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NutJob on the 190.

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A buddy of mine always tells this story.. he was at the CNN center and there was a guy with a gun against his head at a nearby bridge, visible from the entrance. They watched for about 25 minutes and concluded the guy was going to give up and they headed towards the CNN doors. Halfway to the door, they heard the gun go off. When they turned around, they just caught the dude falling off of the bridge.


We had a string of jumpers down here a few years back. It got so bad that the GDOT went through and put those curved anti-jumper fences on all of the metro area bridges. I've always thought they ought to to just pull a couple semis up under these overpasses and drop the fall to broken ankle height..


That common curved fencing is usually to stop the great unwashed from killing unsuspecting motorists by flinging heavy objects from a bridge. Today's society... :blink:


That semi pull-up is a good idea, though.

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That common curved fencing is usually to stop the great unwashed from killing unsuspecting motorists by flinging heavy objects from a bridge. Today's society... :blink:


That semi pull-up is a good idea, though.


Yup, but when we had our suicide attempt spree, they installed it with the intent of slowing the number of jumpers. Either we've run out of jumpers, or it's worked.

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What did the guy do that was so wrong? He was off on the side of the road, only some guy that drove by has said that he was attacking is wife (how credible can he be driving by?) and if he had a concealed weapons permit, whats the big deal?


Seriously though, I watched it from 7 til the end, channel 7 had the best quality looking video (were they filming in HD?) but I found channel 4 had the best coverage of it. I loved watching the parents bringing their kids out to watch and stand along the road. :blink:

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I've always thought they ought to to just pull a couple semis up under these overpasses and drop the fall to broken ankle height..

Here's a video (audio does not match up with video) where they go to pull up a fire truck for the guy to land on, but he slips before they can get it under him, and instead he hits the front of the truck and bounces off.

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Funny, I would have thought he had a USPS jacket on


Hello, Newman!



Here's a video (audio does not match up with video) where they go to pull up a fire truck for the guy to land on, but he slips before they can get it under him, and instead he hits the front of the truck and bounces off.




The sad thing is that he'll probably sue the fire department for that and win.

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I am not sure I buy into the whole if he wants to commit suicide let him do it. Usually such behavior is the product of mental illness of some sort. If it is not a decision made with a clear head, then I think people should make an effort to stop it from happening, just like any threat to one's life caused by an illness.

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I am not sure I buy into the whole if he wants to commit suicide let him do it. Usually such behavior is the product of mental illness of some sort. If it is not a decision made with a clear head, then I think people should make an effort to stop it from happening, just like any threat to one's life caused by an illness.


Thanks for saying this, JohnnyB. One of the most important people in my life committed suicide 18 months ago, and it was most definitely the product of brain chemistry gone awry. I can't even begin to describe how painful the aftermath has been for everyone. And the lingering conclusion is that there were dozens of people who would have stopped it from happening if they could have, so that the person could have gotten the medical help they needed.

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