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What's w/the yapping about officiating..?


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A champion will overcome bad calls. Eff the Steelers, I could care less about them. But there's no question (in my mind anyways) that they were the better team from the better conference.


What referee forced the Seahawks to give up a 75-yd TD run? What referee told their safety and cornerback to bite on a reverse (handed off to a college QB) by a team who is notorious for running several trick plays EVERY game? What ref told Holmgren and Hasselbeck to consult Herman Edwards on their clock management? Did it get windy in the dome when the kicker missed two FG's? Did the ref make Seattle's punter boot it into the endzone six times?


I agree there were questionable calls...But dang it man, you have to overcome if you want to win. In the end, I guess complaining about it is easier.

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My take on the BR TD is simple. Initially the ref was signaling no TD, and was spotting the ball on the 2 inch line. As he was running towards the pile he changed it to TD, though the play was over. It wsa clear he knew he HAD to change the call because it is harder to overturn the TD versus having PIttsburgh needing evidence it was a TD. It was a bad call, bottom line.

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I agree there were questionable calls...But dang it man, you have to overcome if you want to win.  In the end, I guess complaining about it is easier.


I used to agree with you. The challenge is that the margin for error between winning and losing has shrunk a lot in the last 20 years, in every sport. It's not as easy to play 10% better than your opponents, you might only play 1-2% better, and if the bad calls influence the game by 5% against you, you lose.


Obviously I made up the percentages to illustrate the point.

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It's hard to "overcome" bad officiating when they keep screwing you over.



So the Seahawks were forced to go cry in the corner? Take another look at the game and realize how many different aspects of the game Seattle screwed up. They wasted many opportunities.


But, but, but....Roethlisberger was short! Wah wah. They lost by 11 and they gave up 14 on a 75-yard TD run and a wide receiver reverse option pass bomb for a TD. But they got screwed.

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Don't think so Darin. The calls were legit. You cannot tell from that replay that is was NOT a TD. On the other play you refer to , Madden said it wasn't a hold. Lincoln Kennedy ( a former NFL OL ) said it was. I've seen holding called for less. Bottom line-make a better play.  :D



Even if that was hold, which I do not believe it was, the holdee was OFFSIDE. When I first saw the flag, was sure it was gunna be offside Pitt. Now, I had 100% of my money on Pitt, so I was happy, but still felt bad call.


How about the non-call when Porter horse collared alexander in thr 4th. It wasnt even close. That tackle was the textbook grab the shouldre pads horse collar tackle tjhat the NFL said was banned this year. Banned until it is going to penalize the team they want to win the SB i guess


Now, I may be wrong, but I think to be called for the horsecollor, the tackler must also fall across the back of the legs of the guy getting tackled.


Someone mentioned the spot in the 1st qtr, thought it was an excellant spot, that fullback could have easily extended, but didn't.

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The biggest call of the game was the holding that negated a Seattle pass play to the Steelers 2 yard line. It's the SB, you don't call that crap. Unless it is a blatant hold, but the call was questionable at best. Porter's acting and falling to the ground drew that flag. Let the players decide the outcome, not the zebra's. Instead of first and goal on the 2, it's second and twenty against a blitz happy team which eventually led to an interception. Plus add on 15 for an illegal block, I thought you had to make contact in order to have an illegal block? Which of course led to the nail in the coffin trick play. Seattle would have most likely taken the lead and would have made the game a little more exciting. The other calls could have gone either way, but this was the game deciding call.

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So the Seahawks were forced to go cry in the corner?  Take another look at the game and realize how many different aspects of the game Seattle screwed up.  They wasted many opportunities.


But, but, but....Roethlisberger was short!  Wah wah.  They lost by 11 and they gave up 14 on a 75-yard TD run and a wide receiver reverse option pass bomb for a TD.  But they got screwed.

Doesn't matter. Sure Seattle did things to screw-up themselves, but it's not like Pgh with their sham TD run by Roethlisberger (who incidentally had a 22.9 QB rating, which is beyond pathetic), lucky 75-yard run, and gimmick WR option pass, were so thoroughly dominating that ANY one of the numerous bad calls couldn't have changed the outcome of the game. I mean the score was 14-10 going into the 4th quarter, DESPITE all the points the refs screwed the Seahawks out of prior to that. What more do you want to hear? I know you either wanted Pgh to win and/or had money on the game, but be realistic and admit the officiating sucked, just like the rest of the country realizes.

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Doesn't matter.  Sure Seattle did things to screw-up themselves, but it's not like Pgh with their sham TD run by Roethlisberger (who incidentally had a 22.9 QB rating, which is beyond pathetic), lucky 75-yard run, and gimmick WR option pass, were so thoroughly dominating that ANY one of the numerous bad calls couldn't have changed the outcome of the game.  I mean the score was 14-10 going into the 4th quarter, DESPITE all the points the refs screwed the Seahawks out of prior to that.  What more do you want to hear?  I know you either wanted Pgh to win and/or had money on the game, but be realistic and admit the officiating sucked, just like the rest of the country realizes.



Didn't Rothlesberger scramble for a drive-sustaining 1st down because of an incredibly obvious holding call as well? I distinctly recall a Seattle CB or safety in position to stop Rothlesberger about two yards short of the 1st down getting wrapped up and taken down from behind by a receiver on one play...

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Didn't Rothlesberger scramble for a drive-sustaining 1st down because of an incredibly obvious holding call as well?  I distinctly recall a Seattle CB or safety in position to stop Rothlesberger about two yards short of the 1st down getting wrapped up and taken down from behind by a receiver on one play...

Probably. There were other plays I remember seeing at the time and saying "yeah, THAT'S not a penalty," but the ones I mentioned were the most egregious.


Again, this was a game that was 14-10 going into the 4th quarter, with the Seahawks having been screwed-over numerous times. For anyone to say that the officiating didn't cost the Seahawks the game, they don't the game of football.

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Probably.  There were other plays I remember seeing at the time and saying "yeah, THAT'S not a penalty," but the ones I mentioned were the most egregious.


Again, this was a game that was 14-10 going into the 4th quarter, with the Seahawks having been screwed-over numerous times.  For anyone to say that the officiating didn't cost the Seahawks the game, they don't the game of football.



Well...I wouldn't say the officiating "cost" the Seahawks the game...if only because one changed call can impact the game later drastically and unpredictably (for example...if Rothlesberger is called down instead of scoring the TD, the Steelers go for it on 4th and goal...either they score and kickoff, or turn it over on downs, and Seattle's play-calling is drastically different either way, either for being backed up in their end zone or for having a minute less in the half.)


But the officiating indisputably sucked to Seattle's detriment. Calling an illegal block on a tackle... :D

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Well...I wouldn't say the officiating "cost" the Seahawks the game...

You can't say anything for certain. But even if we ignored everything that happened up until that Seattle drive that ended in Hasselbeck being called for a PF on a perfectly legal hit, that horribly-officiated drive alone probably cost them the game. The refs missed 2 offsides by Haggans (one on that play where he was allegedly held), called that phantom hold that negated a pass to the 1-yard line, from which the Seahawks probably score the go-ahead TD, and then after Hasselbeck throws the INT and legally tackles the defender at the 29 yard line, another 15 yards gets tacked-on on a BS penalty, to put the Steelers close to midfield. That's a HUGE change of field position, and as a result, the Steelers scored the game-clinching TD.

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OK, now you're just pissing me off.


That was a forward pass, and illegal.


Well, sorry if thats the effect- none of the replays prove anything- nothing can be proved unless the camera is completely parallel with the yard line where the ball is thrown.


A calculus professor tried to put something together for a definitive answer- does this mean we should have calculus done at games?


Calls are what they are, and we have to accept them. Some will be wrong, but for the most part, we end up eating crow on disputed calls more than 90% of the time.


Like it or not, the officials see the game better than we do, and are very good at what they do.

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Like it or not, the officials see the game better than we do, and are very good at what they do.

Uh, that's so wrong I can't even BEGIN to tell you how wrong it is. Maybe on the rare play that gets reviewed an official has a better view of the game, but most of the time they don't because they don't have slo-mo of the play in real-time, and aren't in perfect position all the time.

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I thought there was bad calls, but they worked in both directions.

Does anyone remember the "fumble" by Jeremy Stevens that was called incomplete? That was at mid field and could have helped the Steelers a lot.


The push off in the endzone was pass interference. He did it two feet from the umpire and if it was against Buffalo this board would have crashed. The game was won by 11 points, not less than a score which makes the "holding" call come into play. I wanted Seattle to win, they blew it with poor clock management and too many dropped passes.

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the supebowl was a joke. Officating deserves all the negative comments it is getting. Calls were one sided in Pitts favor, and in a game when there is everything riding it is going to be magnified.


On the PI call the defender interfered by making contact after 5 yards, show me the rule that says contact is allowed after 5 yds, because it wasn't incidental.


That was a Seahawks TD, the penalty would have been denied, momentum would have swung towards the Seahawks and the outcome of the game could have changed.




No football fan should be ok with the present state of officiating. Especially after the superbowl

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Well, sorry if thats the effect- none of the replays prove anything- nothing can be proved unless the camera is completely parallel with the yard line where the ball is thrown.


A calculus professor tried to put something together for a definitive answer- does this mean we should have calculus done at games?


Calls are what they are, and we have to accept them. Some will be wrong, but for the most part, we end up eating crow on disputed calls more than 90% of the time.


Like it or not, the officials see the game better than we do, and are very good at what they do.



There WAS indisuptable photographic evidence of the forward lateral, whether you want to admit it or not.


What, is your father an NFL official or something? These guys STINK ON ICE.

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I agree. The only real bad call was the blocking below the waist.




Ummm...no. Every pivotal call in the game went against Seattle. A team can over come one or two horrilbe calls, but when every drive is thwarted by bogus calls, it raises a red flag in my book. Did Seattle screw up? Plenty. Could they have won the game if just one of those plays goes their way? Absolutely. Pittsburgh played as poorly as I've seen a SB winner play. Seattle won nearly every statistical category except for bull sh-- calls going their way.

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