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Do you guys remember 1998?


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This season is somewhat similar. First 2 weeks they looked bad. Then they started to play a little better (almost beat the Rams if I recall), then Flutie came in and they won 5 in a row. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it could? Is JP Losman (another #7) ready to play yet?

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This season is somewhat similar.  First 2 weeks they looked bad.  Then they started to play a little better (almost beat the Rams if I recall), then Flutie came in and they won 5 in a row.  I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it could?  Is JP Losman (another #7) ready to play yet?




Its similar, except for only about 100 things, including having a guy like Doug Flutie around who sparked the team

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Those guys had heart. We had a pass rush also. We had a mobile QB, we had a decent TE, decent Safeties and a kicker. Our WR's were good also.


Bruce and Thurman were the leaders also.



Yeah, but they didn't have Moorman!

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Its similar, except for only about 100 things, including having a guy like Doug Flutie around who sparked the team


But we do have McGee and McGahee...


I think these two could provide a spark given the chance to start. And Milloy can do some damage when he is back...

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But we do have McGee and McGahee...


I think these two could provide a spark given the chance to start. And Milloy can do some damage when he is back...




People need to get off this McGee bandwagon. He's a hell of a returner and he does have a knack for being around the ball on D...but he got burned more times yesterday than anybody not named Coy...and that TD he allowed was just awful. If Vincent is healthy McGee shouldn't get anywhere near the starting lineup.

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People need to get off this McGee bandwagon.  He's a hell of a returner and he does have a knack for being around the ball on D...but he got burned more times yesterday than anybody not named Coy...and that TD he allowed was just awful.  If Vincent is healthy McGee shouldn't get anywhere near the starting lineup.


Fair enuff

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A couple of things are different. We had a coach with experience. We had the bye week when we were 0-3. We had a quarterback who rallied us after our starter went down. We had a team that was full of passion, willing to stop 3rd downs and longs and a team deperate to get in the end zone. Our offensive line could block for our running backs, and that's just to name a few.

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This season is somewhat similar.  First 2 weeks they looked bad.  Then they started to play a little better (almost beat the Rams if I recall), then Flutie came in and they won 5 in a row.  I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it could?  Is JP Losman (another #7) ready to play yet?




This Team bears almost no resemblance to that Bills Squad of 88 except well...the Helmet is basically the same... :)


All I can say to those who continue to have optimism about this Team is 1st and formost, I truly admire your resilience...I really do...2nd this is a Team that, by all indication, is just good enough with just enough talent to break your heart week in and week out. Look...This Bills team is not going to get beat by 21 points every Sunday, and they will not lose to poor Teams at Home. But more often than not they will play just poorly enough to lose on the Road and vs. the better Teams at Home. I have no explanation for why this is...It just is what it is, and it has been going on over the span of this The Bills last 27 games.


If in fact the Bills decide to give us all a break and enter JP into the Starting lineup sometime this Season, I imagine by the last 4-5 games we could see something nice developing...But like TJ said on NFL Primetime last night this is just a bad mix of an O-Line that does not Pass Protect well, and the least mobile QB in the NFL...And time and time again those facts are going to kill the Bills in Games when it counts... :P

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People need to get off this McGee bandwagon.  He's a hell of a returner and he does have a knack for being around the ball on D...but he got burned more times yesterday than anybody not named Coy...and that TD he allowed was just awful.  If Vincent is healthy McGee shouldn't get anywhere near the starting lineup.


There is no way you can blame that TD on McGee. We max blitzed and didn't come close to getting pressure on Brady.

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They played with heart and everyone knew their role.



Funny at the time everybody was running ole Wade out of town because he didn't wear a headset and had a punt catcher instead of a returner. Somebody was teaching those guys and calling the plays, and it wasn't Flutie.

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This season is somewhat similar.  First 2 weeks they looked bad.  Then they started to play a little better (almost beat the Rams if I recall), then Flutie came in and they won 5 in a row.  I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it could?  Is JP Losman (another #7) ready to play yet?


When's Flutie coming in???

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But we do have McGee and McGahee...


I think these two could provide a spark given the chance to start. And Milloy can do some damage when he is back...



You want McGee to start? Over who? I saw him get run over a couple times because he won't make a fundamental tackle. He just tries to take out the guy's legs instead of hitting and wrapping. He also got beat a couple times deep. He's good, but he's not better than Vincent or Clements at this point.

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You want McGee to start?  Over who?  I saw him get run over a couple times because he won't make a fundamental tackle.  He just tries to take out the guy's legs instead of hitting and wrapping.  He also got beat a couple times deep.  He's good, but he's not better than Vincent or Clements at this point.



That how Winfield tackles and he does a good job at it. McGee makes mistakes, but the guy is a ball-hawk.

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There is no way you can blame that TD on McGee.  We max blitzed and didn't come close to getting pressure on Brady.





What!?! We may have blitzed but that doesn't mean McGee shouldn't be in the same zip code as the WR who caught the TD. He wasn't within 10 yards of him.


Oh, I get it, whenever there's a "golden boy", a player people like, it's somehow always somebody else's fault when they don't produce. Whatever. Sure, the blitzing D that didn't get pressure hurts the D backs...but it doesn't excuse them from doing their jobs. McGee started backpeddling when the WR was cutting across the field on a slant...he recognized the route way too late and because he was so deep he ended up getting caught behind another D back and another Pat WR...but it most certainly was McGees fault he wasn't in the same time zone as the WR...uh huh :P

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