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The Real Problem is Lynch not Edwards


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Football, with all it's intricacies in technique and complex offenses and defenses, has a remarkably easy formula to win. Quality OLine + Quality DLine=WIN!!!! Really need nothing more needed to have a winning record and beat your share of +500 teams. To blame Edwards or Lynch isn't too smart imho.

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I don't love or hate Lynch, in fact I could care less who the running back is. So allow me to make a few points from an objective perspective:


1.) To say you need a great running game to win is incorrect. The Patriots went 16-0 last year without a running game. The Colts are dead last in the NFL in rushing yards per game, and they've clearly turned the corner on their season. Arizona ranks 29th in the NFL in rush yds/game, and they're definitely going to the playoffs. Even the vaunted Pittsburgh Steelers, the icons of smashmouth football, are ranked in the bottom third in the league.

2.) Practically every yard either Lynch or Jackson gain in the running game comes after contact. I don't care how good you are, it's awfully difficult to run for too many yards when you're hit the backfield on every play (it really is every play, too).

3.) Examine the top running teams in the league (top 10 in order): Giants, Falcons, Ravens, Redskins, Vikings, Titans, Patriots, Raiders, Jets, Panthers. You'll find a commonality among them. Nine out of ten operate their running games with multiple competent backs (Redskins did not, and now Clinton Portis is pretty banged up). They all split carries without seeing much of a dropoff in production, which leads me to believe that the person carrying the ball hasn't much to do with the team's success on the ground. Otherwise, would a guy like Derrick Ward be on pace for a 1,000-yard season?


Let's face the facts here, the running game (or lack thereof) is just one component of why a team is or is not successful. The Bills didn't run well even when they were winning this season. There are many other factors that are equally (if not more) important, such as quarterback play and forcing turnovers. Grasping at straws like "It's the running back's fault" or "The quarterback suddenly sucks" ignores the concept of a team game. And there's no denying that football is a complete team game. Anyone that says differently should ask the Patriots.

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The problem is not audibling out of a run play when the D-line is stacked against the run. They run the play anyways and wonder why it didn't work. Trent has a helmet mike, Turk should call in a play when he sees the def. formation. Or Trent should be able to read it have a preset screen or pass play and audible into it.

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Yup, teams have figured us out when you can't run. Let's call a spade a spade and let's put the blame on the 1st rounder who can't break out of one game this year. You know and I know who he is. A first rounder should produce something with that talent, yet all the talk is on Trent.


Trent has had 3 bad games, and out of those 3 only one was terrible or Losmanesque. I don't seem to remember him having those under 100 yard games Losman would have, but I do know Lynch has failed to do anything to show real talent. So let's throw some blame where it should be. We all know Edwards is not Warner who can win without a running game, and we know Brees isn't doing so well without one despite his prolific numbers.


Why not look at this objectively and realize without a running game no QB, unless they are amazing and seasoned. If you want to find faults, look at "Beast-Mode". The guy lacks vision and runs like a burner without the jet packs.


There's your issue, and it has less to do with Trent and more to do with Marshawn.


Good grief!!! ;)


The posts regarding the running game here have NOT mentioned TE as the problem in any way! :wub:


Your posts shows w/o any doubt that you haven't watched any of the games the Bills have played. If Lynch is 100% to blame, then why is Fred having THE VERY SAME DIFFICULTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: it's the O-line stupid.

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Somewhere in your rambling and incoherant garbage, I realized that you don't seem to realize a few things.


1. You don't know what you are talking about.

2. Look at the line our backs get to run behind these past few weeks (Whittle, Preston, Chambers)

3. With that line, defenses are able to load up the left side with minimal pressure on the right due to the lack of talent at those positions, thus we are only truly allowed to run to the left, where all the defensive players are.


Besides a couple of sentences and points in your rambling incoherant response, specifically the first sentence of the third paragraph, you raise an interesting concept but one that is too soon to call due to the success Lynch has had behind this same offensive line last year.


I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

No he's not incoherent.

You on the other hand need to resort to insults, which is always the sign of a weak argument.


I agree when StupidNation says "lets call a spade a spade".

Lynch is not a top RB in the NFL.

Say what you will about the Oline, I know it's weak, but at the same time Lynch is not the long term answer either.

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The problem is not audibling out of a run play when the D-line is stacked against the run. They run the play anyways and wonder why it didn't work. Trent has a helmet mike, Turk should call in a play when he sees the def. formation. Or Trent should be able to read it have a preset screen or pass play and audible into it.


On one play, Trend Edwards check out of a passing play into a running play to the left. I think it was a 3rd and 3 or something. Marshall ran to the left and got trip over by Jason Peters. It was later discovered that Peters and Dockery was dropping back to pass block. So who's fault was it on that one? I don't know.

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I think i'm about ready to champion for Xavier Omon, or at least give Freddie 17-20 carries per game. The Bills need a guy who has the vision to blast through the seam and get his 4-6 yards per carry. They can't afford to have a guy who shows the slightest bit of stutter when he gets the ball b/c that's the microsecond a D-linemen needs to penetrate and make our O-line look like garbage. The O-line can do a lot of things better, but so can Lynch. When you see all these other RB's make something out of nothing....it does make me wonder about Lynch's ability as a stud RB.

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I don't love or hate Lynch, in fact I could care less who the running back is. So allow me to make a few points from an objective perspective:


1.) To say you need a great running game to win is incorrect. The Patriots went 16-0 last year without a running game. The Colts are dead last in the NFL in rushing yards per game, and they've clearly turned the corner on their season. Arizona ranks 29th in the NFL in rush yds/game, and they're definitely going to the playoffs. Even the vaunted Pittsburgh Steelers, the icons of smashmouth football, are ranked in the bottom third in the league.

2.) Practically every yard either Lynch or Jackson gain in the running game comes after contact. I don't care how good you are, it's awfully difficult to run for too many yards when you're hit the backfield on every play (it really is every play, too).

3.) Examine the top running teams in the league (top 10 in order): Giants, Falcons, Ravens, Redskins, Vikings, Titans, Patriots, Raiders, Jets, Panthers. You'll find a commonality among them. Nine out of ten operate their running games with multiple competent backs (Redskins did not, and now Clinton Portis is pretty banged up). They all split carries without seeing much of a dropoff in production, which leads me to believe that the person carrying the ball hasn't much to do with the team's success on the ground. Otherwise, would a guy like Derrick Ward be on pace for a 1,000-yard season?


Let's face the facts here, the running game (or lack thereof) is just one component of why a team is or is not successful. The Bills didn't run well even when they were winning this season. There are many other factors that are equally (if not more) important, such as quarterback play and forcing turnovers. Grasping at straws like "It's the running back's fault" or "The quarterback suddenly sucks" ignores the concept of a team game. And there's no denying that football is a complete team game. Anyone that says differently should ask the Patriots.


While I agree with most of what you say here.The thing is people keep naming seasoned veteran star QB's who don't need running game to help them win. Like Payton Manning of the colts or Drew Brees of the saints,Tom Brady of the Pats.Kurt Warner of Ariz. These are seasoned veteran super bowl winning QB's,cept Brees. Plus the teams they are on have seasoned veteran O-lines for the most part and seasoned veteran COACHES.


You can't compare the Bills players and coaches to veteran QB's who can carry a team by themselves. Trent Edwards is in his second year as is Marshawn Lynch.


The thing that gets me is the patriots can lose the starting veteran QB and put in a back up who hasn't played football since high school. Then lose three running backs and pull a free agent nobody out of nowhere and have them all win games for them.


Lastly, lets not forget the bills have two rookies on this years team making a huge impact... OC Turk Schonert and O-line coach Sean Kuglar :wub:

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I think i'm about ready to champion for Xavier Omon, or at least give Freddie 17-20 carries per game. The Bills need a guy who has the vision to blast through the seam and get his 4-6 yards per carry. They can't afford to have a guy who shows the slightest bit of stutter when he gets the ball b/c that's the microsecond a D-linemen needs to penetrate and make our O-line look like garbage. The O-line can do a lot of things better, but so can Lynch. When you see all these other RB's make something out of nothing....it does make me wonder about Lynch's ability as a stud RB.


Why? Because he showed us his incredible fumbling abilities in the preseason?

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1000 yd season means shiit. Used to be a benchmark when they played 12 but the criteria is different now.

Clearly, Lynch is not the back we hoped he would be.

A better back would be making more yards even with this line.

Stop fooling yourselves.


Que the name calling.




Yea he ran for 1100 in 13 games buddy

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Yup, teams have figured us out when you can't run. Let's call a spade a spade and let's put the blame on the 1st rounder who can't break out of one game this year. You know and I know who he is. A first rounder should produce something with that talent, yet all the talk is on Trent.


Trent has had 3 bad games, and out of those 3 only one was terrible or Losmanesque. I don't seem to remember him having those under 100 yard games Losman would have, but I do know Lynch has failed to do anything to show real talent. So let's throw some blame where it should be. We all know Edwards is not Warner who can win without a running game, and we know Brees isn't doing so well without one despite his prolific numbers.


Why not look at this objectively and realize without a running game no QB, unless they are amazing and seasoned. If you want to find faults, look at "Beast-Mode". The guy lacks vision and runs like a burner without the jet packs.


There's your issue, and it has less to do with Trent and more to do with Marshawn.

Right. The offensive line is A-List all the way. Marshawn should be running for days through all the holes those monsters are carving out. It's Edward's fault he is getting sacked so much, too. Those 3 step drops are suicide.

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I say that EVERY player on this team needs to take their game up a notch. I don't think you can point to even ONE player and say, "You know, this guy has been doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing and giving it his all 100% of the time in all 9 games played this season". Every player needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves what it is they need to do to contribute to winning football games. If everyone on this team did this -- really did this -- really picked up their game, then this can be a playoff team. If they don't do this, they won't -- that simple.

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