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Any "Better Off Dead" fans?

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KD, you beat me to it!


"I just feel that it's in my best interest if I dated someone who's more popular, better looking, and drives a nicer car." -- Beth


I don't know HOW many times I watched that movie my sophomore year of college.


BTW, the girl who played Beth was Amanda Wyss, who was also Freddy Krueger's very first victim.



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KD, you beat me to it!


"I just feel that it's in my best interest if I dated someone who's more popular, better looking, and drives a nicer car." -- Beth


I don't know HOW many times I watched that movie my sophomore year of college.


BTW, the girl who played Beth was Amanda Wyss, who was also Freddy Krueger's very first victim.




She also was Woody's girlfriend from back in Hanover on Cheers.


EDIT: She also dumped Brad in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Edited by dave_b
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