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In my opinion, it is the Big Boys coming to town....The NFL as part of the negotiation with Walsh to provide him immunity must have stuck a deal that Walsh can give everything, but the Walkthrough tape would be destroyed and won't be part of the official return of tapes. This way the NFL gets to move on and close the chapter on Spygate. Robert Kraft can really wield the pressure on Goddell to end this.


It is sad, but this the day and age of the big boys twisting the smaller one's hands to get around the problem


No doubt CBS, FOX, NBC and ESPN are going to bat for Kraft et al. It's their cash cow, too.

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The jerk doesn't even acknowledge any guilt... as far as he's concerned, he's innocent...


Throw him to the wolves!!! :blink:



wow for a moment there I thought we might be refering to George Bush and Cheney..



the Patriots are just as much of a sham...

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This whole thing just irritates me. I don't know if they realize it, but the NFL always sounds like they're on the Patriots side when they make statements, like the one from Aiello today.


Is taking a first round pick away from them really a fair punishment for using a competitive advantage that lasted 7 years?

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now this is starting to make sense. Mike Fish from ESPN infers that Goodell learned they were cheating since 2000 from Walsh before the deal was cut.


The commish goes public with the 2000 date, they give Walsh pretty much whatever he wants to cover his butt, he delivers tapes from 2000-2001, NFL says yeah, we know that, case closed. Perfect plan to minimize damage and move on.


In February, when Goodell met with him in Washington, Specter said the league publicly acknowledged that the taping went back to 2000.


That came shortly after Walsh, a video assistant in 2000 and 2001, surfaced as a whistle-blower with potentially damaging information.


"It first came up when Goodell talked to me, that it had been going on since the year 2000," Specter recently told ESPN.com. "No one has ever said why the discrepancy. I don't know how clearly it was articulated that the first they knew about it was when they saw the Jets taping. That all has been fuzzy, ambiguous.

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Billy bob wants every advantage...maybe he broke the code and unlocked something...I can't imagine any Bills fan saying this is not a big deal...its a competitive advantage that should not exist....Now if the Bills did the same to the Pats then its fair game...but we didn't, we're honest


Karma is a b!tch Patty's!


Exactly. I'm really sick of everyone saying that this is no big deal, everyone does it, etc. etc. If it doesn't give a competitive advantage, then why is it against the rules? If everyone else does it, why hasn't anyone else been caught? This IS a big deal, and should be treated that way by the NFL. The media and the NFL spent 7 years marketing the patriots as the team that does things the right way, the guys that play as a team, that work the hardest, that stay out of trouble, blah blah blah. Now the tables have turned. This is a low class organization, from their dirty players like like harrison and wilfork, to their classless coach, to their CHEATING. Now they are being exposed and should be treated like the scumbags that they are.

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Exactly. I'm really sick of everyone saying that this is no big deal, everyone does it, etc. etc. If it doesn't give a competitive advantage, then why is it against the rules?


Along those same lines. If it doesn't give a competitive advantage, why bother doing it?

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Exactly. I'm really sick of everyone saying that this is no big deal, everyone does it, etc. etc. If it doesn't give a competitive advantage, then why is it against the rules? If everyone else does it, why hasn't anyone else been caught? This IS a big deal, and should be treated that way by the NFL. The media and the NFL spent 7 years marketing the patriots as the team that does things the right way, the guys that play as a team, that work the hardest, that stay out of trouble, blah blah blah. Now the tables have turned. This is a low class organization, from their dirty players like like harrison and wilfork, to their classless coach, to their CHEATING. Now they are being exposed and should be treated like the scumbags that they are.





This has not only tainted the Pats, it's tainted the entire NFL for me. It's my feeling that the Pats were reaping a HUGE competitive "in-game" advantage by cheating this way. Why else would they have continued to do it for so long. They did it in the Steelers upset win that set them on their way. This is the team that has been the face of NFL excellence for an entire decade and it's all phoney. Almost an entire decade of the NFL's authenticity is now one big fraud to me.


So what was Goodell's crackdown to such a disgraceful act which threatens the league's legitimacy? He let the offending coach off without any suspension whatsoever. I can't even express how angry I am about this.


Between the commissioner's embarrassing non-punishment of the Pats, thug's like Pac-Man and the crybabies like Willis McGahee and Chad Johnson, the NFL appears to have already "jumped the shark". It's become a joke. Nice going Roger.

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Exactly. I'm really sick of everyone saying that this is no big deal, everyone does it, etc. etc. If it doesn't give a competitive advantage, then why is it against the rules? If everyone else does it, why hasn't anyone else been caught? This IS a big deal, and should be treated that way by the NFL. The media and the NFL spent 7 years marketing the patriots as the team that does things the right way, the guys that play as a team, that work the hardest, that stay out of trouble, blah blah blah. Now the tables have turned. This is a low class organization, from their dirty players like like harrison and wilfork, to their classless coach, to their CHEATING. Now they are being exposed and should be treated like the scumbags that they are.


How can Ralph say nothing now that it is official they taped the Bills? I know we sucked anyway during that time, but plenty of people invested hard-earned money, time, and emotion only to see an opponent dominate the division the last 8 years who balatantly cheated. One 1st round pick and everything is supposed to be OK? We can't blame sucking the last 8 years on the Patriots, but 1 f'in 1st round pick ain't gonna do it. If Ralph doesn't demand a greater punishment, it shows a huge disregard to the team's fans. Belichik needs to go.

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Chris Brown of BB.com made some strong statements about their HC Billy Boy himself saying if there is further evidence of the Patriots cheating the HC should be kicked outta the league for good. Could you imagine......

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I think if you are looking for closure on this issue, then you are doomed to be forever disappointed. It's shtty what the Patriots did. They broke rules repeatedly and continued to do so until they were turned in by one of their own former coaches. However, if you're looking for some new justice, it's not going to happen. Like others have said, this evidence is not new. Even if you think it makes their crimes more egregious, in the eyes of the NFL, it is only confirmation of what they told us they knew. There won't be any new penalties; lost draft picks, fines, suspensions, bannings, etc. Anything negative the league will do to the Patriots has already been done. Sad, but true.


However, I'd suggest that you take solace in what has really happened to them. Yeah it would be great I guess to see them lose another 1st rounder or read about Kraft paying out another 500,000 in a tax deductible fines, but we have already been given something much sweeter than that.


Not only will the validity of their dynasty forever be tainted (on a sliding scale depending on where you sit), but I will always believe that the timing of Walsh's revelation played a part in their Super Bowl choking. Announcing that possibly damning evidence is surfacing during the WEEK of the biggest media feeding frenzy of the year turned the heat up on that team about 1000 degrees. Now I will never know if it truly did distract them enough to make a difference, but I do know this. The most celebrated and dominant team of our era came into that game as a heavy favorite and walked out as the biggest choke artists in the history of the Super Bowl. Maybe the Giants did just have the right stuff, but I believe if that game was played 9 more times, the Pats would have won 8.


So while it sucks that we may finally be coming to the end of what has been a joyous trek though the ruination and embarrassment of a hated rival, take solace in the fact that they have already lost what they wanted most: The chance to be remembered as the greatest team of all time.


And they'll never get that back. :blink:

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Why? They are in denial and see the lack of a walk-thru tape as evidence that the Patriots are innocent. :blink:


Its not that they are innocent; it is that these tapes show nothing we didn't already know. There is no new evidence or smoking gun here.

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I don't see how these "revelations" are anything new. It just confirms what we already knew. I just want the whole thing to end. Unless we can beat them on the field, I really dont care.

Why would you want to see it end? I want in thrown in their face until the last coach & player from that team is out of the league. Even then, any time Superbowls are mentioned, I want it mentioned the Pats* cheated in every Superbowl they won.

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