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Former Orchard Park HS player in SB?

Marv Levy

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I heard one of the Buffalo News Channels interviewed Football Coach Gene Tundo at Orchard Park High School a couple days ago, inquiring about a former player who was now in the Super Bowl. I don't know which team he played for (Indy or Bears) so I was hoping anybody caught that and could tell me who it was?! That would be pretty awesome if true!


Thanks in advance-


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Josh Thomas, DL for the Colts... I went to grad school with a kid who is best friends with his older bro. He was drafted in liek the 3rd round a few years ago i think. Former cuse player if my mind is correct.

Former Cuse player who was a free agent. His family lived right next door to my wifes family in eagle heights.

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Great story and all but the dude's a stiff. A poor man's Kelsay or Denny at best. :rolleyes:


He has a ring. And a pro football contract. And he is one of 53 or so champions of the world of NFL football.


I'd say you would have to pretty cool to top that. Go ahead, let's hear your vitae.



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I played lacrosse for Tundo in '88, '89 at OP. He was the best guy you could know. Our assistant was Tommy Gardner who was killed in a car crash not too many years after I left OP. It was a terrible tragedy.

Dan Elvin was football coach at OP then. Tundo took over in the early 90's I believe.

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I played lacrosse for Tundo in '88, '89 at OP. He was the best guy you could know. Our assistant was Tommy Gardner who was killed in a car crash not too many years after I left OP. It was a terrible tragedy.

Dan Elvin was football coach at OP then. Tundo took over in the early 90's I believe.



Wasn't that one guy, his mother was the school nurse? Yes, I remember OP beat West Seneca Least :blink: at Rich Stadium the one year.

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