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I was just wondering who gave this 15 year-old the keys and a lisence to speak for all the Buffalo fans:




And then there's the last sentence:


"Otherwise, if he scores a touchdown in the postseason, it’ll feel pretty awkward." Really? REALLY!? Pretty...AWKWARD!? Yeah, me too. Lynch scoring a touchdown IN THE POSTSEASON, will be just like someone farting in church.

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I started to post a similar thought, but then I realized that this is a pre-Oneontant who has a very short sighted view of the world. Why the news decided to print his piece I cannot comment on.


I suppose that's what makes me mad. I think it's a great that a (fairly) large newspaper would print material written by a SOON TO BE 10th grader. But when that material brazenly condemns a second year rising star and reads more like a diary entry, I have to wonder which editor's desk Mrs. Wagner has been known to frequent.

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Really. This is from NeXt, a tab whose entire content is produced by area high school students. I'm not sure what kind of copy-editing help they get -- I'd guess not much, or someone would've caught the "suspended" (instead of revoked) mistake -- or if the News just corrects obvious errors and runs them as-is.


For 15, the kid's got a good voice ... but he could use a good mentor, too. Then again, can't we all?

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Really. This is from NeXt, a tab whose entire content is produced by area high school students.

Well then never mind (said in my best Rosanne Rosannadanna voice).


The Big Cat should be ashamed of himself for posting about a HS produced article. :pirate:

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Really. This is from NeXt, a tab whose entire content is produced by area high school students. I'm not sure what kind of copy-editing help they get -- I'd guess not much, or someone would've caught the "suspended" (instead of revoked) mistake -- or if the News just corrects obvious errors and runs them as-is.


For 15, the kid's got a good voice ... but he could use a good mentor, too.


Exactly, this kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.

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Really. This is from NeXt, a tab whose entire content is produced by area high school students. I'm not sure what kind of copy-editing help they get -- I'd guess not much, or someone would've caught the "suspended" (instead of revoked) mistake -- or if the News just corrects obvious errors and runs them as-is.


For 15, the kid's got a good voice ... but he could use a good mentor, too. Then again, can't we all?


Are you busy for the next couple years?


C'mon Lori, 'it's for the kids!'



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That kid doesn't even believe what he wrote. He was just hoping to get a pat on the head and a "You're such a good boy."

This kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.

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This kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.

Yeah...the only problem is that they're the opinions of a 15-year-old. He doesn't understand how the legal system works, or that Lynch listened to the advice of his attorney. All he sees is a guy who didn't "come clean" right when it happened.


There's a reason why experience counts.


I'm also glad teenagers are given a forum to voice their views -- unfortunately those views are rarely relevant. I won't say never, because sometimes kids can simplify topics in a way cynical adults can't. This isn't one of those situations.

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That kid doesn't even believe what he wrote. He was just hoping to get a pat on the head and a "You're such a good boy."


I agree. He'll be screaming his head off for Marshawn come Sept. and he'll know exactly what to do when he scores a postseason touchdown.

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This kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.



One thing that really annoys me around here is there are just so many people that walk around with a stick up their asses. I mean great the kid wrote an article. That takes balls, but part of putting your opinion out into the public forum is that it opens it up to criticism.

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Exactly, this kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.

I couldn't disagree more. Why should kids be praised for anything and everything they do? Just because they're kids and we want to encourage and support them? I say... no. All that does is perpetuate mediocrity and give them a false image of the real world. Hold them to a higher measure and they'll be stronger for it.


First of all, any person, big or small, should be held to the same standard by the paper. I don't know if this is an editorial or what, but it should be. He's only writing his thoughts on the matter. And, if I may say so, his thoughts are reflective of a 15 year old that doesn't know much about how the world really works. Perhaps I sound jaded, but that's reality.


"Why didn’t he step forward and confess that he was driving the car that hit Kimberly Shpeley if he unknowingly struck her as he claims?" Although this is a nice notion and sounds all rosey and good. The reality is... if any person, Lynch or not, comes out and does that, they would be legally crucified, and cost themselves millions (perhaps) of dollars. My immediate thought is.. does this kid confess all his actions to his parents every day? Does he come home from a party and say wow Mom I got loaded last night jumped into a pool naked or whatever it is he may do. My guess is not. Why? Because no one openly and readily admits all guilt and then awaits punishment to the fullest extent possible.


Bottom line: We all have opinions. None are necessarily right or wrong. They're just opinions. I think it important to remember that. I can only assume that this article was printed in an opinions section of the paper. If so, the only problem I would see is that its typically good to print a counter opinion as well.

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I couldn't disagree more. Why should kids be praised for anything and everything they do? Just because they're kids and we want to encourage and support them? I say... no. All that does is perpetuate mediocrity and give them a false image of the real world. Hold them to a higher measure and they'll be stronger for it.


First of all, any person, big or small, should be held to the same standard by the paper. I don't know if this is an editorial or what, but it should be. He's only writing his thoughts on the matter. And, if I may say so, his thoughts are reflective of a 15 year old that doesn't know much about how the world really works. Perhaps I sound jaded, but that's reality.


"Why didn’t he step forward and confess that he was driving the car that hit Kimberly Shpeley if he unknowingly struck her as he claims?" Although this is a nice notion and sounds all rosey and good. The reality is... if any person, Lynch or not, comes out and does that, they would be legally crucified, and cost themselves millions (perhaps) of dollars. My immediate thought is.. does this kid confess all his actions to his parents every day? Does he come home from a party and say wow Mom I got loaded last night jumped into a pool naked or whatever it is he may do. My guess is not. Why? Because no one openly and readily admits all guilt and then awaits punishment to the fullest extent possible.


Bottom line: We all have opinions. None are necessarily right or wrong. They're just opinions. I think it important to remember that. I can only assume that this article was printed in an opinions section of the paper. If so, the only problem I would see is that its typically good to print a counter opinion as well.

ya plus hes prob a nerd

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I thought it was funny how he said he despised Mcgahee after his first season. I mean the kid was 12 at the time. It's kind of sad to already be jaded about your team's star athletes at that age, but I guess such is the life of a Bills fan. I can't falut the kid for giving his opinion since someone gave him a platform to do it. It does seem kind of crazy to have kids that young writing opinion pieces about pro teams. In my opinoin young aspiring writers should learn journalism by collecting facts, doing interviews, and things of that nature, maybe about local high school teams.

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I suppose that's what makes me mad. I think it's a great that a (fairly) large newspaper would print material written by a SOON TO BE 10th grader. But when that material brazenly condemns a second year rising star and reads more like a diary entry, I have to wonder which editor's desk Mrs. Wagner has been known to frequent.

So you read the section of the paper written for high schoolers by high schoolers and then comment on how much they suck.


This link is for you.

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Exactly, this kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.


I was wondering how you managed to get your article published.

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So you read the section of the paper written for high schoolers by high schoolers and then comment on how much they suck.


This link is for you.


In fact, I don't read your newspaper because I don't live in your region. I read what is posted on TBD. All I saw was Fansssssssssssssss Disspointed with Lynch as a headline, then read an article which certainly doesn't share THIS fan's opinion, I thought it was some cocky sports writer. I thought it was ashame that the Lynch lynch had already begun. Then I read the last sentence about being dissapointed by a post-season touch down, and then I read that it was by a high schooler.


Suddenly it made sense why it read like a facebook "note" and I found it curious that The Buffalo News would endorse such broad-stroked musings from a kid.


And folks, let's be clear: I think throughout this thread we've ALL been pretty liberal about the "credit" this "kid" deserves. I know 15 sounds infantile to the old-balls who frequent this site, but from a writing standpoint, he's pretty much on par with (and no greater than) other aspiring writers his age.


So yeah, critiquing a four-year olds art is comparable to critiquing a published article by someone who's more than likely already begun researching colleges.

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