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Is it still to early to call

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A stupid topic really??? How bad could mckelvin be that even though mcgee was getting TORCHED last week, the coaches didnt pull mcgee to put McKelvin into the game? Or how about kickoffs...apparently this guy was supposed to be the next Devin Hester...Chris Ellis, Kelsay, Denney, Copeland Bryan...3 Games...0 Sacks...And Hardy 7 catches 66 yards

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A stupid topic really??? How bad could mckelvin be that even though mcgee was getting TORCHED last week, the coaches didnt pull mcgee to put McKelvin into the game? Or how about kickoffs...apparently this guy was supposed to be the next Devin Hester...Chris Ellis, Kelsay, Denney, Copeland Bryan...3 Games...0 Sacks...And Hardy 7 catches 66 yards


Having a Hot Pockets moment? :rolleyes:


Few teams, now or historically, have one, let alone three rookies, bust out of the gate. Most of those that do are running backs. Like Lynch and Petersen last season. The next season, folks have got the book on them. It's like the hot prospect pitcher that comes up from the minors.

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half a season in? really?


Actually, it is too early...but I'm in a bad mood. I think McKelvin will turn out pretty good.

Hardy is pissing me off, playing like a girl....letting tiny DB's out-jump and out-fight him for the ball !! Come-On!!!!

Ellis....haven't even noticed him on the field...nuff said...... :rolleyes:

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A stupid topic really??? How bad could mckelvin be that even though mcgee was getting TORCHED last week, the coaches didnt pull mcgee to put McKelvin into the game? Or how about kickoffs...apparently this guy was supposed to be the next Devin Hester...Chris Ellis, Kelsay, Denney, Copeland Bryan...3 Games...0 Sacks...And Hardy 7 catches 66 yards


Yes, it is a bit of a stupid topic. Only the kool aid drinking uber-homers were predicting all three rookies would have an immediate positive impact.


The rational among us realized rookies take time to develop (and that is measured in years, not weeks), and expecting veteran like performance from rookies is a case of epic failure just waiting to happen.


So, yes, calling rookies a bust half way through a season is stupid.

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Actually, it is too early...but I'm in a bad mood. I think McKelvin will turn out pretty good.

Hardy is pissing me off, playing like a girl....letting tiny DB's out-jump and out-fight him for the ball !! Come-On!!!!

Ellis....haven't even noticed him on the field...nuff said...... :rolleyes:


while i wont say Hardy is playing as well as I would like him to, that jump ball was poorly thrown. Trent put the CB in the better position. why would he short-arm a (supposedly jumpball) deep ball? You have to put that ball almost out of the back corner of the endzone. not behind your WR.


regardless, you still cant call any of these guys busts yet. even if they were put in a starting role and blowing it every week. they are still rookies. give them at least a season, if not 2.

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A stupid topic really??? How bad could mckelvin be that even though mcgee was getting TORCHED last week, the coaches didnt pull mcgee to put McKelvin into the game? Or how about kickoffs...apparently this guy was supposed to be the next Devin Hester...Chris Ellis, Kelsay, Denney, Copeland Bryan...3 Games...0 Sacks...And Hardy 7 catches 66 yards


It's a completely stupid topic because You can't judge a Rookie in his 1st Year at almost any Position...Comparing McKelvin to Devin Hester? Are You freaking kidding Me? I know some Scouts had lofty expectations of His Kick Return Skills...But anyone with even a bit of common sense is not going to compare McKelvin to Hester...UGH!!! :rolleyes: Denny and Kelsey are not Rookies so I have no idea how they got into this topic...Ellis has barely played...Hardy is a WR...Check just about any Rookie WR's numbers in league History and they will not be overly impressive...


I'm not saying all 3 are not going to be busts eventually...I'm just saying it's WAY premature and yes, it's stupid to even bring it up...The Bills have plenty of Vets to blame for their poor Play...These Kids are WAY down on the list of problems...Sure it would be nice if they stepped up...But they're Rookies...Enough said... B-)

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It's a completely stupid topic because You can't judge a Rookie in his 1st Year at almost any Position...Comparing McKelvin to Devin Hester? Are You freaking kidding Me? I know some Scouts had lofty expectations of His Kick Return Skills...But anyone with even a bit of common sense is not going to compare McKelvin to Hester...UGH!!! :rolleyes: Denny and Kelsey are not Rookies so I have no idea how they got into this topic...Ellis has barely played...Hardy is a WR...Check just about any Rookie WR's numbers in league History and they will not be overly impressive...


I'm not saying all 3 are not going to be busts eventually...I'm just saying it's WAY premature and yes, it's stupid to even bring it up...The Bills have plenty of Vets to blame for their poor Play...These Kids are WAY down on the list of problems...Sure it would be nice if they stepped up...But they're Rookies...Enough said... B-)


Like I Said above:


"I guess it's wrong to pile on these 3 guys because its just about eveything...o-line, d-line, qb play, play calling, rookies not producing and the special teams suddenly dont seem so special"

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