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what is the worst job you ever had....


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I can relate. One job I had was loading baggage into Airplanes. One time, unloading a plane from NY, I had to unload a dog create with a dog in it. It had died during the flight.  :)



Oh man, that would destroy me....I've heard horror stories about dogs that are taken onto planes...sometimes the cargo areas aren't properly pressurized and they can die. I can't deal with that at all....I'm too much of a dog lover.

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My worst professional job was as a copy editor for a small Central Texas paper. I was earning $6.50 an hour and getting reamed out daily by a 300-pound, insecure managing editor we staffers dubbed (pre-austin powers, mind you) "fat bastard." If he didn't yell at you by the end of the day, you could count on getting a call the next morning before your shift began so he could make up for lost gripe time.


In one instance, he called me into his cubicle to discuss a parade photo I had laid out for that morning's paper -- a group of Clydesdales I described in the caption, "Ready to Trot." I thought he was going to ream me out for the banal headline, but that wasn't it:




We spent the next half hour arguing about how you classify the gait of a 2,000-pound horse with frying-pan sized feet.

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Blockbuster Video. They made me vacuum the entire store before I left so I didn't get out of there until 2AM. On my second day there, they had me working a register, without training me on how to use it. Customers hated me. Then they scheduled me to work Super Bowl Sunday so I quit.

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My first job as a busboy at this little breakfast/lunch diner when I was 15. Small joint, one chef (who was also the owner), two waitresses, a dishwasher and me. The owner, Wayne, was never happy. If it wasn't busy enough, he would curse and throw sht because he was losing money. If it was too busy, he would get all pissy because he was stressed out.


Plus his crotchety old dad who would show up from time to time and tell me to do stupid sh--. Like once when we were finally enjoying a small lull in the traffic after a hectic morning, I went to sit down for a minute with the waitresses. Old man Don comes in with a bucket of water and a rag and tells me to start scrubbing the scuff marks off of the door. Place was a piece of sht!


I mean, not bad as far as first jobs go, but I shed no tears when I left. The one good thing was the guy was a helluva diner chef and he made the meanest sausage gravy ever. The kind where you can feel your blood pressure going up as you spoon it in.

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I worked at KFC on Main and Bailey by the UB south Campus for 3 months before spring break in 1993...cooking chicken in the back...it was funny..I was there 2 months and they wanted me to go into the management program...my roomomates loved  it as I brought home about $100 worth of leftover chicken and taters every night...nothing better than free KFC in sollege


LOL, I had the same job, for 2 1/2 years in Highschool. I worked everywhere, as a cook, and later on cash too. My favorite night was when a customer started complaining he wanted free food cause I didn't give him paper plates and utensils he never asked for. He asked to speak to the manager and I said he wasn't in, so I gave him the managers home phone number, then he asked to use our phone and I made him use a payphone down the street. The manager ended up giving the guy what he wanted and made me look like an ass, I pretty much told the guy off when he came back in and wanted an apology from me.


It was great getting to take the leftovers home, especially when you cooked some extra "By Accident" late at night :) We used to also make up our own sandwiches like the Big Crunch Mac (Big Mac using the Big Crunch)


But the worst job was working the counter at a Tim Hortons donut shop. Gay uniform and working with a bunch of old women sucked. Then you had to deal with cranky customer needing coffee to get to work all for minimum wage

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All over summers while in college:


Worst: Custodian at the Cargill flour plant in Buffalo. Ever try to clean flour...in a flour plant? It can't be done!!!! Plus as summer labor we were only given paper/cloth masks to breathe through and if there was anywhere that the unprocessed wheat started to ferment, the smell would make you sick. I lasted two weeks and worked the second week with salmonella (f'n taco bell). Boss wouldn't give me a couple hours off to go get me second checkup with the docotor, so I quit right there.


Others of Note:

Forest Lawn Cemetary - Actually a very cool job. Outdoors all day. Grounds were beautiful and the place was big enough you could disappear. Landscaping was cake...preping a site and waiting for a service to end was kind of morbid at first, but you get numb to it after a while. Used to bust couples trying to lodge a lunchtime quickie quite a bit. Worst experience...."Aw man, there's already one down here."


Loading Liqour/Wine trucks: Used to have to load some routes by hand...sometimes 20 trucks a night. Large orders and small trucks weren't bad, but a small order route was killer. At least a hundred trips in and out of truck. Worst was the 4L Glass bottles of Almaden wine. Cases were back killers. So if you drink Almaden wine...F.U. :)

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Is there such a thing?  I mean its like saying a chick has bad breasts.  They're breasts...there's good and better, never bad.



Work in healthcare for a while and then tell me there are no bad breasts....

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Work in healthcare for a while and then tell me there are no bad breasts....




That's gross.


I'm surprised none of the Nazi Moderators here said, reading and moderating this board is the worst job they ever had. Then again, who gives a sh--. :);)




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That's gross.


I'm surprised none of the Nazi Moderators here said, reading and moderating this board is the worst job they ever had. Then again, who gives a sh--. ;)  :worthy:





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