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McGahee maturity issues?


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This is a quote from the Jets game


McGahee's run came after coach Mike Mularkey had gathered the offense on the sidelines and gave the players some choice words before sending them on the field.


"Some of us need to grow up and I felt like it was coming towards me," McGahee said of Mularkey's speech. "I felt like I had to go out and make a play after that speech. You have to grow up, like he says."


BN article from Jets game


Here's another quote from before this weekend:


"I'm going to go back even to the bye week, he's picked up his game," Mularkey said. "It's been addressed. I think he has had a greater focus in meetings and carried it out on the field. I think he understands that's how you get on the field . . . what coaches see you do in meetings and in practice to give you that chance."


BN 10/16


Recently I also saw a blurb somewhere (which I can't find now) which said in essence that McGahee has started to pay attention more in practice and meetings - now that he is becoming more involved in the offense.


Add in all the 'controversial' statements at the beginning of the year about playing time (regardless of whether he was spurred on by his agent) and it doesn't paint a very pretty picture of his maturity or professionalism up until recenty IMHO. It is even made worse in my mind that he has been around the game for a full year before this year - its not like he's a "trout mouthed" rookie being exposed to the professional game for the first time.


Hopefully he has seen the light and turned it around now - it is still amazing to me that his head seemed to be so far from the right place. Maybe Bobby Shaw was his bad influence.... :devil:

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A guy like McGahee probably never had to work exceptionally hard in high school and college. Let's face it, with that talent he could just glide through practices and bring it come gametime. Now it's a different story. He's a pro and all the pro players are damn talented. Sounds like MM got through to him. great to hear.

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He is just taking (and accepting) responsibility -- just like everyone on this team should be doing.


As a football player, this guy is exceptionally mature. When have you seen a "rookie" pick up the blitz like McGahee?

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I do not believe those Aug-Sept statements (complaints) can actually be attributed to Willis himself. They came from "a source", Rosenhaus apparently.


So I don't think they should be held against Willis as part of the immaturity argument. Just a whiney agent.

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I do not believe those Aug-Sept statements (complaints) can actually be attributed to Willis himself.  They came from "a source", Rosenhaus apparently.


So I don't think they should be held against Willis as part of the immaturity argument.  Just a whiney agent.




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I think this shows what kind of coach we have.  Granted the Bills are 1 - 4, but I love what I hear.


I agree Piz. I'm dissapointed on the season thus far but that's the kind of talk we need from a head coach on this un-motivated team.

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WM's last operative statement of import (in this "what have you done for me lately" league, a person's last statement rules until they have built up a rep over a long time and even that rep must come with production on the field or it can easily be frittered away) was he was asked after he ran for 111 yards who was the Bills #1RB.


McGahee himself flat out said that the #1 RB was Henry and he looked forward to sitting on the bench backing huim up and continuing to learn the game.


End of story. end of any rational RB controversy and even if Willis doesn't believe it it was the right thing to say for the TEAM.


What Willis says doesn't make the big difference anyway because what MM says goes and even if Willis said he felt he deserved to be #1 RB, it doesn't make it so unless MM wants it that way. Far better for WM to let his onfield play demand the damn ball rather than his mouth.


At this point TH gets another game in which he needs to produce or he likely will be sat and WM will get the chance to produce. I think that he has earned this "right of first refusal" with his quality play the last two seasons. If MM were to jump on the WM bandwagon right now and bench TH, I think it would be bad for the team as it would provide a framework for every player to lookout primarily for themselves as it would be clear no one else is going to.


Further, I suspect it will be bad for WMs rehab because it has gone fine up until now to take his rehab one step at a time and to resist fan pressure to let him see significant time and even start him last year. I feel fine after WMs great output last week amidst a heavy bruising from the Fins (icluding an illegal illegal late hit by Edwards) to let him sit for a week and see how he recovers from the hits. Giving TH a chance to re-prove himself and secure two running weaons for the Bills is good for the TEAM and probably good for WM's rehab.

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McGahee himself flat out said that the #1 RB was Henry and he looked forward to sitting on the bench backing huim up and continuing to learn the game.


This is part of what I attribute to his (apparently) new found 'maturity' - at least he is saying the right things in public.


My point wasn't about who should be #1 - I just thought it was pretty astounding that he came right out and said he needed to "grow up" (which apparently MM said to him in no uncertain terms) and also that apparently his attitude/behavior in practices/meetings had a lot to be desired. Especially after essentially being a 2nd year player. This was also after we heard what a character guy he was coming back from rehab and all. Just a little shocking to think that after going through all that he would not have a better attitude toward practices, meetings etc.


Also highlights once again that there are a lot of things going on that we don't necessarily know about.

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