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Former Patriot Employee dishes on the team

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A funny read, confirming what we all knew anyway. Some tidbits...




My last day as a New England Patriot



***--Tedy Bruschi is much more popular with the fans than he is with his teammates. He isn't the team leader people think he is. Actually, Bruschi rarely talks to any of his teammates. He and Mike Vrabel used to be close but they rarely interact anymore either. Bruschi is just an unlikable person in general and I think his teammates know what's what and get sick of his act. He created an image that he presents to the public but his teammates know better. The real leaders of the Patriots are Tom Brady, Matt Light, Richard Seymour and the top guy, Rodney Harrison. Harrison is actually one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet off the field, which is a total contrast to his sometimes dirty play on it.


***--Hold on for this one: I heard from someone who is close to the case that there is a sex tape of Bill Belichick banging the married woman he had an affair with. I sh-- you not. The husband who is suing that woman for being unfaithful to him has a tape of his wife and Belichick screwing while the two of them were still married. Belichick is a very powerful man so I imagine he's doing everything in his power to squash this from getting out but it could only be a matter of time. A part of me doesn't want to see it but another part of me can't help but be intrigued.


Edit- I believe this blurb was originally part of the blog entry but apparently it has been removed. It was posted on another forum before it's removal.


--I'm pretty sure (About 80 percent) that the Patriots taped that Rams walkthrough and someone got to Matt Walsh. I have had a lot of interaction with people who know more than they will ever let on. All the Rams have known about it for a while now. Marshall Faulk, in particular, believes the Pats taped their practice and thinks the NFL has been covering up the truth for years. From what I know, if I had a gun to my head and had my life on the line, I would say there was a tape at one point, that Walsh was the one who taped it, but it was best for everyone involved that info never be released publicly for obvious reasons. That's really all I can write here without implicating others who don't want to talk and I would never do that.
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I am no Pats fan but this seems ridiculous. Bruschi is obviously a leader on that team on the field and is shown interacting on the sidelines with teammates to the point of nausea for the viewers.


If you equate preening for the sideline cameras with teammate interaction, then yes you are right.

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I met Bruschi at an awards ceremony a few years ago, and he was incredibly nice. I wanted to hate him so badly, but in the few minutes we talked, he acted interested in what I had to say about my job, etc. and asked a lot of questions.


It's entirely possible it was just an act he puts on at black tie events, but I was disappointed that I came away liking him.

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***--Hold on for this one: I heard from someone who is close to the case that there is a sex tape of Bill Belichick banging the married woman he had an affair with. I sh-- you not. The husband who is suing that woman for being unfaithful to him has a tape of his wife and Belichick screwing while the two of them were still married. Belichick is a very powerful man so I imagine he's doing everything in his power to squash this from getting out but it could only be a matter of time. A part of me doesn't want to see it but another part of me can't help but be intrigued.


Ha went from getting screwed by a tape to screwing on a tape, oh well if he wants it destroyed before the trial, he could just give it to goodell

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I actually live in the same town as Bruschi, and have actually had a child on a team with one of his kids. While he does try to stay on the sideline and out of the limelight, those who have interacted with him have said he is an extremely nice guy, and he has given generously when ever asked for a charitable donation, or taking the time out for an appearance.

Although, he did give me a brief sideways look when I showed up to one of the games with one of my Bills shirts on.


Of course, I whenever I look at him I always think of this :D :


Bruschi is a Golden God



btw - his wife is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet.

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Maybe I missed it but I didn't see where the quote said Bruschi wasn't a nice guy. It just said he wasn't a team leader like everyone thinks and that his team found him unlikable.



Well he made the list of "A-Holes". I usually equate a-holes with nice people.


Anywho, I aint buying the whole thing. He says how no one ever dissed him, so what does he do? Truth or not, if you didn't feel bitter about something, you'd have enough class to save all the barbs.....b/c there wouldn't be any.


Yeah, that's what people do when they leave a group that was good to them.....they rag on them and go out of their way to burn bridges that should have been lined with gold.


Something phony about this piece

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***--Hold on for this one: I heard from someone who is close to the case that there is a sex tape of Bill Belichick banging the married woman he had an affair with. I sh-- you not. The husband who is suing that woman for being unfaithful to him has a tape of his wife and Belichick screwing while the two of them were still married. Belichick is a very powerful man so I imagine he's doing everything in his power to squash this from getting out but it could only be a matter of time. A part of me doesn't want to see it but another part of me can't help but be intrigued.


Ha went from getting screwed by a tape to screwing on a tape, oh well if he wants it destroyed before the trial, he could just give it to goodell

I think we just solved the mystery as to why the league just destroyed the tapes the Pats sent them, they were all labeled BB Sex tape, and the wrote a note saying only one of them was the real sex tape, the other were their footage. Goodell not wanting to take the chance of finding out if BB "leaves the hoodie on" just burned them all to keep from losing his eyesight

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A funny read, confirming what we all knew anyway. Some tidbits...




My last day as a New England Patriot





Edit- I believe this blurb was originally part of the blog entry but apparently it has been removed. It was posted on another forum before it's removal.


I have to give You credit...I could never post such a thing...The worry alone would kill me...Not to mention when that bolt of lightning actually arrived!...


I'm assuming You're still alive...


Gavin? ;)

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I met Bruschi at an awards ceremony a few years ago, and he was incredibly nice. I wanted to hate him so badly, but in the few minutes we talked, he acted interested in what I had to say about my job, etc. and asked a lot of questions.


It's entirely possible it was just an act he puts on at black tie events, but I was disappointed that I came away liking him.



One question...are you hot? Because if you are, that could be why he was incredibly nice to you.

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One question...are you hot? Because if you are, that could be why he was incredibly nice to you.


Bruschi sounded a lot like Flutie to me in that "article." I'm not saying I buy what the writer is selling but it's very plausible that Tedy is one of those guys who makes nice at the black tie affair and then MF's the same guy who writes about what a good guy he is. I've seen it before.

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I have to give You credit...I could never post such a thing...The worry alone would kill me...Not to mention when that bolt of lightning actually arrived!...


I'm assuming You're still alive...


Gavin? :devil:



Here may be found the last words of Gavin of Va Beach. He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the holy grail in the Castle of Aaauuuggghhh...

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