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The lime green Couch will answer any and all Bills related questions, and be as insightful as our current HC.


Please "Ask the Couch"...he's listening...



I'd rather ask the end table

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Dear Lime Green Couch,

Just how much pain can I endure? I have seen many former Bills fans walk away from the repeated heart breaks. Why am I still here, hoping against hope like some kind of delusional mental patient? Am I a loser? Do I subconciously NEED to associate myself with a cursed team in order to fulfill some fundamental guilt complex? What the hell is wrong with me?



Bills Masochist in Atlanta

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Dear Lime Green Couch,

Just how much pain can I endure?  I have seen many former Bills fans walk away from the repeated heart breaks.  Why am I still here, hoping against hope like some kind of delusional mental patient?  Am I a loser?  Do I subconciously NEED to associate myself with a cursed team in order to fulfill some fundamental guilt complex?  What the hell is wrong with me?



Bills Masochist in Atlanta


Dear Bill the Masochist,



Let's see...Atlanta...Please contact Mistress Stephanie @ illkickyoura$$andyoulllikeit.com We should know just how much pain you can endure in just a short amount of time.


Remember, this team is still shooting for the playoffs (hear Jim Mora...PLAYOFFS). They need your blind support to achieve this goal.


And no, you are not a loser, remember, 1918. If BoSox fans can endure so can we.

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Dear Lime Green Couch,


I have this overwhelming desire to torch my Drew Bledsoe jersey?  Should I do it or an I just an angry man???


Dear Sayreville, NJ


Drew Bledsoe gives this team their greatest chance of success. Forget the fact that our offense ranks #33 in the league. Forget the red zone failures. Forget the dear in the headlights look. Forget the fact that he told the fans that he's the QB, like it or not. Forget the passes at the feet/over the head/too far in front/behind the receivers.



What was your question?

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Dear Lime Green Couch,


Thank you for your wisdom about Drew Bledsoe, I feel better now and I will not torch the jersey at this time. I have another question. I believe there is a player in the Bills who is missing in action. Josh Reed was supposed to be our answer at a #2 receiver. Can you let me know is he still in the NFL or did he join Greenpeace?




Concerned from Sayreville, NJ

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Dear Lime Green Couch,


Thank you for your wisdom about Drew Bledsoe, I feel better now and I will not torch the jersey at this time.  I have another question.  I believe there is a player in the Bills who is missing in action.  Josh Reed was supposed to be our answer at a #2 receiver.  Can you let me know is he still in the NFL or did he join Greenpeace?




Concerned from Sayreville, NJ



Josh Reed posted on PPP and has been deleted. Fuggin DCTom thinks he runs the universe, friggin Jimmy Neutron wannabe! :angry: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Dear couch,

Are you like Santa Claus, a fictional character that is really just someone typing into a keyboard to assuage the tensions and pent up frustrations by the members of TBD? How does a couch type?,Although I have heard that couches have arms, and even feet, I have never heard of fingers on a couch. Why do people pour out questions to a piece of furniture, and what type of response would one expect from a cloth covered, stuffed frame of wood?

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Dear Green Couch:

When will the Buffalo Bills host another primetime game on Sunday or Monday night? And if they do, will there be a holiday or snow day the following day so I will not have to go to work? Finally............... how many opposing beer showers shall I give stevestojan for jinxing the Buffalo bills because he missed the home opener?


Yours Truly,



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Ranked #33!!!!    ;)  ;)  :blush:  :blush:


Im laughed out loud at work!!!



Yes the couch is ranked higher...ITS more Mobile

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Dear couch,

Are you like Santa Claus, a fictional character that is really just someone typing into a keyboard to assuage the tensions and pent up frustrations by the members of TBD? How does a couch type?,Although I have heard that couches have arms, and even feet,  I have never heard of fingers on a couch. Why do people pour out questions to a piece of furniture, and what type of response would one expect from a cloth covered, stuffed frame of wood?


Did you ever notice that assuage and sausage are almost speeled the same? Great, go sit on your couch and have some kielbasa.

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Dear Lime Green Couch:


Thanks for showing up and giving us something to laugh about.


Depressed in Dallas


Dear Depressed,

Just sidle up over here and sit down right on my











































cushion. There, doesn't that feel better?! ;)

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