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Everything posted by Prognastic

  1. I've yet to see one confirmed link to this scenario.
  2. I think another team in the AFC East will be writing off 07 as well.
  3. The Duke lacrosse players are waiting for Al's apology as well.
  4. You mean like when CNN agrees to slant news to favorably cover Iraq under Saddam in order to remain on location in Baghdad? Or when Dan Rather went ahead with those forged documents claiming Bush was AWOL? Lets not even get into Cronkite's Tet Offensive reporting...
  5. Samuel AND a late first rounder for the #6 pick? Pass Samuel for the #6 pick - now I'm listening
  6. Anyone who dares criticize the Bills or predict a poor season for them = douche Keep them blinders on boys!
  7. Who are the Bills starting 3 LBs next year? Who's going to carry the ball 25 times a game? Is Ashton Yobouty (sp?) ready to be a full time starter?
  8. Well played by the Iranian "dictator". He saves face and curries favor around the world as a kind and gentle leader.
  9. Why was Pelosi wearing a head covering? Would we require Muslim delegates to our country to wear a yarmulke or something akin to being against their religion/culture? Much like the British prisoners in Iran. No outrage whatsoever that the female prisoners are practically wearing burquas but yet throw underwear on a terrorists head and there's world outrage.
  10. Please Americans, we need to know exactly when we need to hold out until. Sincerely, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the Baathist party & Former Sunni leaders
  11. Perhaps they can import Grizzly Bears to take care of the Mountain Lions?
  12. Did they at least make him well hung or was he sportin 2 1/2? You'd have to think the son of God was packing a huge dong no?
  13. We have coyotes and fisher cats (a type of marten for those who've never heard of them). If you've ever heard the sound of a fisher cat killing a cat, you'll never forget it. It aint pretty and them things are vicious. Neighborhood cats have been vanishing left and right around my 'hood.
  14. Can someone fax me a "molson to english" dictionary please?
  15. Cats, Canada, California and Iran did I get all this pablum right? Somewhere deep in there there's a point right?
  16. What exactly is the point of this discussion anyways? Lee Evans is really good. And?
  17. He is absolutely the best WR in the AFC East. I dont remember any Pats fan here saying otherwise.
  18. If its any consolation, most years the Redskins are given the title of FA winner. You have lost some significant talent however that I dont think will be replaceable this year. Even if you have a phenominal draft, how many players can you reasonably expect to contribute right away?
  19. Establish warning system to alert public of a threat - BUSH BAD! Dont alert public of threat - BUSH BAD! I believe molson's work here is done. And yet not suprisingly, he has yet to come up with an alertnate plan making Senator Kerry most proud.
  20. In their world, we're second class citizens to be treated like dogs. Would you consider eating from a dog's bowl or being led around by a leash? Thats what we are to them.
  21. And as we all know, the patriots follow the mock pretty much to the tee. I could see a RB in the late rounds but as far as I know, Maroney didnt die on the operating table and should be ready to go when the season starts.
  22. Whats the general point? That whitey can do no right?
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