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Ralph Wilson sent his private plane to Tennessee

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If he played at N.Ill, he played at UB stadium once or twice. As long as he's not some warm weather wuss like Willis McDouchebag, he will thrive in the Nickel City.






I would say Willis McUsedcondom but we know it doesn't apply..

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...we could potentially have an all pro left side now......

.....and JP and Evans are going to evolve this year into one of the more dynamic deep ball threats in the NFL.....


But will Turner be aware of this sort of information? Seems to me that outside of the informed Bills fan there is very little talk of those points.

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Don't discount what 3 or 4 years in San Diego can do to your impressions of other places, though....Let's not pretend that 31 degrees and blowing snow is something that Turner enjoys flying into on April 5th...


If I'm an RB, and I see the way the franchise has traded away two 1200-yard rushers with the hope of finding something better, I would have a few questions for the boys in the ties before I signed anything...


Not to worry. The jet was busy yesterday as Ralgh had a dozen women flown in that are hiding out on Chippewa St. for a rendezvous with Mr. Turner this evening.

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Its obvious they really want Turner but what do we have to give up? I like Turner a lot. I'm sure the Titans were thrilled to see that plane pulling into the airport. :wallbash:


Giving up a 1st and 3rd would be a disaster!!! The only way it would turn out great for us if he breaks all of Thurman's HOF numbers. Does anybody see this happening?

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Giving up a 1st and 3rd would be a disaster!!! The only way it would turn out great for us if he breaks all of Thurman's HOF numbers. Does anybody see this happening?


I don't.


I'd hate to see us lose a 1st and 3rd for Turner. And Turner was a 5th round pick in his draft year, which proves that winning talent can be found in the middle rounds of the draft.

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Gotta love the old-school courting... Funny thing is, I cant picture ralph owning his own jet. He seems like he prefers things on the cheap


If you have the capital to make the upfront outlay for a plane (or are willing to go into hock for the big bucks) my understanding is that actually owning an airplane is not really a tremendous outlay. Given that he owns the cash machine known as an NFL team, I'm pretty sure (despite the fact one would feel he is an inch away from the poor house the way he complains about NFL economics) that capital outlays are not a problem.


Many companies which do a lot of outlays for travel or other folks whose business involves a lot of travel (such as Payne Stewart who died when his improperly maintained airplane blew a gasket in flight and everyone asphyxiated and/or froze to death) gave found it actually is cheaper to own their own and operate their own planes than fly commercial and certainly given the uncertainties, delays, and lack of control when one flies commercial, the economics of owning and operating ones own plane beats the alternative easily.


Particularly is one is a big enough cheapskate that you are willing to rent out your plane to make it a cash cow rather than have it sit on the ground (which I would not put past Ralph) once you make the capital outlay, owning a plane can turn out to be quite profitable. Particularly if you have a corporation buy the plane and make enough use of it that it is a reasonable business use, then paying for it and operating it becomes a cost of doing business which simply get deducted from the profits of the corporation and in essence income for the government has to be raised from other sources and just as an NFL team becomes a huge vacuum for little more than corporate welfare, so to do taxpayers like you and I end up paying for Ralph's airplane.


I doubt this outlay and ownership is a problem for Ralph at all.

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Not to worry. The jet was busy yesterday as Ralgh had a dozen women flown in that are hiding out on Chippewa St. for a rendezvous with Mr. Turner this evening.

From Baltimore I assume?

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I don't.


I'd hate to see us lose a 1st and 3rd for Turner. And Turner was a 5th round pick in his draft year, which proves that winning talent can be found in the middle rounds of the draft.


Relax, noone is giving up a 1st & 3rd. My guess is the comp will be a 3rd this year & a 2nd next year

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For the seriously curious.

For hundreds of small business owners like Ralphie, this is the way to go economically, yet in style.

Video for the reading challenged.


That also happens with non-business general aviation. A fellow I worked with years ago had a "time-share", so to speak, of a ubiquitous Cessna 152 with a number of other folks.

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If he played at N.Ill, he played at UB stadium once or twice. As long as he's not some warm weather wuss like Willis McDouchebag, he will thrive in the Nickel City.





this message explains alot, Promo T. I always thought we were the 'Nipple City', because it can get a little chilly when the wind blows off the lake. I told McGahee that, and he just kind of looked at me. Actually, he looked at the hoochie-mamma behind me at the Walmart, but same thing.



In a Turner-related story (if you really stretch it), a friend of mine was in Arizona at the same time the owner's were there. The hotel he was supposed to stay at overbooked and bounced him, but sent him to the hotel where the owner's were meeting. My pal lives in Chicago, a bear's fan, but also a big Marv fan because he's a decent guy and a resident of Chicago. When my pal was in line for somethng, Marv came out and he got a few minutes with him. My buddy tells me that Marv looks great, was very engaging and when my pal told him that alot if his Bills friends liked the direction they were going, Marv's humble response was "Well that's good to hear. We're trying to make the right decisions for the Bills, and think we're going in the right direction.".

My friend then mentioned that his buddy, standing with them, was a Lion's fan, Marv deadpanned "Well, they're having a few problems over there...".

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That also happens with non-business general aviation. A fellow I worked with years ago had a "time-share", so to speak, of a ubiquitous Cessna 152 with a number of other folks.

I now see the the connections. Warren Buffet owns Netjets, he also owns the Buffalo news, which has promised never to bash Ralph as long he buys into net jets! As well, when the Bills are playing well ,circulation goes up, ad rates go up , Warren makes evn more money, so prolly was Warren who sent the private plane to get Turner

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