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NutJob on the 190.

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"Swat is moving in! Swat is moving in!"


"Steve, we can't see them"


"Well, we don't want to give away their position." (said as the camera pans over to show them behind an SUV)



How STUPID are these reporters? Unreal. They were told by the BPD to not talk about their position. Morons.

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Reports say he has a gun in one hand, and a blackberry in the other. He was heard saying that TBD reported that he is < RJ, and he couldn't take it.


Post of the year.


Hope he enjoys his stay in the lockdown ward.

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The spokesman for the Buffalo news just asked Channel 7 to STOP TELLING EVERYONE WHAT THE SWAT TEAM WAS DOING!


"Ok, honey, I'm pissed, and I'm not going to take it!"


"Well, there are 4 swat guys behind you. One just lifted his shield, one looks like your cousin BillyBob"


News people are so stupid. I remember a SNL skit from the Desert Storm war where a news conference is going on with Norman Schwartzkopf and he says after one question that he can't give that info out because it's classified and as the conference goes on the reporters keep asking more and more detailed questions like; "General can you tell us where and when you plan to launch the attack on such and such. Also I'd like to know the size of the force and all of the weapons they'll be bringing." :flirt:


By the way, if you feel like pillaging the city of Buffalo, now would be the time.


I read a novel once where a criminal puts together two bank robbery teams that don't know about each other. He sends the first out and screws them over by not having the getaway car ready for them and also calling the cops just ahead of the robbery so when they come out the cops are there and they go back in and take hostages. Meanwhile his second team robs a bank on the other side of town because all of the cops are at the first robbery. I thought it was a clever idea.

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Nice work. Very nice. So many prying eyes on this, they had to do that perfectly. And it appears they did. One flash charge. Done.


I couldn't find any news coverage here. It'll probably be on at 11pm. :flirt: It's just not the same if it isn't live. Like the slow speed OJ chase. :doh:

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Channel 7 is getting stupid. They just put up a graphic saying 190 is clear for travel. Meanwhile, the on-air talent is saying it's not yet, and the video feed still shows police/trooper cars all over the place.

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Channel 7 is getting stupid. They just put up a graphic saying 190 is clear for travel. Meanwhile, the on-air talent is saying it's not yet, and the video feed still shows police/trooper cars all over the place.

Really? Channel 7 is showing "Dancing With The Stars" here.


(Not for much longer. Where's the friggin' remote?)

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A buddy of mine always tells this story.. he was at the CNN center and there was a guy with a gun against his head at a nearby bridge, visible from the entrance. They watched for about 25 minutes and concluded the guy was going to give up and they headed towards the CNN doors. Halfway to the door, they heard the gun go off. When they turned around, they just caught the dude falling off of the bridge.


We had a string of jumpers down here a few years back. It got so bad that the GDOT went through and put those curved anti-jumper fences on all of the metro area bridges. I've always thought they ought to to just pull a couple semis up under these overpasses and drop the fall to broken ankle height..

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