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Falcons DL arrested for animal abuse


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I think people are missing the point to what I said. I hate when ordinary citizens abuse animals not people who kill animals for hunting or slaughtering. I'm NOT a vegetarian by the way. Just wanted to make that clear.


I think you're missing the point of what Simon is saying. You said you hope he pays dearly for it when you have no f'in clue what he's allegedly done. So you want him to pay dearly for IT when you don't even know what IT is (or if he really did IT).


Nothing like picking up the pitchfork before you have any facts.

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Yeah- It's a regular Disneyland!

You know what's really messed up? There are probably more people upset with a no-name football-playing animal abuser than will ever be with a three-time Super Bowl winning quarterback being excited because he's about to have a child with a woman he isn't even dating any more.


Something tells me the pigs and cows are standing in line, looking at us, and wondering why we can't pick up the pace of their slaughter.


We're idiots, and slaughtering animals is way down on the list of our evolutionary problems. We should spend more time trying to fix how we treat each other, and then get to the pigs if we have any time left.

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You know what's really messed up? There are probably more people upset with a no-name football-playing animal abuser than will ever be with a three-time Super Bowl winning quarterback being excited because he's about to have a child with a woman he isn't even dating any more.


Something tells me the pigs and cows are standing in line, looking at us, and wondering why we can't pick up the pace of their slaughter.


We're idiots, and slaughtering animals is way down on the list of our evolutionary problems. We should spend more time trying to fix how we treat each other, and then get to the pigs if we have any time left.



I can't comment on the Babineaux case because he has just been charged. Who knows what happened?


As far as you posting:

"Something tells me the pigs and cows are standing in line, looking at us, and wondering why we can't pick up the pace of their slaughter."


Isn't that just a wee bit over the top?

Or could you please release to the public the name of the entity that is whispering this information in your ear?

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As far as you posting:

"Something tells me the pigs and cows are standing in line, looking at us, and wondering why we can't pick up the pace of their slaughter."


Isn't that just a wee bit over the top?

Or could you please release to the public the name of the entity that is whispering this information in your ear?

The public name of the entity is "sarcasm." He's probably not mentioned in your book, but look him up. He's a pisser. Just be sure keep him away from the grappa.


Oh, and here was the point, again: We should spend more time trying to fix how we treat each other, and then get to the pigs if we have any time left.


You're worried about the !@#$ing pigs? The !@#$ing PIGS? The chickens? The cows? We're killing each other, raping each other, stealing from each other, deceiving each other, cheating eat other, and generally just !@#$ing with each other to the point where we our lead headline has to do with the latest word on the Anna Nicole Smith autopsy, and you're worried about the !@#$ing pigs???


Good luck with that.

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That is quite a butt kissing your giving Simon.



Actually if you read the thread you will realize I saw Simon "circling in" LSI Cadets and I was trying to make light of the situation.


It's interesting that you are interjecting yourself in this thread.


Why? Last time I saw Simon "circle in" it was last year when he was trying to get a "message" through to you.(Which actually he did quite effectively)


If I remember correctly you became submissive very quickly and you actually posted:


"OK then ... think what you want. I generally tend to go out of my way to be kind to people who dislike me, but this is just ridiculous. Think what you want. Have a good day."


After reading your post(if you are a man of your word) I expect you to go out of your way to be kind to me.

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You know what's really messed up? There are probably more people upset with a no-name football-playing animal abuser than will ever be with a three-time Super Bowl winning quarterback being excited because he's about to have a child with a woman he isn't even dating any more.


Something tells me the pigs and cows are standing in line, looking at us, and wondering why we can't pick up the pace of their slaughter.


We're idiots, and slaughtering animals is way down on the list of our evolutionary problems. We should spend more time trying to fix how we treat each other, and then get to the pigs if we have any time left.

I agree with your social commentary, but I will say that I'd rather read that someone is excited (and therefore potentially interested) at the prospect of being a father regardless of his relationship with the mother. I'd obviously take any publicist's comments with a grain of salt, but hearing that he is excited about the pregnancy leads me to believe that he is interested in having a relationship with the kid that goes beyond a monthly check.


But who knows?

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Actually if you read the thread you will realize I saw Simon "circling in" LSI Cadets and I was trying to make light of the situation.


It's interesting that you are interjecting yourself in this thread.


Why? Last time I saw Simon "circle in" it was last year when he was trying to get a "message" through to you.(Which actually he did quite effectively)


If I remember correctly you became submissive very quickly and you actually posted:


"OK then ... think what you want. I generally tend to go out of my way to be kind to people who dislike me, but this is just ridiculous. Think what you want. Have a good day."


After reading your post(if you are a man of your word) I expect you to go out of your way to be kind to me.


Yes, but I in no way, was being submissive to Simon. Telling someone that I will (basically) turn the other cheek, is a far cry from being submissive. I am kind to everyone on this board, including you.

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if anyone cares about the case still....


it is now being reported that after a fight with his girlfriend, Bab killed her dog. Blunt force trauma to the head.


this dude purposely and viciously killed his girlfriend's dog over a stupid fight.



so now everyone knows. let the justified name-calling begin!

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