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Offseason commitment

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Xanax. Try it.


You need to unwind after a season, due to the toll it takes on the body. It would be one thing if he was out of shape and flabby going into the voluntary workouts next week. There are no indications that it is the case with him (we will find out next week). He has taken a little time to decompress and recharge his batteries. This puts him in a good position to prepare for the upcoming season.


I have no problem with it.



If Xanax helps make me believe in crap like that then I'll take a pass.

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I'm not going to say that I hold it against players who don't live year round in the city they play in because it seems to be the norm, but I just don't understand it. I think that working out together as a team for the entire offseason is beneficial. All of us live in or around the city that that we work in all year round, so considering a lot of these guys make more money in a year or two than most of us will ever make in our lives, I really don't think its too much to ask.


What about non-players? IIRC, Modrak lives in NJ, and it was one of the reasons why he was not interested in the Bills GM job.

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Our rookie QB Trent Edwards obviously didn't feel so bad about his nose dive performance closing out the 2007 season. Our now second year starting quarterback took three freaking months off. I'm not surprised though, anyone would get a big head with all of the flowers thrown at his feet by the Buffalo fans and media alike. He must be laughing since he doesn't even have to show the ability to throw touchdown passes to please this Buffalo crowd. I think his leadership and commitment to the Bills is in question. I wonder if that's why the Bills are not actively shopping JP.

Did you ever see Favre's off season home in Mississippi. It is niiiiiiiiiiice. The Mannings also spend their offseason there, not at Favre's house, but their own. I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic. What were you saying about Trent?

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Looks like somebody needs a Xanax.


I call out the chicken little mentality that you were showing in your post and you refuse proper treatment. I then mirror your chicken little sentiments and now you are seeing the benefits of Xanax. You are on the road to recovery, my friend. :thumbsup:

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Did you ever see Favre's off season home in Mississippi. It is niiiiiiiiiiice. The Mannings also spend their offseason there, not at Favre's house, but their own. I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic. What were you saying about Trent?


Please tell me you're not comparing our second year QB to Favre and Manning. Those two Hall of Famers were no doubt at their respective teams facilities during the offseason when they were first starting out. There's no way in hell that Manning took a three month vacation after his first season. So now Trent gets the same perks as veterans with over a decade served? This is priceless.

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Please tell me you're not comparing our second year QB to Favre and Manning. Those two Hall of Famers were no doubt at their respective teams facilities during the offseason when they were first starting out. There's no way in hell that Manning took a three month vacation after his first season. So now Trent gets the same perks as veterans with over a decade served? This is priceless.



I love this guy.

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Please tell me you're not comparing our second year QB to Favre and Manning. Those two Hall of Famers were no doubt at their respective teams facilities during the offseason when they were first starting out. There's no way in hell that Manning took a three month vacation after his first season. So now Trent gets the same perks as veterans with over a decade served? This is priceless.


I think for a rookie they may need more time off than a veteran to recuperate mentally and physically from a totally new and highly stressful environment. An established vet that's been through the battles may not need to be around as much but also might not need as much time to mentally recover since the experience is kind of old hat.

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He has no offense to study and is probably working out in CA. No doubt is he getting some relaxation as well, but there isn't an NFL player right now who isn't taking some time off. Just because those guys are working out at the facilities, doesn't mean that they are practicing or anything like that.


Lets get worried if he doesn't show up next week. I doubt that he played golf the whole time he's been out there. At least he isn't riding his motorcycle without a helmet or playing flag football or anything.

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Oop... Trent wasn't in Buffalo, so he must've been sitting on his couch downing a 12 pack a day masturbating to cheap asian porn and gaining a freshman 15.


Hell, Eli's got a fatass as his backup, maybe it's the whole '04 QB draft class thing again. They said "hey, Eli just got a ring, he had 0 talent around him, but that Offensive Guard we somehow fit a #13 on did a fantastic job as a backup, let's bulk ol' Trent up and start JP!"


Sure, he should be there as a leadership role, but if everyone else left, who is he leading? And also, just because he's not here doesn't mean he's not working out. Where's JP for that matter? I actually don't know, I figured he'd head to Cali but he might stay here?

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Interesting, since the impression I get from what I've read is that Buffalo has pretty good attendance at their offseason programs.


From that same piece:


• Don't believe the hype. I've heard it. You've read it. Now, I'm typing it. "I'm really impressed with the dedication of the guys to the workout program," the coach said. "This has been the best offseason since I've been here."


Throwing out false participation and attendance numbers and proclaiming a successful offseason conditioning program has become an annual rite of passage among NFL teams. Some coaches seem to indicate this on a yearly basis. They will then proceed to talk about how this supposed increase in participation from previous seasons is a harbinger of success and will serve as a springboard into training camp and the 2008 season.


Take all these proclamations with a grain of salt and save these quotes to see if the coach says the same thing next year. That is, if that coach is still around to discuss the offseason program.

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Oop... Trent wasn't in Buffalo, so he must've been sitting on his couch downing a 12 pack a day masturbating to cheap asian porn and gaining a freshman 15.


Hell, Eli's got a fatass as his backup, maybe it's the whole '04 QB draft class thing again. They said "hey, Eli just got a ring, he had 0 talent around him, but that Offensive Guard we somehow fit a #13 on did a fantastic job as a backup, let's bulk ol' Trent up and start JP!"


Sure, he should be there as a leadership role, but if everyone else left, who is he leading? And also, just because he's not here doesn't mean he's not working out. Where's JP for that matter? I actually don't know, I figured he'd head to Cali but he might stay here?

The Giants signed David Carr to back up Eli.

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I would guess he's talking about the Bills team he was actually on - 2003, 2004. Bledsoe at qb, McGahee/Henry, Moulds, Sam Adams, Nate Clements, Mike Williams. The height of the fraudulent Donahoe era.



I guess if he were referring to himself in the third person....but Ross doesn't strike me as that type of guy :P


seriously, it does seem like he's talking about a different, more recent ex-Bill

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Did you ever see Favre's off season home in Mississippi. It is niiiiiiiiiiice. The Mannings also spend their offseason there, not at Favre's house, but their own. I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic. What were you saying about Trent?

It was those tight shorts that distracted you, I bet.

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Our rookie QB Trent Edwards obviously didn't feel so bad about his nose dive performance closing out the 2007 season. Our now second year starting quarterback took three freaking months off. I'm not surprised though, anyone would get a big head with all of the flowers thrown at his feet by the Buffalo fans and media alike. He must be laughing since he doesn't even have to show the ability to throw touchdown passes to please this Buffalo crowd. I think his leadership and commitment to the Bills is in question. I wonder if that's why the Bills are not actively shopping JP.

Seeing that he has no offense to run yet, perhaps that's not an unwise decision...

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I dont get the big deal. These guys that are here are basically running a few postion drills and lifting some weights. If you are one of the new faces on the team you should be there to get aquainted with things. However if you are a vet of this team and are responsible enough to be in shape then stay home if you want. The OTAs after the draft should be mandatory just because your roster is starting to fill out and I think at that point having the team start to get to know each other is important. This time of year though not so much. I am sure that coaches have told the players what to work on, and the conditioning coach has gave them a workout regime and a grocery list.

After saying all that, I do like it when players show that type of desire but I think that its mostly just window dressing.

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At least it showed leadership and commitment to his team and teammates. Edwards taking off like he did for the entire time struck me as arrogance. For a second year guy who crapped out like he did to end the 2007 season and who couldn't throw a touchdown pass if his life depended on it, for a guy like that who currently holds the most important position on the team to work on his golf game for the next three months looks to me as someone who does not look like he's very much interested in leading or getting better. I know he wouldn't say it publicly, but I bet you it ticked off Jauron, a guy who clearly has to win this season to keep his job, and it's why JP isn't going anywhere.


Just another reason to hope the Sabres season goes a little longer..Wasnt this beat on enuff last year? :):wallbash::):wallbash:

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