coverage, taking way too long to break on the ball, and taking even worse pursuit angles. Shake it off, George. We've seen that you're capable of doing big things for this defense.


Coaching wise, I thought they did okay. They were able to actually use play action to their advantage in this game, they mixed up their blitzing and coverage to confuse young Mr Thigpen, and they were better in clock and timeout management. Their management of this game was 150% better than last Monday. Way to go.


Now, having said all of this, I also realize that the Bills just defeated a Kansas City team that has lost all but one game this year and 19 of their last 20. This game does NOT mean that the Bills are back on track and everything's alright. It's a step, one that I hope will lead to a team that can contend for a title. From here, it's important for the Bills to continue to take these steps in the right direction. No more going backwards and please, for the love of all that's holy, no more going 'round in circles. Come out next week and get another big win, then really take a step by going back into the divisional games and coming up w/ wins there. Go Bills!

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hey, KC has lost a lot of games, but they don't usually lose them like this, getting absolutely routed and letting the otehr team march up and down the field...remember, only a last second 4th quarter TD throw by Favre prevented them from beating the Jets....

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McKelvin did well in keeping w/ the wideouts, but the thing I loved 'bout his game was the way he broke on the ball on his pick 6. It's almost like he said, "to hell w/ the lack of pass rush, I'm going to make a play on this ball and see if I can come up w/ the turnover". Instead of being content w/ playing 7 yards off the ball and just making a tackle for minimal gain after the catch, McKelvin took matters into his own hands and, lo and behold, made a big play!


I can remember leading up to the draft and right after how people questioned McKelvin's hands. The scouting reports were he didn't get enough INT's at Troy State. Well, I think his hands are just fine after today's performance.


Thigpen's throw which resulted in the INT return wasn't horrible. But as the announcers said, it was a better play by McKelvin. The kid has enthusiasm, which on this team has obviously been lacking in recent weeks.


Playmakers are what this team needs so desperately of late. McKelvin's showing he can be one.

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Honestly, if I had to pick one difference today versus the previous 4 games it would be Duke Preston not being abused by a NT.


Not only didn't he have to man up against a NT, he didn't have to play against a MONSTER NT like Wilfork/Jenkins/Rogers. When he did have to go one-on-one it was against journeyman scrub Alphonso Boone(who did take whip Preston and nail Edwards once). The Bills were able to put those slow developing play action plays into the gameplan because for the first time in a month they could feel safe letting Edwards turn his back to the defense without fear of getting flattened before he got his head around. Preston is an awful player, and at this point it's safe to say he's not going to get better. I know fans want pass rushers and LB's this offseason, but first and foremost they need to find a center and get some stiff competition for other spots.


It also helped Edwards that Tamba Hali sucks.


Anyone else get flashbacks when Edwards dove in at the end of the half of Rob Johnson diving in to win the game at Arrowhead as time expired back in 2000? Who said Rojo wasn't tough?

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Posluszny was okay, but again, nothing special in this one


I posted in the GDT that I really don't understand the fascination (in some cases, worship) of Posluszny. Kid plays hard, but he seems slow and stiff.






He has trouble shedding blockers......

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Posluszny was okay, but again, nothing special in this one


I posted in the GDT that I really don't understand the fascination (in some cases, worship) of Posluszny. Kid plays hard, but he seems slow and stiff.




Poz is a good player, but not a game changing player. Like everyone else in the back 7, he'd look a lot better with some kind of pass rush.

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Very nice post. Agree on most items.


Best part is the title. Would you mind if it became the default Title for everyone's post until they gathered enough points to have it changed based on a post rating system? Just thinking.....

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Honestly, if I had to pick one difference today versus the previous 4 games it would be Duke Preston not being abused by a NT.


Preston is an awful player, and at this point it's safe to say he's not going to get better. I know fans want pass rushers and LB's this offseason, but first and foremost they need to find a center and get some stiff competition for other spots.

Agreed. Preston is frighteningly awful.

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Anyone else get flashbacks when Edwards dove in at the end of the half of Rob Johnson diving in to win the game at Arrowhead as time expired back in 2000? Who said Rojo wasn't tough?


I thought the same thing. Seeing QB's running into tacklers is never a pretty sight and I hope TE doesn't make it a habit. But how can you not remember Rob Johnson?


It's clear Buffalo needs to get stronger on the interior OL. They had the benefit today of playing a team with a pathetic DL and it showed.


With Jenkins and Wilfork in the division for awhile, I'd expect Buffalo to prioritze interior OL on draft day. If they don't, it'll be more of the same until they fortify the middle against big NT's.

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Oh dear, I saw a lot of the game the same way you did, my football watching skills must be improving.


The Bills won!!


Thank goodness Trent Edwards was able to put together a solid performance today. He needed it, and so did this team. I still think he needs to work on looking down the field more often and also looking over ALL of his options more (instead of locking in on one particular target).


Thank goodness someone other than me on this board has noticed this. I've posted it before and people were like "he locks onto his target?!" He does it all the time, and as a result he misses better receivers. Drives me nuts.


Very good work from the big guys up front! There were some stupid penalties (Peters and Dockery), but they really showed what they are capable of in this game. Now, they just need to put together a consistent effort on a play by play, game by game basis and continue to limit the kind of mistakes that kill drives.


Indeed, they did a good job, but this KC d-line aint exactly great. That being said, they need to use their muscle like they did today


Nice to see Josh Reed back in action, and I'm sure that only helped Trent's confidence out there. I still think some of the guys need to work harder to get open, especially in the middle of the field (Parrish). And, once they do get open, they need to do a better job of not only breaking on the ball, but making every effort to come up w/ it (Parrish). Evans became a factor again! It was nice that Trent could see him this week. I think the one slant they threw to Evans on the left side pointed out what I've been thinking: Evans can get open pretty often, but Edwards has to trust that he'll get to the spot and throw it to where Evans can catch it and do damage afterward. If he just waits for Lee to be wide open all the time, Evans' performances will be more like last Monday than today. Timing and patience, Trent. Keep working on developing this w/ all of your receivers, and you'll be a very good pro.


Even the dumbass announcers today noticed Trent do that same thing with Roscoe. I think as his confidence grows again and he starts trusting himself, he'll likely develop that. If you lack confidence in yourself, its going to look like your timing is off, because you're going to make sure guys are open before you throw it, as you don't trust your own decision making.


Solid work by the D line also. Stroud worked hard all game to either push the pocket back, clog up the run lanes, or eliminate throwing lanes. Kelsay actually got some pressure today, and Denney made a few plays in the opponents' backfield....and didn't get abused on misdirection plays (not that KC ran a bunch of 'em)! There is hope.


This game shows just how badly we need another DT. The most effective pressure on QBs are right up the middle, and while Stroud was good, the only other DT that played decently was Spencer Johnson. Now, I like Spencer, but not as a starter. I'd love another playmaking DT for that line.


As for the LBs....it didn't seem like a banner game. Mitchell looked lost and confused out there @ times. I also think he was pressing too hard to make big plays, which forced him to make a few mistakes, like overrunning plays or not getting the proper depth on his dropbacks (like the TD play). Ellison wasn't great, but wasn't as much of a liability like Monday (on that horrible 72 yard run that went right @ him). Posluszny was okay, but again, nothing special in this one. Not an awful performance for the 'backers, but not one to put on the resume, either.


I thought the Linebackers turned in a poor game. Not necessarily awful, but below average. Their run support was atrocious at times, and none of them were a factor in pass coverage.


I thought the secondary was hit and miss. McKelvin did well in keeping w/ the wideouts, but the thing I loved 'bout his game was the way he broke on the ball on his pick 6. It's almost like he said, "to hell w/ the lack of pass rush, I'm going to make a play on this ball and see if I can come up w/ the turnover". Instead of being content w/ playing 7 yards off the ball and just making a tackle for minimal gain after the catch, McKelvin took matters into his own hands and, lo and behold, made a big play! Then there's George Wilson. He seemed a bit overwhelmed today, making poor choices in zone coverage, taking way too long to break on the ball, and taking even worse pursuit angles. Shake it off, George. We've seen that you're capable of doing big things for this defense.


McLovin showed what he has the potential to be today. If he breaks on the ball like he did there, hardly a QB can avoid that INT.


Coaching wise, I thought they did okay. They were able to actually use play action to their advantage in this game, they mixed up their blitzing and coverage to confuse young Mr Thigpen, and they were better in clock and timeout management. Their management of this game was 150% better than last Monday. Way to go.


This was the best gameplan I've seen yet. Interesting to hear one of the announcers say it was a "simplified" game plan, perhaps they should always simplify it if that really means they mix it up more.


Now, having said all of this, I also realize that the Bills just defeated a Kansas City team that has lost all but one game this year and 19 of their last 20. This game does NOT mean that the Bills are back on track and everything's alright. It's a step, one that I hope will lead to a team that can contend for a title. From here, it's important for the Bills to continue to take these steps in the right direction. No more going backwards and please, for the love of all that's holy, no more going 'round in circles. Come out next week and get another big win, then really take a step by going back into the divisional games and coming up w/ wins there. Go Bills!


I think the Bills can play with all 3 division opponents. Against the Jets, they'll need Trent Edwards to play like he did today, but if he does, it's doable. You aint gonna run on the Jets this year, but you CAN pass on em.

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Posluszny was okay, but again, nothing special in this one


Poz is a good player, but not a game changing player. Like everyone else in the back 7, he'd look a lot better with some kind of pass rush.


I don't necessarily disagree w/ these comments, but what exactly did you guys expect? Aren't 4-3 MLB's supposed to be solid? I mean those that are consistently gamechangers usually end up in Canton, right?

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How many times do you watch other teams with an offense that's clicking with movement and misdirection and play action, and quick, crisp plays and think "Why can't the Bills ever look like this" - today was one of those days they actually did! No doubt that KC contributed a lot to their own demise - they really were doing things that 'bad' teams do to lose - but it sure was fun to see the Bills take advantage and execute.


Boy our RBs looked good today - Marshawn running tough as usual but also seemed to be making really quick decisions - at one point I thought to myself too 'Jackson just looks *good* running the ball out in space'


It's nice to see the OL for the 2nd week in a row come out and seem more agressive. Loved it after the cheap shot to Lynch when the OLineman came over and mixed it up - showing some heart/toughness/passion even after the play(!) - something sorely missing for quite a while....


If Mitchell is going to be the designated blitzer he needs to wrap up the target - plain and simple. It seems to me they really are starting to telegraph when Mitchell is coming too. Another 70 yd gash up the middle - where is the MLB on those plays??? Poz seemed invisible the whole day - hardly remember seeing him in on a play...


It was a little better today - but it is very disconcerting to keep seeing QBs leave the pocket and have the whole side of the field completely open - amazing to me the horrible job the DEs are doing on contain...


A great win reagardless of the opponent etc. - too bad the stupids Jets won but it is nice to enjoy a game stress free in the 2nd half for a change - I think I actually stopped calculating ways they could still lose even before the 4th quarter :rolleyes:

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For all the Poz bashers, please remember that he's not even started in 16 games. In other words, he's still very young and learning the game. He's going to make mistakes just like our young QB, RB, WRs, and DBs.

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Honestly, if I had to pick one difference today versus the previous 4 games it would be Duke Preston not being abused by a NT.


Not only didn't he have to man up against a NT, he didn't have to play against a MONSTER NT like Wilfork/Jenkins/Rogers. When he did have to go one-on-one it was against journeyman scrub Alphonso Boone(who did take whip Preston and nail Edwards once). The Bills were able to put those slow developing play action plays into the gameplan because for the first time in a month they could feel safe letting Edwards turn his back to the defense without fear of getting flattened before he got his head around. Preston is an awful player, and at this point it's safe to say he's not going to get better. I know fans want pass rushers and LB's this offseason, but first and foremost they need to find a center and get some stiff competition for other spots.


It also helped Edwards that Tamba Hali sucks.


Anyone else get flashbacks when Edwards dove in at the end of the half of Rob Johnson diving in to win the game at Arrowhead as time expired back in 2000? Who said Rojo wasn't tough?


I don't know where you've been but some of us have been clamoring for a better C and RG for quite some time. Isn't this where Mitchell played last year?


BTW, Ellison is huge liability as a starter and extremely stupid of the coaching staff manning the strong side.

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Another 70 yd gash up the middle - where is the MLB on those plays??? Poz seemed invisible the whole day - hardly remember seeing him in on a play...


It was a little better today - but it is very disconcerting to keep seeing QBs leave the pocket and have the whole side of the field completely open - amazing to me the horrible job the DEs are doing on contain...


I did noticed Poz on one play, when Thigpen got out of the pocket on a roll out, Thigpen out ran Poz....a 3rd string QB of Thigpen's speed shouldn't be able to out run our MLB.

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I did noticed Poz on one play, when Thigpen got out of the pocket on a roll out, Thigpen out ran Poz....a 3rd string QB of Thigpen's speed shouldn't be able to out run our MLB.


Many 3rd string QBs are QBs because they have speed but not enough arm which does not make it as absolute as you make it sound.

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Many 3rd string QBs are QBs because they have speed but not enough arm which does not make it as absolute as you make it sound.


No one really considers Thigpen that fast. Poz isn't that fast and does play stiff. We might have a problem and maybe, just maybe, we should have re-signed London to the team.

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