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Coy Wire may start

Kelly the Dog

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LOL!  'Ol Dick's just trying to bait BB into devising the first NFL game plan in history to employ the TE in 100% of the offensive plays.  Might actually work too, even if DW plays a majority of the snaps...



Why would you start someone listed 3rd on the depth chart when #2 is healthy???

Actually, as we all know, 3rd is higher than his actual talent at SS.

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Nuff said.  NE has to throw all day long and will vomplete 100% of their deep middle passes.



Pne hopes that BB buys this intelligence laid out by Jauron to fool BB into preparing a buncg of pass plays to pick on Wire and instead the Cover 2 is set-up to pinch a bunch o passes.


You were fooling about this wern't you DJ?

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Pne hopes that BB buys this intelligence laid out by Jauron to fool BB into preparing a buncg of pass plays to pick on Wire and instead the Cover 2 is set-up to pinch a bunch o  passes.


You were fooling about this wern't you DJ?



You WERE'NT fooling about this WERE you DJ ?


Cover 2 is Coy Wire's ticket to the Pro Bowl.

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Oh sure, Dick Jauron has been "a top Defensive mind for 45 years" and "working in the NFL" and may have even "actually played football".


But *I* have been hard at work sitting on my ass watching games on TV, reading the Interweb and drinking Labbat Blue's and I know this much - COY WIRE MUST NOT START!  Clearly with my background I know more than 'ol Jauronamo does  ;)


Also, LOL @ detoxsmurf's post...



Holy sh--! Where have YOU been, man?


welcome back

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He's been looking for his cooler...


Exactly - all the way up in VT. It's long gone, but so is the girl it was dedicated to, so all is right in the universe...


Nah, I've been around. I stop in and post every once in a while - I finally got a nice laptop that I can drag around with me, so I'll stop in and post more. Unfortunately I'm a little far from the stadium to make game days!


Fear not though, there are about 12 of us up here that hold it down at a local bar on Sundays!


Seriously though it feels good have some optimisim about the team again. I actually believe we're going to be, dare I say it, good this year. Or at the very least competitive!


Hope all is well with all y'all...

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This is Richard Jaurons really misguided attempt to be "Belichikesque", messing with his potential starting lineup and such. Next we'll see that Coy is listed as "doubtful" or "probable", as if it means anything at all. A "doubtful" Coy is the same as an "out" Coy.


He's trying to get coach B to change his gameplan from a 60/40 pass/run to a plan only known as the "Deliver Coy to his maker plan" or "Lets pass deep on the strong safety side all fuc_ing day plan"


Final Score prediction now:


Patriots (Ditka) 89

Coy -23

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CW did end James Stewart's career with perhaps the best stand-up tackle I've ever seen.  He just obliterated the guy and shattered his shoulder and collarbone.  In the preseason.


I agree he sucks - I'm just sayin'.



I've made the following thought public several times now and here it is again. The only way Brady has a bad day is if he suffers double compound fractures of both femurs on the same play. The refs would have to "put down" Brady like they do a horse at a racetrack if it breaks its legs. All the sad lousy NE fans would be cryin in their clam chowdah.

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CW did end James Stewart's career with perhaps the best stand-up tackle I've ever seen.  He just obliterated the guy and shattered his shoulder and collarbone.  In the preseason.


I agree he sucks - I'm just sayin'.



Why not assign someone to go after Brady on every play with the idea of obliterating him. One good hit early and it's a different game. In that regard, Brady reminds me of Marino; he could dish it out but he couldn't take it.

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I've made the following thought public several times now and here it is again.  The only way Brady has a bad day is if he suffers double compound fractures of both femurs on the same play.  The refs would have to "put down" Brady like they do a horse at a racetrack if it breaks its legs.  All the sad lousy NE fans would be cryin in their clam chowdah.







What is the over-under on the number of punts the Bills D forces on Sunday? I say 2.

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I've made the following thought public several times now and here it is again.  The only way Brady has a bad day is if he suffers double compound fractures of both femurs on the same play.  The refs would have to "put down" Brady like they do a horse at a racetrack if it breaks its legs.  All the sad lousy NE fans would be cryin in their clam chowdah.


No see, that's when they bring in Tedy to lay hands on Tom and heal the lame, ya know right after he walks on water, turns it into wine, and makes the blind see.

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