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Who is the best bill you ever met?

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well i only met terrence mcgee, jim kelly, and thurman thomas. but out of the three of them I think the best person I met was jim kelly, I met him last year when he maid an appearance at one of the day at training camp, it was the greatest day ever.


A. Winfield after a bills game.

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Josh Reed.


He gave me and a buddy a ride when we got stranded at a bachelor party we were all attending. We piled in his Denali along with McGee, and a few other rookies that year (Can't remember who the other ones were aside from Paris Jackson). Then we went out drinking with them. Reed was super cool the whole time and treated us really well.

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Met Jeff Nixon and Greg Cater as a kid, both nice guys, marginal players at best.


Conlan's from Frewsburg, my dad coached him in Babe Ruth allstars, seemed okay, but may have had an inflated image of himself after a couple years.


Met Mark Maddox and Phil Hansen when the Bills played the Oilers in San Antonio both very down to earth guys. (I was on the sidelines shooting photos for a air force base newspaper really used my noggin to get those credentials). Hansen asked if he could see my camera and zoomed in on the Oilers cheerleaders, then Bruce Smith comes over and asks if he can see it... obviously as a 23 year old kid I said sure (hell I'm not sure if he was asking me or Phil to be honest) Then they both start checking out the Oilerettes. (classic moment for me)


Best Bills player Conlan, best Bills player as a person either Maddox or Hansen.

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well i only met terrence mcgee, jim kelly, and thurman thomas. but out of the three of them I think the best person I met was jim kelly, I met him last year when he maid an appearance at one of the day at training camp, it was the greatest day ever.



Met Glenn Parker, Jeff Burris, and Gabe Northern. Parker was pretty cool and didn't mind talking shop. I asked who the tougest DE he ever faced were?... He said Strahan and Trace Armstrong. Also met Tony Siragusa when I was in NJ this year. He partially owns a sports bar there called Tiffany's. Good Ribs.

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well i only met terrence mcgee, jim kelly, and thurman thomas. but out of the three of them I think the best person I met was jim kelly, I met him last year when he maid an appearance at one of the day at training camp, it was the greatest day ever.


Terrence McGhee - I drove him inthe Bills Parade when camp started in Pittsford last year. Extremely polite, humble and down to earth. Greeted every kid who came his way.


Don Beebe - They don't come any more genuine than this guy.

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Best Bills Player: Sammy Morris, Antoine Winfield, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, and a couple more that aren't coming to mind.



Best NFL Player not on Bills: Ron Dayne.


There is a story here. The Giants hold training camp in Albany where I live very close to. I went there when Ron Dayne was a rookie to get autographs. There was an !@#$ rent a cop who was not letting anybody near the players as they came out of the locker room. Ron Dayne came out and I walked down the barrier a little bit to get away from the rent a cop. The rent a cop followed me down the barrier and told me to get back to the autograph zone.


Ron Dayne was walking into the parking lot and saw me having trouble with the cop and signaled to me to head down further. I headed down further, five minutes later he came out in his new Mercedes Benz, pulled over on the access road and asked me what I wanted signed. The cop started coming over and he told me to get in his car with him. I got a card a helmet and a football signed without issue.


When he handed my Sharpie marker back, we both realized that it had exploded in his car all over his upholstry in his car. I got scared and he just looked down at me and was said "I wouldn't worry about it little man". He shook my hand and I got out, he pulled away but before leaving started talking yelling at the rent a cop about how i was just a kid. Great Guy.

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When I was a boy my parents surprised me on a day we were doing family activities and stopped by the Bills practice at Niagara University.


As so many young kids would be, I was thrilled at the idea of seeing the players and getting their autographs.


When we spotted one of the players going to the practice field I ran as fast as I could toward him. It ended up being Robert James.


James had a big smile, juked me out, wrestled/played around with me and gave me an autograph. He was very friendly and kind and this left a lasting impression on me.


I have met a variety of Bills players under different circumstances -

but will always remember my interaction with James at an age when I looked at the players as super heros.

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Best Bills Player: Sammy Morris, Antoine Winfield, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, and a couple more that aren't coming to mind.

Best NFL Player not on Bills: Ron Dayne.


There is a story here. The Giants hold training camp in Albany where I live very close to. I went there when Ron Dayne was a rookie to get autographs. There was an !@#$ rent a cop who was not letting anybody near the players as they came out of the locker room. Ron Dayne came out and I walked down the barrier a little bit to get away from the rent a cop. The rent a cop followed me down the barrier and told me to get back to the autograph zone.


Ron Dayne was walking into the parking lot and saw me having trouble with the cop and signaled to me to head down further. I headed down further, five minutes later he came out in his new Mercedes Benz, pulled over on the access road and asked me what I wanted signed. The cop started coming over and he told me to get in his car with him. I got a card a helmet and a football signed without issue.


When he handed my Sharpie marker back, we both realized that it had exploded in his car all over his upholstry in his car. I got scared and he just looked down at me and was said "I wouldn't worry about it little man". He shook my hand and I got out, he pulled away but before leaving started talking yelling at the rent a cop about how i was just a kid. Great Guy.


Rent-a-cops are almost as bad as volunteer marshalls at PGA tournaments. These guys get a uniform and a all of sudden they envision themselves as John Walsh from America's Most Wanted or something. The marshalls get that "official" polo shirt and a "quiet please" sign and they think their Tiger's personal assistant.


Good story BTW...

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well i only met terrence mcgee, jim kelly, and thurman thomas. but out of the three of them I think the best person I met was jim kelly, I met him last year when he maid an appearance at one of the day at training camp, it was the greatest day ever.


Bruce Smith who was dating a girl that I knew while he was engaged to be married. His fiance was in Virginia so I guess he needed a little something more convenient during the season.

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Through someone here on the board (the old timers will be able to figure it out) I got to meet Jeff Burris back in 2001 when he played for the Colts. It was at the hotel the Colts were staying at the weekend the Bills played at Indy. (It was also the first weekend for games after 9/11.) Very nice guy, would look you right in the face and ask how you were doing, etc.

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he probably thought the same thing of you

Mrs Flutie, is that you posting on teh board again?


I actually didnt act like a big annoying fan or anything, I just kinda said hi and moved along my way. You see, theres a type of social contract that these players agree to when they sign and that would read something like this, "We all watch you on tv and buy NFL stuff, they reward your ass with a big paycheck and in exchange for this fame and fortune you are supposed to act like a human being when approached by fans in a friendly manner"


Also, I heard terrance mcgee is cool too. I met him briefly last year at camp, seemed kinda quiet and humble. My girlfriend was on a plane to Texas with him about 2 months ago and she said he was very nice, that she dropped his bag by accident when taking it out of the overhead and he was very nice about everything. She also said that after he got out of baggage claim there was some fat white woman picking him up at the airport.

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Darryl Talley.

He gave an inspiring speech at my school.

When I got his autograph, I asked him what his workout plan was.

He said he had to go home and bail out the basement.

He's human!

Just like some of you wallers!

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