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Top 10 Coolest Actors Of All Time


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Almost too cliche to mention but there ain't no one cooler than Bogart in Casablanca.


Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?

Rick: If I gave you any thought, I probably would.



Good one.


Some of the choices in this thread make me wonder what some people's operating definition of "cool" is. James Caan in "Godfather"? :doh: He wasn't cool, he was exactly the opposite: hot-headed and out-of-control.

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Good one.


Some of the choices in this thread make me wonder what some people's operating definition of "cool" is.  James Caan in "Godfather"?  :P  He wasn't cool, he was exactly the opposite: hot-headed and out-of-control.



Exactly. Cool and badass are NOT the same thing.


Just like whoever put Worm (from Rounders) on that list. Worm is not cool -- Damon in that movie is. Worm is a screwup.


And Kelly is right. No one is cooler than Bogey in Casablanca. Rick did EVERYTHING cool -- ran guns, fought Nazis, ran an illegal casino, got the girl AND gave her away. He's the man.

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No one is cooler than Bogey in Casablanca. Rick did EVERYTHING cool -- ran guns, fought Nazis, ran an illegal casino, got the girl AND gave her away. He's the man.


Yeah, gave away the girl to start a beautiful friendship with the inspector (not that there's anything wrong with that). :P:D


Much as I LOVE Casablanca and he was uber cool in it, I think he was even cooler in The Maltese Falcon.

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Yeah, gave away the girl to start a beautiful friendship with the inspector (not that there's anything wrong with that). :P  :D


Much as I LOVE Casablanca and he was uber cool in it, I think he was even cooler in The Maltese Falcon.


Pretty close, and they were both great flicks. But I personally think he was way cooler in Casablanca because he was uber cool even when things totally sucked. When Ilsa first came back and he was drinking with himself and making Sam play the song was pretty damn cool even at his lowest point. Easier to be cool when you're cracking heads and cases.

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And Kelly is right. No one is cooler than Bogey in Casablanca. Rick did EVERYTHING cool -- ran guns, fought Nazis, ran an illegal casino, got the girl AND gave her away. He's the man.



He's just like other men, but more so.

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Pretty close, and they were both great flicks. But I personally think he was way cooler in Casablanca because he was uber cool even when things totally sucked. When Ilsa first came back and he was drinking with himself and making Sam play the song was pretty damn cool even at his lowest point. Easier to be cool when you're cracking heads and cases.


Good point... really both performances are at the top of my cool list, with his Phillip Marlowe in The Big Sleep probably just outside the Top 10.
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I think there is a big difference between crying and being reemed in the butt.




I agree. Bawling about milk in a chick flick is something you do. While getting reemed is something that is done to you. Cool isn't defined by what is done to you, it's defined by how you react to it; i.e. what you do. Besides, it's probably safe to assume that River did some voluntary reeming of his own.


Just some quick questions, Did you take any turns in prison? And do you find the Brokeback Cowboys to be cool?

No, I've never been reemed in prison and no, I've never seen Brokeback Cowboys.

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Exactly. Cool and badass are NOT the same thing.


Just like whoever put Worm (from Rounders) on that list. Worm is not cool -- Damon in that movie is. Worm is a screwup.


And Kelly is right. No one is cooler than Bogey in Casablanca. Rick did EVERYTHING cool -- ran guns, fought Nazis, ran an illegal casino, got the girl AND gave her away. He's the man.



Okay, i think i put down the wrong movie for Edward Norton by putting down Rounders. That was my mistake, and i was wrong about that. But Sonny Corleone is cool, and i will explain why...


- He slept with the maid of honor at his sisters wedding

- Hit Carlo with the trash can lid

- Delivered the line "Get off your ass"

- He was going to inherit the family until he was murdered.


He was a smooth guy with a temper. Clint Eastwood was a bad ass in the majority of his films that are listed on this thread, but some how he is still cool? How does this work exactly?

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Okay, i think i put down the wrong movie for Edward Norton by putting down Rounders. That was my mistake, and i was wrong about that. But Sonny Corleone is cool, and i will explain why...


- He slept with the maid of honor at his sisters wedding

- Hit Carlo with the trash can lid

- Delivered the line "Get off your ass"

- He was going to inherit the family until he was murdered.


He was a smooth guy with a temper. Clint Eastwood was a bad ass in the majority of his films that are listed on this thread, but some how he is still cool? How does this work exactly?


Because Sonny wasn't cool -- he was the opposite. He was powerful, yes. Could get women, yes. But he didn't have the ability to be anything but badass. He had two levels: Violent -- and Murderous.


Michael on the other hand is cool. He is badass when he needs to be, but also smooth. Best example, the scene in Vegas. Imagine if Sonny had been in that room when Mo Green laughed. Sonny would have shot him then and there -- not cool. Instead, Michael stared him down and told him how it was going to be. Much cooler -- then killed him.


Cool to me does not = ability to kick ass. Cool = the ability to do whatever you want, when you want and HOW you want. George Clooney as Jack Foley in Out of Sight is cool. He robbed over 200 banks without using a gun. Just by using his wits. He broke out of jail, nailed a federal marshal and robbed over 5 million in diamonds while saving a woman in distress. That is cool.


If Jack Foley and Sony were competing over the same woman, Foley would win every time -- and make Sony think it was for the best. What moves does Sony have other than going for the gun?


However, if Foley and Michael were competing over the same broad -- well, that might be more interesting. IMO

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Good point... really both performances are at the top of my cool list, with his Phillip Marlowe in The Big Sleep probably just outside the Top 10.



I think what this shows is that you can't get cooler than Bogey -- no matter what the role :w00t:


He is even cool in Angels With Dirty Faces when he is playing a weasel.

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Because Sonny wasn't cool -- he was the opposite. He was powerful, yes. Could get women, yes. But he didn't have the ability to be anything but badass. He had two levels: Violent -- and Murderous.


Michael on the other hand is cool. He is badass when he needs to be, but also smooth. Best example, the scene in Vegas. Imagine if Sonny had been in that room when Mo Green laughed. Sonny would have shot him then and there -- not cool. Instead, Michael stared him down and told him how it was going to be. Much cooler -- then killed him.


Cool to me does not = ability to kick ass. Cool = the ability to do whatever you want, when you want and HOW you want. George Clooney as Jack Foley in Out of Sight is cool. He robbed over 200 banks without using a gun. Just by using his wits. He broke out of jail, nailed a federal marshal and robbed over 5 million in diamonds while saving a woman in distress. That is cool.


If Jack Foley and Sony were competing over the same woman, Foley would win every time -- and make Sony think it was for the best. What moves does Sony have other than going for the gun?


However, if Foley and Michael were competing over the same broad -- well, that might be more interesting. IMO



So are you saying you don't find Tony Soprano to be cool?

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Benicio Del Toro is Usual Suspects? Please. Gabriel Byrne & Kevin Pollack are way cooler in that movie.


Kevin Spacey was too, but he was way cooler in L.A.Confidential & American Beauty.


Robert Shaw in Jaws, and let's not forget him in The Sting. "Ya Falla?"


Tim Roth in Rob Roy.


I agree also on the omission of Harrison Ford as Han Solo, but come on people how about DARTH VADER!!!!! Just give him a duo credit with David Prowse & James Earl Jones. Come on everyone: "Do'nt be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet, is insignificant, next to the power of the Force."


Christopher Lee in anything.

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Tony IS cool. Because Tony is much more Michael than he is Sonny. If anyone in Tony's crew is Sony, it's Paulie Walnuts. Do you think Paulie is cool?



A lot of the characteristics of Sonny are found in Tony Soprano. He killed Ralph out of simple rage as a result of the horse. That is something Sonny would have done.


I think what i am trying to say is Sonny is not cool because he is smooth or what not, i think Sonny is cool because he is the bad ass just like Clint Eastwood. Doesn't put up with sh-- from anybody, always gets the girl if one is involved, and he's never afraid to throw down for something he believes in. Now that my friend, is very cool.

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