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The FBI should be all over the SB investigation!


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same call was made in the Cincy/Pit game


One call that clearly appeared erroneous came after that penalty, when Hasselbeck threw an interception to Pittsburgh's Ike Taylor, then made the tackle but was called for a block below the waist, giving the Steelers an extra 15 yards. They scored soon afterward on a pass from Antwaan Randle El to Hines Ward. Replays showed Hasselbeck never made contact with the player he was supposed to have hit illegally, instead going straight to Taylor to make the tackle.

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Either the game was fixed or the NFL's best refs are incredibly incompetent. Either way its not good. Yet another blow to my wanning interest in the NFL. Between rigged games. Commercials up the ying yang. Trash talking moronic atheletes. And finally a Bills team that is getting worse instead of better, Im just about done with the NFL.

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It seems like the outrage over the favortism bestowed upon Pittsburgh is quieting- no !@#$ing way should it!  The FBI should investigate.  It reaks of a fix.  If so it would be one of the biggest scandals in American history.  Billions and billions of dollars are bet on the Superbowl. I cannot beleive the NFL has yet to make a statement.  I am pretty damn sure the refs threw the "just give it to them"  Bills-Pats game.  I am damn near postive the refs fixed this game.  Let the investigation begin!  Let the heads roll!


If the FBI got involved, it would mean that the US admits to illegal gambling. It is a catch-22. Everyone knows the game was fixed, and Pittsburgh got a lovefest, but that is where it ends. It will always be in the books with an asterik. Like the tuck game for the Pats.

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It seems like the outrage over the favortism bestowed upon Pittsburgh is quieting- no !@#$ing way should it!  The FBI should investigate.  It reaks of a fix.  If so it would be one of the biggest scandals in American history.  Billions and billions of dollars are bet on the Superbowl. I cannot beleive the NFL has yet to make a statement.  I am pretty damn sure the refs threw the "just give it to them"  Bills-Pats game.  I am damn near postive the refs fixed this game.  Let the investigation begin!  Let the heads roll!




I agree fully. I would love ot see this stuff exposed. No way was that a fair called game.


Was it a fix, or just piss porr officiating, but with billions of $$$ involved I'm sure those peopl ewho decide who looks into this stuff are involved and we'll never know for sure.



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It seems like the outrage over the favortism bestowed upon Pittsburgh is quieting- no !@#$ing way should it!  The FBI should investigate.  It reaks of a fix.  If so it would be one of the biggest scandals in American history.  Billions and billions of dollars are bet on the Superbowl. I cannot beleive the NFL has yet to make a statement.  I am pretty damn sure the refs threw the "just give it to them"  Bills-Pats game.  I am damn near postive the refs fixed this game.  Let the investigation begin!  Let the heads roll!


There were questionable calls, mistakes, etc....there was no favoritism.

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It couldn't hurt to have the FBI investigate the banking records of the refs and see if any money has changed hands. Lets get rid of any bad apples if they exist so we can move forward without suspicions.


The possibility of corrupt refs. does exist and the NFL would be wise to do regular audits of refs to insure a clean game and maintain a squeaky clean image.

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Guest BackInDaDay



...the reason the bill's dont win is because the whole thing's a money laundering operation set up by Ralph Wilson (real name - Ruggerio Wilso) back in the early '60s for the Cosa Nostra. FBI's got dirt on Rugs (aka) since he held those mob meetings in upstate NY 50 years ago.


... now get outta here!

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...the reason the bill's dont win is because the whole thing's a money laundering operation set up by Ralph Wilson (real name - Ruggerio Wilso) back in the early '60s for the Cosa Nostra.  FBI's got dirt on Rugs (aka) since he held those mob meetings in upstate NY 50 years ago. 


... now get outta here!


They put money in the laundry? wouldnt that get ink all over the clothes? :lol:

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Wow. I've heard of messed up conspiracy theories before, but this one's out there. :lol:


BY FAR, the worst call in this year's playoffs was when the Steelers got hosed out of an INT late in the Colts game. The right call was made on the field and the refs overturned it after looking at the replay. No one rooting for or betting on Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl will have any sympathy for Seahawks whiners after that debacle.


The 2nd worst call of the playoffs was that offensive "pass interference" call in the Pats/ Broncos game that took away a long TD. Like most Bills fans, I was glad that the Pats finally got the wrong end of a bad call, especially after the Moulds "interference" penalty that cost the Bills a 1st down at the end of the Bills/Pats Sunday night game. Those calls were light years away from that Seahawks penalty. The WR clearly pushed off and the replay showed the Steelers guy's feet moving backwards to regain his balance.


Ben's TD run was very close, but the call on the field stands when there's no clear replay evidence. They would have scored from the 2 inch line on 4th down anyway.


The delay of game thing happens all the time, and I remember a game late this season or in the playoffs where a ref explained that the game clock actually expires a half or full second before the officials' on the field clock.


I was baffled by the clipping call on Hasselbeck after the INT like everyone else. Maybe the rules say it a penalty for trying to chop block?!?


The Vegas casinos/ oddsmakers make tons of money all the time because they know what they are doing. They move the lines before games to adjust for heavy betting and even things out. If the bookies were going to try to fix a game, wouldn't it make sense for them to favor the UNDERDOG?


The bottom line is that the Seahawks missed 2 field goals, squandered the final 2 minutes of the 1st half, dropped tons of passes, let up the longest TD run in SB history, threw an INT on a critical play near the endzone, and gave up a long TD pass by a WR on a trick play. They're lucky they didn't get blown out.

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Guest BackInDaDay
They put money in the laundry? wouldnt that get ink all over the clothes? :lol:





whaddayou, sum kinda wiseguy?


go on, beat it!

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