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Which is the best organization in professional sports?

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I responded in the baseball forum to a crayonz post about the St. Louis Cardinals being the best organization in professional sports. I agree, the Cards are well-run, have great fans, and are certainly near the top of the heap in baseball.


The best in professional sports?


In my opinion, it can go to none other than the Detroit Red Wings. Incredible record of sustained success. They consistently get it done in the regular season every year, and have been able to go the distance in the playoffs as well. I just read the other day that they have not had a top-10 draft pick since 1990. Unbelievable. Props to their scouting dept for some magnificent late-round finds.


I would also lump the Pittsburgh Steelers up near the top. You know what you are up against every time you play them. A consistent, solid, hard nosed effort every week, and a professional organization from the top down.


Who else ya got???

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Two problems:


1) Don't reply to a guy who eats crayons...


2) As a Colorado Avs fan, I am obliged to disagree about the Detroit Red Wings organization. I can't be objective about this.

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I'll buy the steelers. Especially if you are looking at an organization over a prolonged period of time. One could...could mind you....make a case for the Yankees if you are looking over the huge longer period. short term....dare I say it?....one might begin to make a case for the Patriots? I say this with the caveat that I HATE the patriots and hated them since they were the Boston Patriots.

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I'll buy the steelers. Especially if you are looking at an organization over a prolonged period of time. One could...could mind you....make a case for the Yankees if you are looking over the huge longer period. short term....dare I say it?....one might begin to make a case for the Patriots? I say this with the caveat that I HATE the patriots and hated them since they were the Boston Patriots.

Any organization caught cheating is automatically barred from the conversation. :censored:

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You guys seriously come up with the Red Wings and Braves as competition for the Cardinals? OMFG I am ROTFLMAO. These teams are sustained losers that get to the playoffs and get run by some upstart every single year.


The Cardinals get the job done and finish the deal. If they didn't have two of the top 10 pitchers in baseball out injured over this extended period, they might be going for their 5th straight tile and you guys say Braves and Red Wings?????? :D:lol::lol:


And I said the Cardinals were the best organization in sports I misspoke. I meant in the history of sports.

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Colts, Braves, Red Wings and Steelers are all run right. But the best run has to be the Spurs.


Good call on the Spurs. Professional, businesslike, consistent effort, similar to the Steelers and Red Wings.


A difference with San Antonio...While it would be very easy to call them "lucky" for winning the lottery rights to #1 pick David Robinson, and then again with Tim Duncan, the difference is that they have an organization that is savvy enough to KEEP those championship pieces intact for an extended period. Plenty of teams have drafted well, but then they have not surrounded their stars with complementary pieces, or not bucked up with the coin when the contract was due.

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You guys seriously come up with the Red Wings and Braves as competition for the Cardinals? OMFG I am ROTFLMAO. These teams are sustained losers that get to the playoffs and get run by some upstart every single year.


The Cardinals get the job done and finish the deal. If they didn't have two of the top 10 pitchers in baseball out injured over this extended period, they might be going for their 5th straight tile and you guys say Braves and Red Wings?????? :D:lol::lol:


And I said the Cardinals were the best organization in sports I misspoke. I meant in the history of sports.


Mark McGuire tainted their organization with steroids.




I go with Steelers in the long run.

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Also....From down home....


Two organizations not in the "Big Four" sports who repeatedly earn praise for their organization and professionalism are the Bisons and Bandits.


I realize a Triple-A baseball team is largely at the mercy of their parent organization for on-field product, and Cleveland has done a nice job with Buffalo, but it is most definitely true that there are aspects of each individual AAA organization that allows them to stand out on their own. Cleveland will likely be ending their affiliation with the Bisons, but that is more for revenue and TV dollars (and a new stadium) that is waiting in Columbus, the capital of Ohio (and halfway between the rooting interests of the Indians and Reds.) It has been reported that Buffalo, from an organizational and financial standpoint, will be a highly sought-after affiliate for someone in MLB. The Rich family has done a great job, IMO...The dream of a MLB team in Buffalo may have been a bit of a reach, and I for one love the atmosphere (and prices) of minor league ball.


The Bandits have done an incredible job marketing and putting a solid product on the field, in a league where finishing a season in the black financially is far from guaranteed. It helps to have the best player in the history of the sport on your roster for 15 years, but the Bandits have been, overall, a very consistent and successful franchise.

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