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NHL Stanley Cup Finals Discussion

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Ok so its gonna be Detroit v.s. Pittsburgh starts on Saturday...do you have any interest in this series? Will you be watching? Do you have a rooting interest? Any predictions??



I'll go first, although it still stings that the Sabres didn't get a chance to participate in the playoffs this year I still love playoff hockey and I think the Cup is the hardest trophy in professional sports to earn. I am actually really excited about this matchup because usually by the time the Finals rolls around you have already seen the best matchup in the conference games but I think for once the two top teams are actually competing for it all and both teams are stacked. Being as I'm a Sabres fan first and foremost I guess I don't really have a rooting interest in this one, but I know the Pens are definately gonna bring home multiple cups over the next few years with the young stars they have so I would like to see them suffer the pain before they experience the joy...as for predictions? I'm thinking this is going 7 games

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The Western Conference has been more physical over the last few years so I don't expect Pitt to have an easy time. Both teams have depth. Detroit is more experienced but Pitt has incredible skill players. The first game and the series depends on who gets out of the blocks first. A powerplay goal and then a defensive shell can seal both.


I am rooting for the Pens but I think the Wings will win in seven.


The Pens better win the Cup fast as the rest of the league is salivating at the talent that they won't be able to resign. Detroit is an impressive of continuity in the salary cap era.


The Sabres better have their scouting together especially with the upcoming draft.

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I want the Penguins but I won't be suprised if the Red Wings win due to their veteran experience. Would be ironic if at some point the backup goalies played; former Sabres Hasek and Conklin.


The Penguin's Wilkes-Barre Scranton AHL farm team is still competing in their semi-finals, playing the probable new farm team location for Buffalo, the Portland Pirates. So the Penguins must have some young talent they'll be able to use in the future.

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Pittsburgh can suck my balls. Red Wings in six.


I'm with Chef on this one. We're going to get a steady diet of pro-Crosby calls for the next 10 years. He's already learning the art of the flop and he'll be getting calls for the rest of his career. The NHL wants to prop this guy up as the next Gretzky and if that mean's putting him and the Pens in the finals routinely, so be it. It's going to be a long drought for the rest of the teams in the east.

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I don't generally root for teams from either Pittsburgh or Detroit, but for some reason I have no intense dislike for either the Pens or the Wings.


I suppose I'm just hoping for seven games of exciting hockey, with a couple of OTs thrown in for good measure. It wouldn't kill me to see Crosby win a Cup -- he's a young kid who really seems to "get it" both on and off the ice.

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I don't really care who wins.. I just feel sorry for the winning team's captain

who has to shake Gary Bettman's hand after receiving Lord Stanley's Cup.


IMHO,,Bettman is THE worst comissioner in all of professional sports.

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I don't really care who wins.. I just feel sorry for the winning team's captain

who has to shake Gary Bettman's hand after receiving Lord Stanley's Cup.


IMHO,,Bettman is THE worst comissioner in all of professional sports.


If he isn't he's sure giving Bud Selig a run for his money.

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I don't really care who wins.. I just feel sorry for the winning team's captain

who has to shake Gary Bettman's hand after receiving Lord Stanley's Cup.


IMHO,,Bettman is THE worst comissioner in all of professional sports.


Commissioners are hired and given power by the owners, so in the end whatever may be wrong falls back on the owners.


I give Bettman credit for overseeing the expansion of the NHL into the south and for bringing some order to the salary structure, but on the negative side the league has done a poor job of maximizing their television exposure by leaving ESPN and by not continuing the strict calling of interference penalties as they did after the lockout.

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