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What Santa's Elves do the other 364 days


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Just plain retarded.





How long until an elf like that is measuring the speed of a metal baseball bat that is about ot hit it?


I really don't think that will last very long now that people like myself know about it. ANybody know where i can get some cheap airline tickets?

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How long until an elf like that is measuring the speed of a metal baseball bat that is about ot hit it?


I really don't think that will last very long now that people like myself know about it. ANybody know where i can get some cheap airline tickets?





I see you're well on your way to growing up.

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Funny stuff!





Garbage like this has NOTHING to do with saving lives..Its a source of income for that county or city..


The sheriff talking about it seems like a smug prick...


Oh well.


Guess all the rest of the crime is solved down there. Glad to see they commit so much police power to pulling over people speeding. What a utopia. I should move there.

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:nana:  :nana:  :doh:


Garbage like this has NOTHING to do with saving lives..Its a source of income for that county or city..


The sheriff talking about it seems like a smug prick...


Oh well.


Guess all the rest of the crime is solved down there.  Glad to see they commit so much police power to pulling over people speeding.  What a utopia.  I should move there.


Man. Those grapes are REALLY sour.

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They had the sheriff and deputy on the Today show this morning, and it sounds like it started out as a joke about dressing the deputy up as an elf. The interesting part was they were still pulling people over while the interview was going on.

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They had the sheriff and deputy on the Today show this morning, and it sounds like it started out as a joke about dressing the deputy up as an elf. The interesting part was they were still pulling people over while the interview was going on.


When I worked at Disney (2003) the neighboring Osceola County sheriffs did something similar - but they dressed up as European tourists, complete with the backpacks, the "football"jerseys and the floral print shirts, and carried the radar equipment in the backpacks. Busted a lot of people early in the day but then the word got out. We all thought it was BS as well, especially our coworkers who got busted...

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I wobder what constitutes "entrapment"... I remember reading a story in Illinois that they would use and officer on a tractor to nab speeders...


Ahh...  But who cares?



A person is 'entrapped' when he is induced or persuaded by law enforcement officers or their agents to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit.

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