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I hate Dems


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And yet the Dems said they had at least and probably closer to 60 repubs who were going to vote for it. If it wasn't for CNN this would look like egg on Pelosis face.


"Vote slams Bush's Iraq plan"


Yet with so few cross over votes this is anything but a slam. Hell the Dems didn't even carry all of their own.


No reason to hate Dems just the sad leadership that exists on both sides. There are some good folks on both sides, too bad most don't get the leadership because they are not mean-spirited enough to make headlines. They prefer to actually do their jobs and come up with meaningful bills.

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Whats scaring me about all this is that people are so fixated on getting out NOW!!!!!! that possible consequences are being completely ignored? Ethnic cleansing? Al Qaeda getting a foothold? Iran taking over the region? Eh...worry about that later...just get out of Iraq NOW!!!!!!


Sorry for the hijack...on THIS issue...its just typical politics. And it makes me laugh (or cry) is that people "voted for change" in November thinking things...ya know...would be *different* in Washington now. But its just more of the same political BS. And whats MORE pathetic is that most people out there see things like this resolution not for the purely political BS they are...but as actual signs of the "change" they so desired! they think this *MEANS SOMETHING!*



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Whats scaring me about all this is that people are so fixated on getting out NOW!!!!!! that possible consequences are being completely ignored? Ethnic cleansing? Al Qaeda getting a foothold? Iran taking over the region? Eh...worry about that later...just get out of Iraq NOW!!!!!!


Sorry for the hijack...on THIS issue...its just typical politics. And it makes me laugh (or cry) is that people "voted for change" in November thinking things...ya know...would be *different* in Washington now. But its just more of the same political BS. And whats MORE pathetic is that most people out there see things like this resolution not for the purely political BS they are...but as actual signs of the "change" they so desired! they think this *MEANS SOMETHING!*



What are you crying about? Politics are great. I bet the Iraqis would like to have a little more politics and a little less of what they got. Democrats just got most of the Republicans down on record as voting for the surge. That might be importnat here in the future. I'd say the fewer GOP votes the better

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What are you crying about? Politics are great. I bet the Iraqis would like to have a little more politics and a little less of what they got. Democrats just got most of the Republicans down on record as voting for the surge. That might be importnat here in the future. I'd say the fewer GOP votes the better


Translation; Party first, Country second.

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What a waste of time. I hate politics but most of all I hate Dems.


Congress really only has two crude instruments for managing the war,

cut off the money, or pull out the troops.


In the absence of one or the other, which would require the congress to

begin micromanaging this whole thing (a pretty bad idea). This entire

show of active inaction is probably better than using the crude tools.

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Congress really only has two crude instruments for managing the war,

cut off the money, or pull out the troops.


In the absence of one or the other, which would require the congress to

begin micromanaging this whole thing (a pretty bad idea). This entire

show of active inaction is probably better than using the crude tools.



Realistically, they can't even pull out the troops. They're not in the chain of command.

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What a waste of time. I hate politics but most of all I hate Dems.

Its just a political power play....the kind of thing that makes me happy I don't register with either group of scrubs. VOTE INDEPENDENT- vote for America!

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What are you crying about? Politics are great. I bet the Iraqis would like to have a little more politics and a little less of what they got. Democrats just got most of the Republicans down on record as voting for the surge. That might be importnat here in the future. I'd say the fewer GOP votes the better


Stone-cold drunk...as usual.

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Keeping this Republican party out of power is good for America. Check back with me when Dems have Legislature and Executive branch, I'll probably be singing a different tune, but until then...

How is keeping/getting a party in power more important than the immediate results needed/proper running of the country? What you are basically saying is that the running of the country properly is less important to Democrats than the quest for power? Whoa! Keep going with that attitude and the backlash created will ensure that you that you get neither. This is perhaps the silliest post I have read in while. But I have to say it's no surprise. Democrats have exposed themselves on multiple occasions as putting power before patriotism/good ideas in the last six years. It appears that the Republicans have been either too stupid, too corrupt, or too wimpy to crush them on this. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for losing power/playing into the hands of the Democrats. Now the question will be who can muster the moral courage to make a stand.


Either them Dems do what they said: put a relatively quick end to the war - or they will be exposed for being phony/ineffective. (I think ending the war is a ridiculous idea, btw.) If we are still fighting two years from now, then why were they elected in the first place? Certainly it wasn't the economy - it was the war. They will have failed to produce on what this so-called "mandate" was all about.(complete crap - people are just pissed we haven't won - they are not fundamentally opposed to war in general) Add to that this phony power first, country second attitude and that is a recipe for another clean sweep by Republicans in 2008. Good job molson_golden2002 :blink: , you have set the table, now let's see if the Republicans are smart enough to sit down and eat( I doubt it btw, they will probably find a way to f it up).


Like I said what a silly post. What a dumbass. This comes from a person who is part of the "we are smarter than you are so let us make most of the choices for you, because we 'represent' you" party. Sorry pal, my 12 year old cousin is smarter than you are. I'd rather let him run the country than you.

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Like I said what a silly post. What a dumbass. This comes from a person who is part of the "we are smarter than you are so let us make most of the choices for you, because we 'represent' you" party. Sorry pal, my 12 year old cousin is smarter than you are. I'd rather let him run the country than you.


How do you know mg2002 is even 12 years old? :blink:

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Whats scaring me about all this is that people are so fixated on getting out NOW!!!!!! that possible consequences are being completely ignored? Ethnic cleansing? Al Qaeda getting a foothold? Iran taking over the region? Eh...worry about that later...just get out of Iraq NOW!!!!!!


Where have you been? All of that has been happening in Iraq for the past couple of years.

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