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Marv Sux?


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I have noticed an awful lot of Marv knocking & am honestly interested to find out if there is any credence to it.

Marv would have to be considered a legend to the team so....why the knocking?


I know he's old so let's leave that reason out.

Personally I intend to live a long, long time & don't plan on stopping doing the things I love or doing them well(assuming I do them well already)


I fully understand skepticism towards him as a GM but I honestly don't understand why some sectors are lambasting him.


Is there something about him I don't know?


Please advise.

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Beacuse he's old... :lol:


Think about it, didn't you think you're grandparents became dumber as they grew older.  :w00t:



I did say besides the age reason.....because....

Everything is percentages. Most old people "get dumber" as you put it but, at what age does that happen? How quickly does it happen?

It happens quicker in some than others.

It happens to a greater degree in some than others.

In some, it never happens at all.


How do we know how much age has affected Marv? (& there is no arguement that he has been a brilliant man throughout his life)

Is he affected?

I don't know.

Do You? :D

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I have noticed an awful lot of Marv knocking & am honestly interested to find out if there is any credence to it.

Marv would have to be considered a legend to the team so....why the knocking?


I know he's old so let's leave that reason out.

Personally I intend to live a long, long time & don't plan on stopping doing the things I love or doing them well(assuming I do them well already)


I fully understand skepticism towards him as a GM but I honestly don't understand why some sectors are lambasting him.


Is there something about him I don't know?


Please advise.



Some people around here think Marv the Head Coach was overrated - that Polian and the players were the reason for Marv's success. The Super Bowl losses still sting with these people - his perceived inability to control his partying team or outwit opposing Hall of Fame coaches (Gibbs and Parcells).


Now these same people see Marv the GM as little more than a desperate PR move on Ralph's part.


Some of the Marv haters are also nothing more than bitter TD apologists, and others are just a-holes who haven't been getting any lately from the wife. Take their sh-- for what it's worth.

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Some people around here think Marv the Head Coach was overrated - that Polian and the players were the reason for Marv's success. The Super Bowl losses still sting with these people - his perceived inability to control his partying team or outwit opposing Hall of Fame coaches (Gibbs and Parcells).


Now these same people see Marv the GM as little more than a desperate PR move on Ralph's part.




Good point, I hadn't really considered that. I guess it is now(& will always be) simple conjecture on how good a coach he was.

Regarding the Super Bowl losses though, personally I've always felt that we were unlucky against the Giant(we had the better team) but against the Skins & Boys, we were basically outclassed(they had the better team).


I view it that even if his appointment to GM is a desperate PR move, that doesn't mean he can't/won't do a O.K./good/great job, it just means his appointment to the possition was not fully based on his merits.

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I have noticed an awful lot of Marv knocking & am honestly interested to find out if there is any credence to it.

Marv would have to be considered a legend to the team so....why the knocking?


I know he's old so let's leave that reason out.

Personally I intend to live a long, long time & don't plan on stopping doing the things I love or doing them well(assuming I do them well already)


I fully understand skepticism towards him as a GM but I honestly don't understand why some sectors are lambasting him.


Is there something about him I don't know?


Please advise.



It's deep seated in the belief that Buffalo is not worthy.

Some people think that the sun doesn't shine in Western New York, it just glows.

They think that there is no opportunity to succeed on the Niagra Frontier, just a slim chance to survive.

They put their false hopes in dreams spun by those in whom they suspend their disbelief and hang on their every word and adore simply because they are from "away" and are obviously more knowledgeable and sophisticated.


Those people are not like me. For I have discovered Rumplemintz! :D

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I am one of those people who thinks Marv was overrated as a coach. Coming away from 4 SB's with just 1 ring would have helped me give Marv the benefit of the doubt here. The SB, more than any other game, is about coaching, and I just think an 0-4 record is an indictment.


I also think that Ralph's selection of Marv as a GM was a direct result of Ralph's experience with TD - Ralph was looking for an "anti-TD" and he went back to the only guy he could think of and was personally comfortable with. He wanted a commodity that was known to him and Marv fit the bill - forget about the fact that he had no experience running an NFL franchise or even an NFL personnel department.


I want Marv to succeed as GM because I love the Bills. But I do find it funny that among many here, Marv can do no wrong.

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I've decided to do something real cool regarding Marv....I'm gonna give him a chance!!! I know this is a strange concept to some of you? It funny how many expert GM's there are on this board!! The NFL should feel proud.



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I've decided to do something real cool regarding Marv....I'm gonna give him a chance!!! I know this is a strange concept to some of you? It funny how many expert GM's there are on this board!! The NFL should feel proud.




Amen to that.

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I like Marv. I think he knows what it takes to be successful in this league; he's intelligent and knows how to run a football operation. All the press conferences suggest he knows what he's doing. With Modrak they're fine. I have no regrets about Ralph making that move; it was probably the best temporary measure with ol whitey on the way out. I'm pulling for the Ralph and Marv twins. You never hear grumbles about Al Davis and he's up there with them.

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I did say besides the age reason.....because....

Everything is percentages.  Most old people "get dumber" as you put it but, at what age does that happen?  How quickly does it happen? 

It happens quicker in some than others.

It happens to a greater degree in some than others.

In some, it never happens at all.


How do we know how much age has affected Marv? (& there is no arguement that he has been a brilliant man throughout his life)

Is he affected?

I don't know.

Do You?  :doh:



You only have to look at this years free agency. While talent has left the organization none has been brought in. The big Marv signing is Nall? A scrub third stringer who got no consideration in Green Bay? Green Bay knows a lot more about QB talent then the Marv and Co. so that should tell you something.


Marv was clearly overwhelmed by the speed of free agency. He has never had to deal with that. While coaching he had Polian feeding him talent. Polian handed him HOF talent and Marv's record is what it is. Good or bad depending on your thoughts on that.


The Bills had a chance to start fresh. By not searching the league for GM talent Ralph has set this franchise back years.

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I think most of it is just that it is the off season. It is exacerbated by the fact that the Bills had a terrible season, after there was so much hope last September.


Everyone and everything from the owner to the turf will be ripped and burned - Marv is just an easy target right now.


Based on your avatar, shouldn't you name be Cerebus? :doh:


I have noticed an awful lot of Marv knocking & am honestly interested to find out if there is any credence to it.

Marv would have to be considered a legend to the team so....why the knocking?


I know he's old so let's leave that reason out.

Personally I intend to live a long, long time & don't plan on stopping doing the things I love or doing them well(assuming I do them well already)


I fully understand skepticism towards him as a GM but I honestly don't understand why some sectors are lambasting him.


Is there something about him I don't know?


Please advise.


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There are two camps:


1. People who like Marv because he hasn't lost a game.


2. People who dislike Marv because he hasn't won a game.



Then, of course, there is the smaller camp of people who will reserve judgement until the conclusion of the first game.

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I have no clue why there has been so much Marv bashing. I mean, come on guys, give the guy a break! He led our team through the glory years, and alot of you are throwing him under the bus just because you're not thrilled with his current moves. Heck, we gave Donahoe more of a chance than we are giving our HOF coach! It's not like ML is inheriting a great situation. Let's give him at least 2 years before we go bashing his regime! LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!

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You only have to look at this years free agency. While talent has left the organization none has been brought in. The big Marv signing is Nall? A scrub third stringer who got no consideration in Green Bay? Green Bay knows a lot more about QB talent then the Marv and Co. so that should tell you something.


Marv was clearly overwhelmed by the speed of free agency. He has never had to deal with that. While coaching he had Polian feeding him talent. Polian handed him HOF talent and Marv's record is what it is. Good or bad depending on your thoughts on that.


The Bills had a chance to start fresh. By not searching the league for GM talent Ralph has set this franchise back years.



Uh, what about Tripplett, Royal and Davis?


Tripplett is an upgrade over Adams - Royal is a definite upgrade over Campbell (esp as a blocker & there is potential in Everett), they franchised Clements, Andre Davis may be the other burner they need to stretch the defense.


Please explain what Marv should/could have done differently? Free agency isn't like grocery shopping (or Madden), it's a competetive market place of zero sum games, and most often it is out of your control.


Your just sour grapes until you can rationally explain what you would have done differently up till now.

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