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McCain's choice

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I did a thread about Obama and how it would be smart for him to pick Tancredo so I will do one for McCain.


McCain is about to select his running mate and it is said to be down to Romney, Lieberman, Pawlenty some young governor named Bobby and a couple of other idiots who I forgot.


I think the most logical choice is Romney based on general stuff but I think that this would take away one of McCain's advantages. Romney is a Mormon and although sad, McCain is getting some votes because Obama's name sounds Mormon and his middle name is Hussein which is obviously Mormon. If he takes Romney, he loses those votes. He can't afford that.


A young guy named Bobby sounds like a pretty dumb idea. Lieberman would be good for the surprise factor but he wouldn't be a big surprise anymore so scratch that. Pawlenty sounds so boring I am wondering if he is a Belgium. The Edwards surprise is out because of the love child thing.


Anyway, believe it or not, I think the pick will be Clinton. Not Hillary......Bill. Think about it. You know he is pissed at Obama. As VP he would have gobs of time and access to all sorts of women. You know he could be a lot more discreet in the Naval Observatory than in the Oval Office and he could tell chicks to "come over and I'll let you expand my telescope". Hillary would be on board because between Bill's orgies and McCain's daily visit to the loony bin for treatments, she would be running the show. McCain wins because he picks up tons of Democrat votes because most Democrats are closet racists. He still gets the Republican votes because although Republicans hate women, Hillary's name is not technically on the ticket.


I don't think McCain has the brains to think this whole thing through so he might not do it, but if he does he is a winner.

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I did a thread about Obama and how it would be smart for him to pick Tancredo so I will do one for McCain.McCain is about to select his running mate and it is said to be down to Romney, Lieberman, Pawlenty some young governor named Bobby and a couple of other idiots who I forgot. I think the most logical choice is Romney based on general stuff but I think that this would take away one of McCain's advantages. Romney is a Mormon and although sad, McCain is getting some votes because Obama's name sounds Mormon and his middle name is Hussein which is obviously Mormon. If he takes Romney, he loses those votes. He can't afford that. A young guy named Bobby sounds like a pretty dumb idea. Lieberman would be good for the surprise factor but he wouldn't be a big surprise anymore so scratch that. Pawlenty sounds so boring I am wondering if he is a Belgium. The Edwards surprise is out because of the love child thing.Anyway, believe it or not, I think the pick will be Clinton. Not Hillary......Bill. Think about it. You know he is pissed at Obama. As VP he would have gobs of time and access to all sorts of women. You know he could be a lot more discreet in the Naval Observatory than in the Oval Office and he could tell chicks to "come over and I'll let you expand my telescope". Hillary would be on board because between Bill's orgies and McCain's daily visit to the loony bin for treatments, she would be running the show. McCain wins because he picks up tons of Democrat votes because most Democrats are closet racists. He still gets the Republican votes because although Republicans hate women, Hillary's name is not technically on the ticket. I don't think McCain has the brains to think this whole thing through so he might not do it, but if he does he is a winner.
I said here back in April it would b Jumpin Joey LIEberman. I heard he is getting a prime speaking slot @ the con. tween him and McCain they will have the Geritol generation rocking in St Paul.
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He's got to be careful. The wacko part of his base does not want him to pick a pro-choice person, once again elevating that issue above others.



Why is it wacko to be against abortion?

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He's got to be careful. The wacko part of his base does not want him to pick a pro-choice person, once again elevating that issue above others.


Limbaugh was already going berserk over the possibility of McCain picking Tom Ridge.

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Why is it wacko to be against abortion?


is not wacko to be against abortion. It IS wacko to believe that your own personal morals should decide how others live their lives.


This might be tough to grasp, but pro-choice does not equal pro-abortion.

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Why is it wacko to be against abortion?


Because no candidate ever matchers your views exactly (unless you get them from the candidate), so ultimately you have to decide what is the most important issue facing the country and select your candidate accordingly. Some will pick abortion (or choice) over terrorism, the economy, global warming, immigration, etc, as the gravest problem we face. Fine. It is their priorities that are wacko.

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Some will pick abortion (or choice) over terrorism, the economy, global warming, immigration, etc, as the gravest problem we face. Fine. It is their priorities that are wacko.


Or it could just be that their priorities are their choice.

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I am a pro-life, hardcore conservative, but I really do hope McCain chooses Lieberman for VP. Lieberman will fall into line with McCain's platform on the issues of judges and life so I'm not at all worried about that, and he gives McCain the best shot at winning. He offers competence, tireless campaigning, a huge national buzz that will likely be very positive, and a real option for the centrist Dems who are still bitter over Obama getting the nod over Hillary.


Remember, Joe is fiscally conservative, a military hawk, voted in favor of the John Roberts confirmation, and pushed the Alito nomination through so the Dems couldn't philabuster. Though he voted against Alito, Lieberman has since said that he regrets voting against him and if he could do it over again he'd have voted for his confirmation.


Obama's campaign is now staggering badly. By selecting Lieberman, McCain would be going for the kill.

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I am a pro-life, hardcore conservative, but I really do hope McCain chooses Lieberman for VP. Lieberman will fall into line with McCain's platform on the issues of judges and life so I'm not at all worried about that, and he gives McCain the best shot at winning. He offers competence, tireless campaigning, a huge national buzz that will likely be very positive, and a real option for the centrist Dems who are still bitter over Obama getting the nod over Hillary.


Remember, Joe is fiscally conservative, a military hawk, voted in favor of the John Roberts confirmation, and pushed the Alito nomination through so the Dems couldn't philabuster. Though he voted against Alito, Lieberman has since said that he regrets voting against him and if he could do it over again he'd have voted for his confirmation.


Obama's campaign is now staggering badly. By selecting Lieberman, McCain would be going for the kill.

WSJ has been speculating that JL will be McCain's Secretary of State. That seems more likely to me than having the Presidency change parties should McCain win and then become incapacitated.

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Or it could just be that their priorities are their choice.

Or it could be that they don't know how to think critically, therefore aren't capable of using logic and comparison, and coming to the inescapable conclusion that Abortion and/or Gay rights and/or the Environment and/or whatever other little issues are way down the priority list in comparison to a nuclear weapon being detonated in this country. Or, a biological attack in London, slowing making it's way around the world.


If that were to happen, all the wackos on both sides of Abortion would be =. They'd all be dead, and so would all the pregnant women = nobody left to be right one way or the other. Same thing on the Environment, same thing on the Economy, same thing on everything else.


Yes, terrorism is the only #1 priority, it trumps everything else, and it's certainly not a matter of opinion, or "choice". You can't "choose" to not have your bones bleached at 10,000 degrees, or not have a virus kill you. Only a fool or an affected person can't see the simple logic here.

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McCain's choice is more important than Obama's because of his age and health. It's more likely that something could happen to McCain's health that would require the VP to step in, and he might even be a one term president. The likely pro-lifers (Romney, Pawlenty, Portman) are not presidential material. Ridge is McCain's personal favorite, and the pro-lifers will scream and moan for a week if he's chosen, but in the end they'll get behind McCain, as they did after Reagan chose Bush who was previously pro-choice.

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Yes, terrorism is the only #1 priority, it trumps everything else, and it's certainly not a matter of opinion, or "choice". You can't "choose" to not have your bones bleached at 10,000 degrees, or not have a virus kill you. Only a fool or an affected person can't see the simple logic here.


OK - cool !!!


Turns out that the correct choice for terrorism and/or nuclear proliferation is also my same choice for all of my other nutty ideas. I'm OK.

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OK - cool !!!


Turns out that the correct choice for terrorism and/or nuclear proliferation is also my same choice for all of my other nutty ideas. I'm OK.

Stop terrorism, and all of your other nutty ideas? I'm down with that. Um, btw, what are your other nutty ideas? As long as they don't include bringing fried bologna back to the Ralph, I'm OK.

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McCain's choice is more important than Obama's because of his age and health. It's more likely that something could happen to McCain's health that would require the VP to step in, and he might even be a one term president. The likely pro-lifers (Romney, Pawlenty, Portman) are not presidential material. Ridge is McCain's personal favorite, and the pro-lifers will scream and moan for a week if he's chosen, but in the end they'll get behind McCain, as they did after Reagan chose Bush who was previously pro-choice.

What do you think about Clinton? I think it would work out for everyone, especially Bill. He could have endless games of "Up periscope" at the observatory and Hillary would be off of his back because she would be too busy.

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Yes, terrorism is the only #1 priority, it trumps everything else, and it's certainly not a matter of opinion, or "choice". You can't "choose" to not have your bones bleached at 10,000 degrees, or not have a virus kill you. Only a fool or an affected person can't see the simple logic here.

Yes, but we have to find a way to "fight" them. I put fight, because our war against them was doomed from the start. Many times in history, man has waged war against perceived evil. It has never worked and it never will. All it will do is create a body count on both sides.

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