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Sweet Jesus!

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It would give new meaning to "The Holy Trinity".

Yeah...I'm going to hell for that one... :thumbsup:


Don't worry, its not like you weren't already heading there anyway


The way I look at it, if you already you know you're going then you might as well enjoy the ride

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How would a naked statue of Martin Luther King Jr. made out of fried chicken and collard greens, put on display in Black Hisotry Month go over?


How would a statue of Moses made out of Matzoh, put on display a week before Yom Kippur go over?


Statue of Don Quixote made out of floured tortillas? Nude, of course.


ALL OF THESE would be the cause of outrage, and rightfully so.


But when its Christianity mocked, the Faithful are told to "get over it."


THATS the problem I have with this.


And its not even the fact its a Chocolate statue...its the fact that its Christ with HIS rooster HANGING OUT. Sorry..Christ was NEVER portrayed as naked. Ever. So dont tell me...molton....that isnt a problem.


And for the record, I agree that Donohue is oversensitive.


But that doesnt make this terrible statue any less offensive to me.


This is just incorrect. See Michaelangelo's sculpture Risen Christ - loincloth added much later.

Early Christian art, esp. concerning the Baptism of Christ has a history of showing the whole package.

The infant Jesus - plenty of examples there.


Sacred Art showing Christ completely nude usually had a theological base in the incarnation

Many of these works began being suppressed during the reformation and the counter-reformation.


Oh and Ultramontane artists resisted showing a circumcised Christ (I wonder why?) so to emphasize the

incarnation (rather than his Jewishness) there was the odd phenom of portraying him fully erect (Edit: under loincloth - not a trifling distinction - my bad)

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Thank you for Googling that, XB.


Still....this is hardly an example of artistic integrity calling back to the type of art that you use as reference here.


I don't think so either, but I think the work is oddly based on the Santa Maria Novella crucifix

in Florence.


I just find the work odd and slightly disturbing, mostly because it is floating in the air, and

the head above the arms seem like an anatomical impossibility.

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But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as "a sickening display." Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was "one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever."



Don't call me until you start seeing this level of love and peace in the catholic protest signs:











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And its not even the fact its a Chocolate statue...its the fact that its Christ with HIS rooster HANGING OUT. Sorry..Christ was NEVER portrayed as naked. Ever. So dont tell me...molton....that isnt a problem.
To be fair, he was probably crucified naked. I doubt that the guys who killed him were going to torture him and watch him die but also stop to give him the modesty afforded by a tiny loincloth. Jesus dying on the cross naked is probably more accurate than anything else.


Bottom line is that it doesn't matter if it's offensive or how offensive, it just looks good for the religion if its followers don't get totally bent out of shape about being mocked. There will always be people mocking religions, but if people really truly believe then they could care less about that criticism. These religious nutjobs in the Muslim world who demand that everyone who questions their beliefs be put to death come off as really insecure. I don't know what all the answers are, but I think those guys are further off than I am if their response to a follow-up question is "We'll behead you."

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His bread and butter is being publicly aggrieved.


The other part of this that I find amusing is the museum removing the exhibit for fears of safety as if

the 65 senior citizens of the Catholic league were ready to rampage.

X, I think they are a bigger organization than you are making them out to be. Well funded with many high profile members, they get exposure because they have money and members.



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X, I think they are a bigger organization than you are making them out to be. Well funded with many high profile members, they get exposure because they have money and members.




They are not that big or well funded. What they do have going for them is the name Catholic which

almost guarantees that lazy journalists will continue to give them a forum.

Pretty much Donahue is the Catholic League. I would be very surprised if they were staffed by

more than 10 people.

No telling how many members they have, they don't have to say. Their board

consists of politically active people with no shame in saying they are right-wing or registered republicans.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of their money comes from one or two donors such as Tom Monaghan

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They are not that big or well funded. What they do have going for them is the name Catholic which

almost guarantees that lazy journalists will continue to give them a forum.

Pretty much Donahue is the Catholic League. I would be very surprised if they were staffed by

more than 10 people.

No telling how many members they have, they don't have to say. Their board

consists of politically active people with no shame in saying they are right-wing or registered republicans.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of their money comes from one or two donors such as Tom Monaghan

You may be right, but I could see some people in the vast Catholic community sending in money, especially if they have influencial members in the church. Plus he is in the Heritage Foundation and that means connections to big money there. But maybe I'm making a mountain out of mole hill and this guy is just pumped up by reporters who need a story. Controversy does sell

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To be fair, he was probably crucified naked. I doubt that the guys who killed him were going to torture him and watch him die but also stop to give him the modesty afforded by a tiny loincloth. Jesus dying on the cross naked is probably more accurate than anything else.


Bottom line is that it doesn't matter if it's offensive or how offensive, it just looks good for the religion if its followers don't get totally bent out of shape about being mocked. There will always be people mocking religions, but if people really truly believe then they could care less about that criticism. These religious nutjobs in the Muslim world who demand that everyone who questions their beliefs be put to death come off as really insecure. I don't know what all the answers are, but I think those guys are further off than I am if their response to a follow-up question is "We'll behead you."



Totally agree SNR...


The answer? The answer is Christ, and his teachings... That's the difference. Now if people would actually follow them... You would see the "separation" between all other beliefs.


IMO, Christianity (followed honestly) really is the difference.


"Turn the other cheek."

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Are the Catholics outraged at the nudity? Do they think Jesus was without genitalia? How did He pee, then? A part of Christ's body is "sickening"? Blasphemy! And I thought it was common for the Romans to crucify people in the nude.


Jesus turning water into piss.


Maybe they're outraged because the artist didn't use white chocolate?

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Are the Catholics outraged at the nudity? Do they think Jesus was without genitalia? How did He pee, then? A part of Christ's body is "sickening"? Blasphemy! And I thought it was common for the Romans to crucify people in the nude.


Don't see why Catholics would be prudish about anything having to do with Jesus' body, considering that one of the central practices in the Catholic mass is ritual cannibalism of him...


Apparently, it's okay to consume the body of Christ if it's a tasteless styrofoam-like wafer, but not if it's actually something tasty like chocolate.

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And its not even the fact its a Chocolate statue...its the fact that its Christ with HIS rooster HANGING OUT. Sorry..Christ was NEVER portrayed as naked. Ever. So dont tell me...molton....that isnt a problem.


Why is Jesus with his junk hanging out a problem? He did have a johnson and some balls, did he not? i think some catholics are offended by it (but not this one) because Jesus with a johnson implies that he may have had male urges. God forbid that anyone even consider mentioning the fact that if he had male urges, that 14-15 yr old Jesus may have rubbed one or two out in his time.


Somehow, a lot of the religious types think that if Jesus acted like any other human, this makes him "less than divine", which frankly, i think is bull sh--.


And i dont need to be told i'm going to hell for this, this is just getting added to the list. If any of you guys get there first, save me a seat in the "Bills Fans" section.

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Why is Jesus with his junk hanging out a problem? He did have a johnson and some balls, did he not? i think some catholics are offended by it (but not this one) because Jesus with a johnson implies that he may have had male urges. God forbid that anyone even consider mentioning the fact that if he had male urges, that 14-15 yr old Jesus may have rubbed one or two out in his time.


Somehow, a lot of the religious types think that if Jesus acted like any other human, this makes him "less than divine", which frankly, i think is bull sh--.


And i dont need to be told i'm going to hell for this, this is just getting added to the list. If any of you guys get there first, save me a seat in the "Bills Fans" section.


Not only did J-man have the junk, you'd be an idiot to think he never used it. Dude hung out with hookers.

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Why is Jesus with his junk hanging out a problem? He did have a johnson and some balls, did he not? i think some catholics are offended by it (but not this one) because Jesus with a johnson implies that he may have had male urges. God forbid that anyone even consider mentioning the fact that if he had male urges, that 14-15 yr old Jesus may have rubbed one or two out in his time.


Somehow, a lot of the religious types think that if Jesus acted like any other human, this makes him "less than divine", which frankly, i think is bull sh--.


And i dont need to be told i'm going to hell for this, this is just getting added to the list. If any of you guys get there first, save me a seat in the "Bills Fans" section.

Speaking as a Catholic that doesn't have a problem with the statue, I'm sure your view that what's offensive to some of them is the "human-ness" of Christ portrayed by the artist is correct. Which I agree seems rather silly, as they believe Jesus was both 100% man AND 100% God. Having urges doesn't necessarily mean that he acted upon them. (I think he probably had more willpower than the average Joe. :rolleyes: )


I wouldn't be surprised though if a lot of the protests were more of a response against what they see as a non-believer taking ANOTHER pot shot at them for fun and profit. (Can't say I condone death threats over it either. Someone must have missed the "turn the other cheek" lesson at CCD.) I don't see this as being anywhere nearly as clearly meant to tweak as the "Piss Christ" or Madonna covered in dung were. So, again, I am having a hard time developing much outrage over this "incident". But, if these people want to peacefully protest and/or write letters and make phone calls, while I find it silly I don't see a problem with it. (I DO have problems with death threats.)


At least he made the sculpture out of chocolate rather than his usual media choice - cheese. I could see where people would find that to be rather tacky.

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How would a naked statue of Martin Luther King Jr. made out of fried chicken and collard greens, put on display in Black Hisotry Month go over?


How would a statue of Moses made out of Matzoh, put on display a week before Yom Kippur go over?


Statue of Don Quixote made out of floured tortillas? Nude, of course.


ALL OF THESE would be the cause of outrage, and rightfully so.


But when its Christianity mocked, the Faithful are told to "get over it."


THATS the problem I have with this.


And its not even the fact its a Chocolate statue...its the fact that its Christ with HIS rooster HANGING OUT. Sorry..Christ was NEVER portrayed as naked. Ever. So dont tell me...molton....that isnt a problem.


And for the record, I agree that Donohue is oversensitive.


But that doesnt make this terrible statue any less offensive to me.


Stop speaking the truth....you are getting in the way of the liberal and anti-Christ movement that is growing in this country.

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